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Hasina wants Islam as Bangladesh state religion

Any comments on

"Pakistani and Bangladeshi households are the most likely to be workless at 22.3 per cent, while Indian households are the least likely, at 6.8 per cent."

Home | Mail Online

That is a report from neutral grounds by a neutral newspaper?

In this neutral country where the opportunities are equal for all subcontinentals, how come Bangladeshi still lag behind than Indians?


Or mere education and intelligence and hard work?

So, let the facts speak for itself.

No more whimpering, snivelling like a snotty child and whines and imaginative flights of fantasy on the gossamer wings of pixies from you, please!
Extreme poverty?

Your coloured vision speaks?

A person from a high family does not clown. He merely discourses to the underprivileged.

Yet, I do not understand what you mean by 'high family'. We manage with life. Is that 'high family'? Maybe by Bangladeshi poverty quotient, it is!!

Well, yes, being secular does give me a air of 'snobbery' as you put it. Why so? Because in my family, we have Hindus, Christians, Muslim, Buddhists, Indians and foreigners. It helps to understand humanity. And if one understands humanity, I presume, by your frog in the well vision, that would be clubbed as 'snobbery'!

Percentages go by the size of the population.

Got that in your little brain?

Check the GDP ,and more important, the PPP.

Expletives and crudeness is indicative of a peabrain, consumed by intense inferiority complex.

I don't grudge you your inferiority complex, since it is well deserved.

However, could I ask you to have a civil tongue in your head?

Or is that too much to ask of a Bangaldeshi given the facts of evolving history?

That Bangladesh was an international breadbasket case is well known. If I had given it from an Indian source, you would have raised the ear shattering howl. So, I quoted from an Islamic brother country i.e. Paksitan so that there was no doubt of the truth and the fact.

After all, as you said, your newspapers state that you should unite once again with Pakistan.

With all your whining and shouting, your country remains in abject poverty. Get rid of the JAT PAT system from your SECULAR society, which you say in such a loud voice, your poverty will come down to our level within the next 10 years.

Instead of suggesting anything positive for your secular country you came here to abuse my country. You have degraded this thread by trolling. Go to the post where yuou suddenly started throwing barbs and insults for reasons incomprehensible to me. Why was it such a stupid outburst?

So, I thought you deserve a similar answer. Now, I have shown that your dung-infested country is the worst place to live for any human race.
With all your whining and shouting, your country remains in abject poverty. Get rid of the JAT PAT system from your SECULAR society, which you say in such a loud voice, your poverty will come down to our level within the next 10 years.

Instead of suggesting anything positive for your secular country you came here to abuse my country. You have degraded this thread by trolling. Go to the post where yuou suddenly started throwing barbs and insults for reasons incomprehensible to me. Why was it such a stupid outburst?

So, I thought you deserve a similar answer. Now, I have shown that your dung-infested country is the worst place to live for any human race.

I am sorry I don't whine.

I know my place and station.

Come down to your level of poverty?

Are you being humorous?

Your level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You expect us to downslide?

Our poverty will not come down. It is under control.

Educate yourself and see our programmes.

We can offer you loans etc, can you?

So, let not a poverty stricken nation like yours, talk.

I don't troll. I post with fact to demolish stupidity and irrational claptrap and religious fanaticism.

So get your fact right and not search for crutches to make you slip out like an eel in the mud!

I don't insult.

See your posts. You call me a clown and a joker.

Do show one instance where I have been crude in my posts.

Do understand one thing, since you feel I am from a 'high family'. I would not soil my reputation by being a gutter snipe.

Use of the English language is adequate to express oneself, without being a guttersnipe being handicapped in the language.

But I enjoy your interaction and your crudeness since it teaches me patience. perseverance and now not be provoked to the level of the slums.

While one has to admire the manner Mujib mobilised Bangladesh, yet we are well aware of what he was doing.

In India, one was not enamoured by his activities.

In fact, his activities were dangerous for the neighbourhood.

I am also intrigued to learn how easy it is to rape (the news report stating that one coot had the audacity to give a Cocktail party for his 100th rape) or take away someone else's wife.

Honestly, if these are true, then it is a dangerous country. 100 rapes and there is no uprising, at least within the neighbourhood? Crazy.

I, of course, want Bangladesh to be up and going. If Bangladesh, on its own, can become economically vibrant, much of this paranoia and schizophrenia will cease and the illegal immigrants will not longer come into India. It is a win win for India.

As far as Indian politicians are concerned, they are myopic.

Unless there is a crisis, they will not bother about anything.

For them all is well with Bangladesh India relationship. Yet, I believe some movement towards solving the enclaves is in hand.

Bangladesh has huge potential, if not in industrial output for the moment, it has immense potential for international tourism.

