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Henry Kissinger: Iran 'A Bigger Problem Than ISIS'

Then why is the world is willing to cooperate with Iran against Turkey and it's military front Isis. Even the US is considering limited cooperation with Iran to counter Turkic supported terrorists. That really says something about the level of confidence the rest of the world has on turkey. The Us and Europe are even arming and training the Kurds which will eventually turn on you. And no, getting mad on the internet does not change the facts
ISIS is also security threat to Turkey although not that big as for Iran and Saudi's. Aslong as Kurds have their hands full with ISIS I'm glad and our NATO allies can support them. North-Iraq is suplying oil to Turkey for very cheap price while we are not even taking the burden to defend them. LOL. As the Turkish phrase goes "when two idiots fight, don't intervene".
Aslong as Kurds have their hands full with ISIS I'm glad and our NATO allies can support them

Glad ?

You hate your Nato buddy for stabbing you in the back, these are your own words.


Not to mention your Nato buddy never recognise Northern Cyprus
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Why does this one Turk tell it like it is? @atatwolf The truth is david to the goliath of their lies, I hope you can slay them.
Iran's shia versus sunni is probably biggest bomb that could explode in the region. I think ISIS and Iran are on the same level. Both driven by sectarianism and extremism.

Come on man....r u crazy to compare ISIS who are terrorist people to Iran...You are so biased against Iran it seems...Rather than fighting with Iran, US and West should take Iran into confidence and stop all these Muslim radical terrorist groups to gets eliminated...The amount of money and power that US invested on nations like Pakistan and indirectly other Gulf nations to stop spread of terrorism is not providing any tangible result...Apart from Palestine issue, to be honest, US and Iran are much more aligned to each other than they should oppose...So if West is ready to face the growing radicalization in the middle east then they should work with Iran rather than Pakistan and Afganistan...

He was also cheer leading West Pakistan in 1971, when 1000's of East Pakistanis where getting killed by Pakistani military.
And guess what this guy got Nobel Peace Prize for all his good deeds.
Yes, Kissinger and his policy is very much different than what West is following now...
True, without Iran being silenced we will never know peace in the middle-east. Some Arab people like @Hazzy997 hate Israel, but is Iran really better than Israel? Who facilitated the US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan? Who is responsible for 1 million death Iraqi's? Who threatens Turkey, Azerbaijan, Saudi's,etc? Iran is not better than Israel. Probably I would say worse with their sectarian foreign policy and exporting of terrorism. Most of the scorch if you track it leads to only one place.

Well said dude.

Iranians (both at the government level and at the people level) don't give a dam about the Palestinian Cause. It is well-knwon that they hate Arabs and Sunnis and oppress them within Iran itself. What on Earth would make them so kind all the sudden, despite the high political price?

They just use the Palestinian Cause to penetrate through Muslim societies in the Middle East as this will give them legitimacy that they wouldn't otherwise get.
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Henry has gone insane. You can control a country, but your can't control an ideology.
Stupidity at its peak..........iranians are very cool people.

My father studied at gmc,patiala in 70's and he tells me there were 15 iranians in his class in a twinning programme and all were very nice people.

In my university too there were a few of them and were very rational and good people.

The best country in middle east is israel followed by iran as far as indian interests are concerned.
I rather have Iran running the show than IS
does Iran behead and shoot 100's of civilians and soldiers who have surrendered?

both are a problem ,but I rather take the lesser of two evils.
I rather have Iran running the show than IS
does Iran behead and shoot 100's of civilians and soldiers who have surrendered?

both are a problem ,but I rather take the lesser of two evils.

Wrong,iran is not a problem for anyone except usa and saudi/kuwait.
Basically sunni powers who don't want a strong shia nation.

But even u would agree iran is a very moderate and advanced country compared to the ones in middle east(except israel of course)
Wrong,iran is not a problem for anyone except usa and saudi/kuwait.
Basically sunni powers who don't want a strong shia nation.

But even u would agree iran is a very moderate and advanced country compared to the ones in middle east(except israel of course)

meh, if ME want's to be run or be puppet of Iran all more the power to them.
Of course as zionist Al Qaeda are commanded by JEW USA with non lethal aid, and they lick the feet of the americans.

Zionist Al Qaeda thugs seem to worship the rich people and hate the people under embargo

meh, if ME want's to be run or be puppet of Iran all more the power to them.
In Ukraine is it Iran or JEW NATO?
Who create the nazis ukrainians & zionist ISIS with lethal aid?
Are we talking about the same IRan? They are raping and hanging homosexuals, suppressing minorities, hanging women for kissing somebody on the cheek, spreading radicalsm and threatening neighbors. China shows the same behavior and that is why you are also part of axis of evil my Chinaman. You are next! We will bring freedom to you.

True, without Iran being silenced we will never know peace in the middle-east. Some Arab people like @Hazzy997 hate Israel, but is Iran really better than Israel? Who facilitated the US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan? Who is responsible for 1 million death Iraqi's? Who threatens Turkey, Azerbaijan, Saudi's,etc? Iran is not better than Israel. Probably I would say worse with their sectarian foreign policy and exporting of terrorism. Most of the scorch if you track it leads to only one place.
am I supposed to answer this nonsense from a pan-turk conspiracy theorist .

The Persian dreams of expansion must not be underestimated as they are way too wild for their country's capabilities. Their cancerous tumors implanted throughout the region (namely the IRGC's franchisees) have longer life expectancy than ISIS, and hence they are definitely more dangerous.
every body agree that the cancerous tumors implanted through the region is nothing but ISIS and Al-Qaeda and let not go discus who nurtured them and their roots come from which ideology and which country .
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