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healthy indo-pak relationship

Unfortunately your governemtn has been threatening Pakistan for the last 60 years and you have been told that angelic India only wants friendship.

Perhaps you should read this.

With your generals repeating the same thing over and over again of attacking Pakistan and doing this (Cold start) and doing that (Two front war). We cannot really do anything other than return the favour of 'friendship' that you so often proclaim.

You give what you get.

Well, thats what generals do, don't they??

But what is more important is that, generals don't run India, the politicians do and that is why the general couldn't just attack pakistan because he wanted to.

No matter how much a general wants, he can not attack pakistan without the permission of the president. So that is why the attack never took place.

You are equating a scenario where a person was thinking of attacking to an actual attack (kargil)

I think of killing some people sometimes doesn't mean I will kill them.

India has not been offensive against Pakistan till date, except for 1971. Just read some history from neutral sources. Its been Pakistan which has been threatening to nuke India to stone ages.
I suppose this thrade is for suggesting the means of improving the relations between the two nations. so please refrain from the trollinf & posting BS.

the relations has been strained for more than 6 decades now. dont expect to improve them overnioght.

boath countries should take baby steps in this direction.

How about starting from refraning medias from eithr sides to post news that creats environment of suspision in the minds of general public. also strictly stop & prevent rallys of persons like Hafis Sayyed who openly advocates attack on india. the countries can also put a ban on people like Bharat Warma & Zaid Hamid to speak in public or in Media against each other.
It takes two hands to clap.

1)Pak sending terrorist across whole of India. Pakistan running terrorist camps in hundreds for attack against India. Pakistan has so many agents operatin in India.

India has ONLY agents operating in Pakistan.(other then that nothing)

Now they say India has agents so no peace....!!!!
(even israle and US has agents in each other country. so that is natural and expected. How can anyone ask that it should be stopped...???? but the other thigns like terrorism and bomb attacks are not natural and not expected at all...)

2) Indians generally dont want Pakistani kashmir and are ready to let Pakistan have it. But Pakistanis i dont know why they want Indian land also..??

3) India has no religious problem with Pakistan. Pakistanis have problem with secular credentials of India. Many of them want India to give up secularism and be a Islamic country.

Main point: India and Indians is ready to accept Pakistan as it is. It is their internal matter whether Pak is secular or islamic. But Pakistanis cant accept India as it is and have problems and want to interfere in India's internal affairs.

4) Pak sees itslef being left behind. it thinks it is at par with India(now this is the biggest problem) or infact it should be better then India or that it is a bigger and more important country that India.

Whereas fact is India is one of the biggest and most imp countries in the world and India is so on its own. India never needs to beat the drum of Pak getting this so we should also get it.
Whereas Pak is a small country and not that relevent as the big countries of the world, it is imp but surely not as imp as the biggest countries of the world(US, India, Russia, China etc).

The Pakistanis still live in the world of illusion that they are more inp to world then India and Indians. They cant accept that India is a very big country much beyond them and incomparable to them.

What is Pak identity in eyes of world.Why does world talk of Pak. Why dpes US need Pak..??

1) Kashmir issue.
2) WOT.
3) Terrosist camps.
4) Nuclear proliferation.

Apart from that nothing to contribute to the world.

Frankly if there is no terrorist training in Pak and the Pak gove acts sensibly then all the above 4 issues are gone.

Then will Pak stay in world news at all..????

Will Pak get aid from US if there are no terrorists, and training camps..??

from the above four points India is not to be balmed, but the other hand for the clap is missing.

the best way for Pak is to stop all terrorists, accept loc as border.
concentrate on economic dev. Forget about being a power of level of India.(which in few decades will be among the top three in the world)
and accept that while Pak can have good living standard like UK but it cant be US.

that will be best for both India and Pak. but can Pak do it thats the qsn.
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Well, thats what generals do, don't they??

But what is more important is that, generals don't run India, the politicians do and that is why the general couldn't just attack pakistan because he wanted to.

No matter how much a general wants, he can not attack pakistan without the permission of the president. So that is why the attack never took place.

You are equating a scenario where a person was thinking of attacking to an actual attack (kargil)

I think of killing some people sometimes doesn't mean I will kill them.

India has not been offensive against Pakistan till date, except for 1971. Just read some history from neutral sources. Its been Pakistan which has been threatening to nuke India to stone ages.


Well generals run our country and they only listen to generals. Politicians are sissies, an army general is a real man and warrants a response. Also if a pakistani thinks of doing something, he always go ahead with it. our motto is 'just do it'.

