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Hindu Nationalists Promote "Akhand Bharat" in Indian Textbooks

@Chak Bamu how to write a message to you? How to contact you in this Forum?
Just write my name in a post. I receive an alert and then I can contact you. But I am not here 24/7. Better use the thread "Whatever" in the Member's Club sub-forum. Go there now and just voice your concern and type my name. We can discuss there whatever you want. We do not want off-topic posts. I will have to delete this and your post that I am replying to after you do what I have asked you to do.
Well India can dream about anything they want and its there right so who gives a shit what they dream about... :-)
Read my post again with all the references and click on hyperlinks to check sources.

Haq's Musings: BJP Makes "Akhand Bharat" Part of Indian School Textbooks
Hindu Nationalists Promote "Akhand Bharat" in Indian Textbooks
this is your title..
i gave you --link of Indian Textbooks
NCERT is apex body for curriculam...
some state books may have some degree of vagueness but which is not accceptable..
if you really a nationalist prove from NCERT link above.. to prove indian doing wrong.
we will rectify it..
now you have to prove where is --Hindu Nationalists Promote "Akhand Bharat
by the way see who ply with history
Distorted History of Pakistan with Hassan Nisar Part 1

your links and your tille mismatch..
random incident cant make a rule....
in that case...
OBL found in pak.. mean all Pakistani terrorist.?
is it?

Indian arms buildup in pursuit of "Akhand Bharat"?

hope you understnad geopolitics..
Even If Pakistan Requests India To Take Over Pakistan, India Will Refuse - Pak Air Force Officer
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Come on guys.... None of us believe in this so called "Akhand Bharat" mantra...... I guess we should stop discussing it..... We have enough trouble with us, and it will take decades for us to resolve them.... The discussion should be how make this "Bharat" a better nation.....

I really feel funny when some one comes up with this " Akhand Bharat" concept......

Actually there is a concept, not in the line of Indian hegemony over other neighboring states but in the line of SAARC, with mutual cooperation and understanding is the way for prosperity. It is as same as old time. There were 'Bharat' which is the term of geographical area and memorizes countries and was united against any external enemy.(e.g Alexander)

But it is a far expectation even now since we saw how British got into India by dividing and rule. Even today, some major powers will not allow SAARC to become a power. But Modi loves the idea of the SAARC union.
Saffronisation of Education

It is not a mere coincidence that the historical revision of school textbooks by infusing them with a Hindu nationalist agenda has taken place during the two tenures of BJP govts: the Janata interregnum and the Vajpayee era. The BJP has made no secret of its ‘saffronisation’ agenda. Murli Manohar Joshi, the NDA HRD Minister, was responsible for making “the content of education in the primary, secondary and higher stages Indianised, nationalised and spiritualised.” Although NCERT books have reverted to original texts following NDA I’s demise, a similar agenda is visible in BJP ruled states even today.

For example, textbooks in Karnataka (where the BJP was in power till 2013) portray maps of India which depict only Hindu temples and shrines and refer to Muslim rulers such as Hyder Ali as ‘Shatru’ (enemy). Other examples include texts that refer to Christians and Muslims as ‘The World Outside’ while chapters on ‘Unity and Diversity’ refer only to Vedic traditions and disregard all other religions. Sufism is presented as a purely Hindu tradition, the Indus Valley civilisation is the ‘Sindhu-Saraswati’ civilisation, Mughal history occupy all of six pages and tigers refuse to eat cow meat because it is immoral. Christianity and Islam are vilified for their ‘immoral practices’ with barely a passing mention of the evils of the Hindu caste system, the mistreatment of Dalits and subaltern groups or untouchability. It isn’t just history books. Science textbooks in Class 9 proclaim Dronacharya to be ancient India’s first test tube baby: “One day Baradwaja went to the Ganges for a bath and saw a beautiful apsara named Ghritachi. He was overcome with desire, causing him to ejaculate. Baradawaja captured the fluid in an earthen pot [drone], from which Drona was born and took his name.” In math, the concept of zero is a ‘jewel of the Hindu mind’ and the achievements of ‘Hindu’ scientists are illustrated at the cost of contributions from Arabic or European scholars. Similarly, chapters on Biology end with Sanskrit quotes from saints and priests.

