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Hindu Extremists Attack Christians Gathered for “Mediation Meeting” in India

Two days back a christian pastors tried to convert hindus in tirumala. He even said venkateswara idol is nothing but a black stone. He made a documentary of his evangelism. He removed his documentary from youtube.

The christians here will tell you its because of "poverty" and that is why its all right :coffee:
haha. You forget that the same people who voted him in will vote him out.
Modi was voted on the plank of development. As soon as is seen to be diverting from that plank, the same hindus will kick him out. You do not speak for me. So I suggest you keep a lid on your make India a mirror image of Pakistan project. We are a secular country whose constitution gives people rights to profess their faith. If you don't agree, get out of my country.
It is the Hindus who voted him to power not seculars or minorities.The minorities as usual were voting the secular parties nothing different this time too, only difference was hindus irrespective of caste joined and voted as hindu vote bank and you see the results of that tsunami every secular party was washed away.
Like it or not we are still 80/% of India and we call the shots.Not some secular or minority.

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