The Hill Tracts for trekking, Chittagong's coastline for water adventure and just lolling around, Syhlet for cuisine, steamer rides from Goalando to the Bay of Bengal along the majestic Padma, devouring freshly caught Hilsa, the Sunderbans for Wild Life and so on and so forth. Just see how Thailand and Malaysia are going gung ho over their tourism to earn foreign exchange. Having seen Malaysia, I have seen how tourism if well advertised and 'jazzed up' can make the mundane into something exciting.

The sky is the limit for Bangladesh!

Let me also assure you that it is in the interest of vested interest to project that India is doing nothing for Bangladesh or when India does anything, it is doing it so to project 'Akhand Bharat' and chomp away everyone.

Actually, I did not know that there is something called Akhand Bharat till I saw it on the forums and then why I checked I found it was a theory of some ridiculous Hindu elements. But then I was never a religion watcher!

I know quite a few Bangladeshis, but I have never experienced the hostility that I see here. Of course, I am aware that they have issues but they do not exhibit with such rabid venom as here!

That Akhand Bharat is bogus is so evident is the fact when the BJP was in power, it was never spoken about, let alone being implemented.

What Mujib's sons did are true. My mom along with many others, who lived through the war and the aftermath confirmed it. People don't talk about it much though. The man himself was good, but family background not really that great. His sons lost their minds after seeing so much money. That man left a very dark legacy. Hasina is mentally ill.

Bangladeshi society is degrading fast now. Everyday I read the Bangladeshi newspapers, I see news I don't want to hear. You see the problem is that many common Bangladeshis, both rich and poor have poor moral insights and values for the most part. If anyone else is to blame for Bangladesh's current ills, it is its 160 million strong population now that are to blame for not standing up for themselves and others.

This article in the way poor children are treated shows very well into the nature of Bangladeshi society right now.
::: Star Weekend Magazine :::

Of-course the Bangladesh government could care less.

The social evolution in Bangladesh is flawed to begin with.

Yes, it is a very dangerous country. I won't be surprised if many Bangladeshis illegally enter India.

The population of Bangladesh is not decreasing, its increasing.
In case of India, it is not long ago that it was a dirt poor country. It still is, it still lives in poverty. India came to the front suddenly only because some of the IT engineers built small firms in Bangalore and some companies in the USA started to outsource them. Now, a suddenly little rich Indian like you come up with some back dated news reports to abuse Bangladesh. It is ok that you have abused my poor upbringing and all those, but, do not abuse my country, BD.

It seems Indians are becoming jealous of the total achievements of Bangladesh. This may be the reason why they were favouring secularism here so that the fanatics come out from hiding and destabilize the country. Your Aunty already knows about this and has avoided falling in your trap. By the way, many Indians call her aunty all the time, but suddenly why you are allergic to it? Why are you against her?

See another thread that repots a 6.'% GDP growth this fiscal, and projects a 8% growth in 2014. Do not you think it is a big progress? You see, we have challenged the basket case attribution through hard work. But, Indians are not here to see these positive aspects of BD. Read below to see where your country's real position is. It is below sub-Saharan Africa. India is a shame to Asia and our region.

Poverty: India worse than Africa: News24: World: News

Poverty: India worse than Africa
2010-07-13 21:31

Related LinksUN chief sends SOS on poverty
'Human rights can end poverty'
Extreme poverty is dropping

London - More people are mired in poverty in eight Indian states than in the 26 poorest African countries, according to a new UN-backed measure of poverty out on Tuesday.

The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) looks beyond income at a wider range of household-level deprivation, including services, which could then be used to help target development resources.

Its findings throw up stark statistics compared to regular poverty measures.

The study found that half of the world's MPI poor people live in South Asia, and just over a quarter in Africa.

There are 421 million MPI poor people in eight Indian states alone - Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal - and 410 million in the 26 poorest African countries combined.

The researchers said that the extent of poverty in India had often been overlooked, by figures comparing percentages of poor people in countries as a whole rather than sheer numbers.

According to the index, 64.5% of people in sub-Saharan Africa are MPI poor. In South Asia, 55% of people are MPI poor.

Both figures are higher than the number considered extreme income poor - living on less than $1.25 per day.

"Multi-dimensional poverty"

The new index was created by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) at Oxford University in southern England, and the Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

"Our measure identifies the most vulnerable households and groups and enables us to understand exactly which deprivations afflict their lives," said OPHI director Sabina Alkire.

"The new measure can help governments and development agencies wishing to target aid more effectively to those specific communities."

The MPI will be used in the forthcoming 20th anniversary edition of the UNDP Human Development Report. It supplants the Human Poverty Index, which has been used since 1997.

The index takes into account that people living in MPI poverty may not necessarily be income poor: only two-thirds of Niger's people are income poor, whereas 93% are poor by the MPI, it found.

It also showed that "multi-dimensional poverty" varies a lot within countries. In Delhi, 15% of people are MPI poor, compared to 81% in the northeastern Indian state of Bihar.