Incidentally, Narendra Modi’s life story is suggested reading at primary and secondary level schools in Gujarat. Class 7 textbooks in Gujarat introduce the Mughal rule with references to their ‘gaudy clothes’ and indulgence of ‘sensuous pleasures’ in the first line. The Solanki and Vaghela dynasties get 5 pages of space while the copious details of 400 years of Mughal and Sultanate rule occupy one paragraph. There are many other examples.

There is little doubt that a Modi-led BJP is likely to make another attempt at this falsification of school textbooks. As voters, you have a choice to make: Is this the communal bias which we wish to infuse the young and impressionable minds of children with?

Hindutva | A Conspiracy of Silence
wow..i'm shocked BJP also support our zaid hamid's Gazwa-e-Hind project?:o:
but pls someone inform them that we have planned to name it as greater pakistan or islamic stats of pakistan(ISP) after gazwae hind ,not akhand bharat
also akhand bharat does'nt suit becuase not evryone knows english neither in this region nor in other world,,so greater pakistan or islamic states of pakistan (ISP) is pretty good, also sir zaid hamid will not accept that name akhand bharat as he will be the khalifa of ISP after gazwae hind ..:enjoy:
(pic saying it all :cheers::pakistan:)
Zaid Hamid.jpg
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No they won't be more than 1/3 rd.

Nepal and Bhutan will also join.

Myanmar is also a possibility.

Muslims in India are more than 25% of the population. [ more than 315 million ]

I will create a new PS3 game called Akhand Bharat. India marches into Pakistan to conquer them. Next Bangladesh. Thereafter China and Afghanistan Move on towards Iran and the middle east. A separate column would be heading towards Russia. Then the Balkans. A combined population of some 3 billion at war with at least 20% able bodied serving soldiers. Tanks, warplanes, big big guns and not forgetting nukes going off every now and then. I guess a good starting price for the game would be US$12 ?

There are 350 million Muslims in india, 210 million in Pakistan,150 million in Bangladesh, and 50 million in Afghanistan

So Akhand Bharat comprised ofthese countries means Muslims are 45%+ of the total population of 1.67 billion
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Do you seriously believe in this BS?
Only awesome ppl like Riaz Haq believes in it. Other really dont care.

Infact, we r happy to see Pakistan becoming a buffer and taking shots of the historic North Western agressors. We wud never want to have border with Afgani militancy. Now u decide, do Indians want Akhand Bharat? Our offshoots have only given us a beautiful cushion. Be it Pakistan, Bangladesh or Nepal.
Haq's Musings: World Values Survey Finds Indians Most Racist

43.5% of Indians, the highest percentage in the world, say they do not want to have a neighbor of a different race, according to a Washington Post report based on World's Values Survey.

About Pakistan, the report says that "although the country has a number of factors that coincide with racial intolerance – sectarian violence, its location in the least-tolerant region of the world, low economic and human development indices – only 6.5 percent of Pakistanis objected to a neighbor of a different race. This would appear to suggest Pakistanis are more racially tolerant than even the Germans or the Dutch".

Housing Discrimination:

It appears that there is a small but militant minority in Pakistan that is highly intolerant, but the vast majority of people are tolerant. My own experience as a former Karachi-ite is that there is little or no race or religion based housing segregation, the kind that is rampant in India where Muslims are not welcome in most Hindu-dominated neighborhoods. There have been many reports of top Muslim Bollywood stars having difficulty finding housing in Mumbai's upscale neighborhoods. A common excuse used to exclude them is the ostensible requirement to be vegetarian to live there.

Source: World Values Survey and Washington Post

Hate Against Indian Muslims:

The idea of racial purity is central to Hindu nationalists in India who have a long history of admiration for Adolf Hitler, the Nazi leader, including his "Final Solution".

In his book "We" (1939), Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar, the leader of the Hindu Nationalist RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) wrote, "To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic races -- the Jews. Race pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindusthan to learn and profit by."

