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Heavy clashes between Afghan and Pakistani troops in Goshta

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I think the time has come for Pakistan to consider installing biometric systems and proper immigration controls even if some pathans like it or not.
All the 3 newly constructed illegal check posts by pakistani militias has been destroyed by Afghan border police; the fighting has now stopped.

PS: pakistani militias used tanks and artillery against Afghan border police's AK-47s and RPGs but still miserably failed!

Good Job ANA.. :).. I so hope that some of the Afghan Army folks involved in this action were trained in India
Let me tell you one real story of him before the suicide attack on him last year; a pakistani militia had disrespected a female member of a family at chaman check post, he came to know about this and sent a pickup truck on that pakistani post in chaman dragged that pakistani militia into his compound in kandahar beat him to death and also ordered his bodyguards to gang rape him!!

He isn't an internet fag like you he is a double suicide attack survivor, and a real faggot!!

There you go u sick freak correction made. Even in your invented stories you cant leave your gay fantasies out.
Good Job ANA.. :).. I so hope that some of the Afghan Army folks involved in this action were trained in India

I am sure they were that is why you are seeing this exaggerated hyped up bs coming out, like downing a chopper, and destroying a tank and all.
well i remember before resignation,musharraf argued with nato on same issues especially in installations of mines IN PAK-AFGHAN BORDER....

i am emphasizing this point from VERY beginning that 50% of our internal terrorists issues will be solved if we will get out of US war on terror and seal our pak-afghan borders and Nato's supply line.

But then what will happen to US aid you are getting. Your economy survive on that..
But then what will happen to US aid you are getting. Your economy survive on that..

don't worry about our economy deal..we have excellent minds to make money:bunny:
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