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Hitler was right...

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That's what you've been taught in India, which is incorrect.

The Pan Indianists want everything originating in India, so cannot possibly have an Aryan race that would contradict everything Pan Indian. So, your intellectuals have created this nonsense about a "missing river", and Aryan meaning "nobility.

The Aryans were a group of people in history. They were not a nobility.
Any links/source please
^^ aryans,aryans,aryans......

i suppose aryans were humans too and were the descendants of those first humans who came out of africa !
that means africans were/are the first aryans ? .....


there are are lots of theories about aryans but the truth is that whatever regional or type of people say egyptians,asians,arabs,westerners etc whosoever becomes powerful tries to differentiate itself from other human beings by some way or other...

Race is not an invented concept. If you believe it is, you know nothing

sometimes it is due politics and sometimes it is due superiority complex,
and nothing more.
all this bs about this race and that race is false and induced in the society always by politicians of some sort,

Lunacy. Go look up the definition of race in a science magazine.

You clearly don't understand it.

we in India are now seeing practically that there is no difference at all and now its slowly but steadily becoming a common perception and it will bear fruitful results in future

You, in India, are some of the biggest proponents of ethnic bigotry on the planet, with your caste system.

whatever physical differences like color of skin,etc remain is due to the surrounding atmosphere/geography and nothing more , the dna of all human beings is alike

Like I said, you know nothing about race. You've just proved it by this post.

so the bs of mr hitler should not be concerned anymore
i suppose after sometime no more importance will be given to the difference
in religions and only good deeds of a human will be considered.

It looks like you don't know what race is, you don't know what Hitler said, you don't know what ethnic group or the caste system is.

all must say bye to hitler,osama,mullah omar,etc and their ideologies of hatred forever :smitten:

Bal Thackerey is conspiculously missing off that list.
Oh he sure was right! so DAMN right!!

Race is not an invented concept. If you believe it is, you know nothing

Lunacy. Go look up the definition of race in a science magazine.

You clearly don't understand it.

You, in India, are some of the biggest proponents of ethnic bigotry on the planet, with your caste system.

Like I said, you know nothing about race. You've just proved it by this post.

It looks like you don't know what race is, you don't know what Hitler said, you don't know what ethnic group or the caste system is.

Bal Thackerey is conspiculously missing off that list.

i didnt say that race is an invented concept, it is what others see as a difference because they dont know that it is actually not a different 'species' of humans what u and others were presenting are the past ill conceived notions about races ,

recent studies show that are races are subsets of african people and therefore of same parents., whatever changes are there could be differentiated if again the surrounding of a specimen is changed

even if u care to mention bal thakerey in that above list then u may have done a great service to humanity but that tells u agree to that previous list is what serves my purpose of writing on pakistan defence forum
i've only written in this forum about those culprits who directly effect pakistan and who enjoy some support in pakistan(dont tell me to give proof of that;) )

i will agree to the claim of racial difference if you or anybody provides a link which proves that racial difference is due to 'substantial' difference in human genes of different region people
otherwise i dont care to reply bs of hitler and his neocon followers
There were many things which were right of Hitler and for me he is a hero and no cruel racist.

Der schlimmste Feind des Friedens ist der Jude, und der schlimmste Feind des Juden der Frieden!
i didnt say that race is an invented concept, it is what others see as a difference because they dont know that it is actually not a different 'species' of humans what u and others were presenting are the past ill conceived notions about races ,

Do you know what a species is?

How does race have anything to do with species? DUHHHH

recent studies show that are races are subsets of african people and therefore of same parents., whatever changes are there could be differentiated if again the surrounding of a specimen is changed

Races are not subsets of any african parent. There's an out of africa theory. Now I might even believe this to be true. However, I do believe there's enough "genetic time" between the the rise of homo sapiens, and the modern day for there to have been evolution of devolution of homo sapiens os that different races have been made. This is scientifically proven.

i will agree to the claim of racial difference if you or anybody provides a link which proves that racial difference is due to 'substantial' difference in human genes of different region people
otherwise i dont care to reply bs of hitler and his neocon followers

Couldn't care less whether you agree to it or not.