Caste-based Apartheid:

While Golwalar's principal target in the above paragraph were Indian Muslims, the treatment of lower caste Hindus in India also falls in the category of racism. The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) now includes discrimination based on caste. Dating back to 1969, the ICERD convention has been ratified by 173 countries, including India. Despite this, and despite the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights reiterating that discrimination based on work and descent is a form of racial discrimination, the Indian government's stand on this issue has remained the same: caste is not race.

Over 250 million people are victims of caste-based discrimination and segregation in India. They live miserable lives, shunned by much of society because of their ranks as untouchables or Dalits at the bottom of a rigid caste system in Hindu India. Dalits are discriminated against, denied access to land, forced to work in slave-like conditions, and routinely abused, even killed, at the hands of the police and of higher-caste groups that enjoy the state's protection, according to Human Rights Watch.

Gandhi's Disdain for Black Africans:

It's not just the Hindu Nationalists who are racists. Even Mohandas K. Gandhi, Mahatma or the Great Soul, was not immune to Indians' racist tendencies. In 1908, recording his first experience in a South African prison, Gandhi referred to black South Africans as "kaffirs". According Joseph Lelyveld, the author of "Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle With India", Gandhi wrote: "We were then marched off to prison intended for kaffirs. ..we could understand not being classed with the whites, but to be placed with the Natives seemed too much to put up with. It is indubitably right that Indians should have separate cells."


The findings of World's Values Survey on India are well-supported by other evidence such as the Hindutva ideology as spelled out by RSS leader Golwalkar, the existence of widespread caste-based discrimination classified as racism by the United Nations and lots of other anecdotal evidence. Just this month, Indian racism was on full display at a lavish Indian wedding in South Africa where guests flown in from India refused to be served by black waiters and drivers.

Let me conclude this post with a video interview of Professor Ahmad Hasan Dani who attended Banaras Hindu University (BHU) and studied archaeology, and said that he was ostracized and treated as a pariah by Hindu students and faculty at BHU. He was not allowed to sit and eat with his fellow students, he was asked to keep his plates and dishes separate in his room, and required to stand outside the dining hall to be served his meal and then wash the dishes himself. Later, when he graduated at the top of the archaeology class, he was offered a faculty position, but the University head and former president of India Radhakrishnan told him that he would be paid a salary but he would not be allowed to teach. Here is a video clip of late Prof Dani talking about it:

Haq's Musings: World Values Survey Finds Indians Most Racist
Among the many ethnic, nationalities in India, which ethnic race which once controlled Tibet?
The ancient Indians rarely recorded history, no wonder there will be this kind of thinking.:crazy_pilot:
Big Hindustan than Pan-Turkism is more unrealistic,
India's main ethnic groups, only 40%, right?
In addition, until the arrival of the British, India, just a region, not a country
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Hindu Nationalists Promote "Akhand Bharat" in Indian Textbooks
this is your title..
i gave you --link of Indian Textbooks
NCERT is apex body for curriculam...
some state books may have some degree of vagueness but which is not accceptable..
if you really a nationalist prove from NCERT link above.. to prove indian doing wrong.
we will rectify it..
now you have to prove where is --Hindu Nationalists Promote "Akhand Bharat
by the way see who ply with history
Distorted History of Pakistan with Hassan Nisar Part 1

your links and your tille mismatch..
random incident cant make a rule....
in that case...
OBL found in pak.. mean all Pakistani terrorist.?
is it?

hope you understnad geopolitics..
Even If Pakistan Requests India To Take Over Pakistan, India Will Refuse - Pak Air Force Officer
Reminder 1
Please let me know from standard books which most india follows .. NCERT .....where is Akhand bharat..
links of text book again..
National Council Of Educational Research And Training :: Home
you cant generalised india based on ONE example...
Man who got Wendy Doniger pulped is made ‘must reading’ in Gujarat schools | The Indian Express
if you still insist on above .. whats your view on OBL...? mruder of US journlist Daneil pearl .. etc
is it mean all pakistannis are terrorist?
hope i will get reply
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