So if a general in your country says we want peace, things will be done.

As for achieving peace, It is bound to happen sometime, leken jab upar wala chahe ga. Till then we have to continue our love hate relation with occasion fighting.
Buddy, where exactly do you reside in Mumbai? Let us meet someday. I am planning a Mumbai trip very soon.

Now back to the topic, India-Pakistan relations can improve only when a "REAL" civilian govt takes over and army gets fully under the control of civilian govt.

Mr. Vajpayee was almost close to achieving this goal. Why on earth Pakistan backstabbed only god knows.


i live in colaba mumbai...and sure ill meet you...but what has this to relate with the tread...i created this tread with an idea, an idea which if implemented at a larger scale can change with the realtion ship and stands of both the countries...i am an indian an i love my country...about balouchistan i had read articles about the indian envolvement in it .... thats the reason why i have mentioned it...if i am wrong i am sorry...
brother this aint crap which i am posting ..there aint smoke withouth a fire???it it this is a respected forum with members trying to discuss present issues if you cant face facts, post related to the topicand mind your self then go some where else ...as for your source google it youll find tons of it...last but not the least use your brains while posting not your testosterone...


Brother believe me I am all about peace between India & pakistan ...But after knowing your so called weird IDEAS, I must say you badly infected with conspirancy theory disease ... I think you're really inspire by zahid hamid & Co.

Are u for real?????

what we have to do with Baluchistan?????????

And how u come to the conclusion that we are same people?????????

Everyone has 2 eyes, 2 hands, 2 legs, 1 nose is that your idea of same people then everyone on this planet is same.

we have not attacked Pakistan they have attacked India in 48, 65, 71, 99 friendship is not in our hands they have to do it.

Also, don't talk about friendship because every time we take a step something wrong happens.

AB Vajpayee gone to Lahore = Kargil

Dr. Manmohan Singh in shram al sheikh = 26/11 Mumbai attack

now what u want another 26/11 or Kargil??????

now this is realy ... what should i say... but beleive me my friend.. no one in pakistan will ever beg india for friendship....
India and Pakistan can never have a peaceful relationship. The entire idea behind the creation of Pakistan is against the Indian belief and that includes all Indians including Muslim Indians. The mere fact that we started off together in our journey from independence and that India has progressed to the extent which it has whilst Pakistan remained bogged down in its quagmire of its ideology makes many in the Pakistani establishment and Pakistani people themselves green with envy. Even if Kashmir issue is resolved and hypothetically India diverts 90% of all the source of our shared water to Pakistan, that wouldn't satisfy Pakistan. The ideology is sunk in the head of most Pakistanis. India is a threat and a Hindu state right on their borders. India to them is an inferior state which must be anhiliated at all costs. We read such nonsense by many young Pakistanis on this forum so I can only imagine what the general perception is amongst the Pakistani populace. The only solution to resolve the impasse is an out and out hopefully conventional war where one state must absorb the other. Nukes have added to this dilemma now so such a scenario should have taken place earlier. I think that both Indians and Pakistanis lost a golden opportunity in 1971 when a full blown war which should have resulted in absorption of borders should have occured.

nice bullshit
Well, thats what generals do, don't they??

But what is more important is that, generals don't run India, the politicians do and that is why the general couldn't just attack pakistan because he wanted to.

No matter how much a general wants, he can not attack pakistan without the permission of the president. So that is why the attack never took place.

You are equating a scenario where a person was thinking of attacking to an actual attack (kargil)

I think of killing some people sometimes doesn't mean I will kill them.

India has not been offensive against Pakistan till date, except for 1971. Just read some history from neutral sources. Its been Pakistan which has been threatening to nuke India to stone ages.

1965 war started from Run of Kuch advances by India.
1948 war started fornI ndian forcibably trying to take kashmir with the precurser of Hyderabad taken forcibaly, even goa taken by force.

read posts under the heading of.