You can find the information yourself. It's out there.

Plus the definition of substantial could be anything.
Race is not an invented concept. If you believe it is, you know nothing

Lunacy. Go look up the definition of race in a science magazine.

You clearly don't understand it.

You, in India, are some of the biggest proponents of ethnic bigotry on the planet, with your caste system.

Like I said, you know nothing about race. You've just proved it by this post.

It looks like you don't know what race is, you don't know what Hitler said, you don't know what ethnic group or the caste system is.

Bal Thackerey is conspiculously missing off that list.

Do you know what a species is?

How does race have anything to do with species? DUHHHH

Races are not subsets of any african parent. There's an out of africa theory. Now I might even believe this to be true. However, I do believe there's enough "genetic time" between the the rise of homo sapiens, and the modern day for there to have been evolution of devolution of homo sapiens os that different races have been made. This is scientifically proven.

Couldn't care less whether you agree to it or not.

You can find the information yourself. It's out there.

Plus the definition of substantial could be anything.
sir, if you know so much about "race" and "aryan race", why dont you support your argument with some source or a link.

I hope we can also learn somethings out of your sources.
I am fairly certain Mein Kampf was written before WW2. Did someone add final touches to the book?

This is the exact thing that I was wondering. Mein Kampf was written by Adolf Hitler while he was in jail, in the mid 1920s. I'm sure he was not sent to jail after he became the Fuhrer and initiated the 'holocaust'. Until that time, he had not even killed a fly, let alone millions of jews.

In our abhorrence of what the Israelis are doing to helpless Palestinians, we should not resort to making the likes of Hitler a hero.

That would be like praising the Phaoroh who persecuted the children of Israel during the time of Moses.

As muslims and above all as human beings, we must have teh courage to condemn evil and barabarity, no matter who the victim or perpetrator is.

Of course, many Jews around the world are not making this easier by openly supporting Israeli actions.

They have long traded upon the 'holocaust guilt' and have played politics with the dead jews of Aushwitz labour camp. That is particularly distatestful and wrong, but it still doesn't justify the final solution that was proposed for them during the Third Reich.
"I could have annihilated all the Jews in the world, but I left some of them alive so you will know why I was killing them..."
[Adolf Hitler; Mien Kampf]

... and time is proving Hitler's was right and West realised that even before, that is why they, very tactfully relocated them from europe to middle east. now the whole world has seen what they did to innocent people of Gaza but no country has raised her voice against zionist's brutality rather western media tried its best to cover up by hiding the facts.

please visit the following link to see glimpse of what evil zionist have done to innocent, i am sorry but due to image size restriction i could not upload the whole lot so saved as pdf at following link


and please always keep this mind that zionist evil nexus is now rapidly growing, i hope you already know who would be their likeminded friends

but shame on us Muslims we are still fragmented and thats exactly the enemies Islam want... wonder when we will unit to stand as one against all the odds

People like you should be in jail
Just because Jews are killing Muslims does not means Hitler killing of Jews was right. "Zulm" is bad even if it is done against our enemy.
I think what Hitler did to the Jews (after centuries of persecution in Europe) has made the Israelis paranoid about security. Not necessarily a bad thing. It is true for Pakistan too to a large extent.

Perhaps they react with disproportionate force and try to preempt any existential threat to themselves. And yes, any threat to them can quickly become that.

One can't really blame them to be distrustful for one and all, given their tragic history.
No one should be jailed because of his ideas.

People can openly criticize Islam, Judaism, Christianity. They can Insult Mohammad (saw), Moses (PBUH) & Jesus (PBUH).

But no one can question holocaust, you can go to jail for it in Europe, where is the freedom of speech?
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