Junagarh, Bihar and Hyderabad State Under Indian Occupation.

anf than u will know the truth and hopefully stop wrtitng such posts based on lies about India never attacked Pakistan

Brother believe me I am all about peace between India & pakistan ...But after knowing your so called weird IDEAS, I must say you badly infected with conspirancy theory disease ... I think you're really inspire by zahid hamid & Co.


what the hell is zaid hamid has to do with this topic,,,mentioning his name i guess you may be his biggest follower... cos i have hardly head his name.. please if you cant post related to the issue then leave.... i have already appologied in the forum about my statement on baluchistan ....period!!
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According to Kasuri, Pakistan and India were only a signature away from declaring Kashmir an autonomous region, thus putting an end to the final issue between the two countries, but the change of Govt(2008) delayed that process and the Mumbai attacks turned the project into scrap.................................
We were so close to normalcy of relations...........................
Peace is only possible from a position of strength.We should develop 500 nuclear warheads with high yield and i can bet India won't even talk about imaginary surgical strikes let alone war!
1)Pak sending terrorist across whole of India. Pakistan running terrorist camps in hundreds for attack against India. Pakistan has so many agents operatin in India.

Has any terrorist been caught with any proof of him being sent by the Government ? If 10 random people want to cause mayhem then that's their choice they were not influenced by Govt or Army or any state responsibility.............

India has ONLY agents operating in Pakistan.(other then that nothing)

Ever heard of Sarbjeet Singh ?????

2) Indians generally dont want Pakistani kashmir and are ready to let Pakistan have it. But Pakistanis i dont know why they want Indian land also..??

Because India carried out a genocide in Kashmir over the last 60 years, the Kashmiris expect us to help them, ever heard the cry 'Kashmir Banay Ga Pakistan" in their rallies ??????

3) India has no religious problem with Pakistan. Pakistanis have problem with secular credentials of India. Many of them want India to give up secularism and be a Islamic country.

Come on, you made that one up............... how can India even become an Islamic country when they have a Hindu Majority ? It would have been much more believable if you said they want India to become a hindu state...........................

Main point: India and Indians is ready to accept Pakistan as it is. It is their internal matter whether Pak is secular or islamic. But Pakistanis cant accept India as it is and have problems and want to interfere in India's internal affairs.

Recent stats by Times of India contradict your statement, 66% of Indians want good relations with Pakistan whereas In Pakistan 78% of the people want good relations, seems like a larger %age of our population is ready to accept India as it is then as compared to India.

4) Pak sees itslef being left behind. it thinks it is at par with India(now this is the biggest problem) or infact it should be better then India or that it is a bigger and more important country that India.

Thats true, we can't let India assert her dominance over Pakistan like in the case of Bangladesh or Nepal so we compete..............

Whereas fact is India is one of the biggest and most imp countries in the world and India is so on its own. India never needs to beat the drum of Pak getting this so we should also get it.

Oh is that true, last month India protested to Pakistan getting 1000 laser guided bomb kits, the month before that they protested against sale of F-16 Blk52s to Pakistan and just today, they protested against the transfer of 2 PC-3 Orion aircrafts to Pakistan, need I say more ????????????????

Whereas Pak is a small country and not that relevent as the big countries of the world, it is imp but surely not as imp as the biggest countries of the world(US, India, Russia, China etc).

Ever heard the term "Frontline state in the War against Terror" ?
In today's world we are the most important, if we don't resist the terrorists, they will run the world over...........................

The Pakistanis still live in the world of illusion that they are more inp to world then India and Indians. They cant accept that India is a very big country much beyond them and incomparable to them.

No dude, we study geography and we know India is about 5 times larger than us.......................we don't let that bring us down...........

What is Pak identity in eyes of world.Why does world talk of Pak. Why dpes US need Pak..??

1) Kashmir issue.
2) WOT.
3) Terrosist camps.
4) Nuclear proliferation.

Apart from that nothing to contribute to the world.

Again, Frontline state, world's largest contributor to peace keeping missions, one of world's largest exporter of cotton, sports goods, surgical goods and sea food ?

Frankly if there is no terrorist training in Pak and the Pak gove acts sensibly then all the above 4 issues are gone.

Then will Pak stay in world news at all..????

Oh we will think of something, before this we were always in the news cuz we resisted the Soviets.....................

Will Pak get aid from US if there are no terrorists, and training camps..??

Then we won't need any aid.........................

the best way for Pak is to stop all terrorists, accept loc as border.
concentrate on economic dev. Forget about being a power of level of India.(which in few decades will be among the top three in the world)
and accept that while Pak can have good living standard like UK but it cant be US.

India should stop funding TTP, Declare Kashmir as autonomous, don't worry about how powerful we want to be, worry more about bringing the bulk of it's population out of slums.

Moral: This Dude watches TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Much India TV, someone please do him a favour and cancel his subscrption..........
If anyone feels offended by any of my comments stated above, I wish to apologize in advance...............I tried to be as polite as possible............

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