There are poor people in China too. There are plenty of hobos in USA. There are hobos on the streets and subways of Tokyo. Every country has its problems and unique set of challenges. What matters is that a country is in the right direction.

Brother, our country is clearly heading into the wrong direction. Under no circumstances are we better off than India right now. Very dark times ahead bro, very dark times for BD!!

Your posts are outstanding and worth reading. Its quarter past two at my place and i am still reading your answers.

I have no doubt that you will be surprised to see the nonsense few well known insecure posters (mostly from mullah brigade) are trying to make here against India.

Anyhow what i can contribute to this particular thread is that the ties between India and Bangladesh are very deep rooted not only because of shared history and sacrifices made by Indians for the creation of Bangladesh but also because of modern generation of Bangladeshis living overseas. I personally know 10s of Bangladeshi Muslim families those who have many success stories to share. You will be amazed to know that most of the well educated Bangladeshi men and women have gained their professional degrees from different colleges in India (same can be said about few Nepalese families i know). We have been together many a times and couple of drinks down frequently but i have never experienced any religious bigotry or venom against India from their mouth.
In my short time in pdf I realised that most of the people in PDF measures their level of Patriotism by dissing other countries(like in this thread).

Bangladesh and india are both developing countries thus they are bound to have many problems, thus it is no use insulting each other because of our problems and indulge in self pride. Secondly bangladesh social and moral fabric is closely knitted, thus it does not matter to bengali people if the state religion is changed. Yes, i admit there are a few extremist in our country, but it does not affect us much as most bengalis do not support them. Thirdly, guys try to keep your emotions in check and post someting that is politically correct.
What makes you think, a state religion will make you a Islamic Republic?? Heck its still People's Republic of Bangladesh if you did not know then check with UN entry for the name of Bangladesh.
We have state bird called Duel, state fruit called Jackfruits, state animal tiger and so on. Does that make anybody to stop eating chicken or taste the mangoes.
Hasina should had erased that line which was included in the constitution with and evil intention and by those guys who I believe were the worst unislamic rulers ever ruled Bangladesh.

At the end AL did what it intended to do ro revive the four principle of state and constitution. nationalism,Secularism,democracy and socialism replacing Faith on Allah. Bangladesh does not have Faith on Allah now so you could cosider it a infidel country..

8. Fundamental principles.
(1) The principles of absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah, nationalism, democracy
and socialism meaning economic and social justice, together with the principles derived
from them as set out in this Part, shall constitute the fundamental principles of state policy.
(1A). Absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah shall be the basis of all actions.(2) The principles set out in this Part shall be fundamental to the governance of Bangladesh,
shall be applied by the State in the making of laws, shall be a guide to the interpretation of
the Constitution and of the other laws of Bangladesh, and shall form the basis of the work of
the State and of its citizens, but shall not be judicially enforceable.

Definition of Kafir is not having faith in Allah so therefore if La-Hasina replaced or delete article 8 1A then Aalim-e-din will be happy to declare her kafir and called for Jihad to oust her from Bangladesh just like malaoon Taslima. I am sure many Jeans and t-shirt wearing Muslim would be more than happy to oust her from Bangladesh. Don't play with people faith. :disagree:

If La-Hasina and Al delete or replace 8-1A from constitution then it doesn't make any difference to keep Bismilla and state religion Islam since fundamental principal doesn't exist. Al screwed no matter what. :azn:

If La-Hasina and Al think that they will be safe from the wrath of Muslims by keeping Bismillah and state religion Islam with out having (1A). Absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah shall be the basis of all actions.then they are wrong. Very wrong. Dead wrong. :smokin:

I think AL screwed any way. They should have leave constitution and opposition alone and focus more on poverty, sanitation, education, health and food prices which are the main problem in Bangladesh. No one voted for La-Hasina to disrespect Islam. ;)
Not meaning any offence, but how many conservative Islamic nations around the world has made their mark.

Even the liberal ones have not quite achieved the result that their potential indicates.

While Bangladesh is yet to make a mark, its progress has been noteworthy compared to where they started.

As I see it, it is so because it is liberal compared to the other Islamic country.

Any country that is deep into religion has never flourished.

Saudi Arabia is a backward hell hole which is kept afloat only by oil.

Take the oil away from the equation, they are nothing but Bedous in the desert!
Not meaning any offence, but how many conservative Islamic nations around the world has made their mark.

Even the liberal ones have not quite achieved the result that their potential indicates.

While Bangladesh is yet to make a mark, its progress has been noteworthy compared to where they started.

As I see it, it is so because it is liberal compared to the other Islamic country.

Any country that is deep into religion has never flourished.

Saudi Arabia is a backward hell hole which is kept afloat only by oil.

Take the oil away from the equation, they are nothing but Bedous in the desert!

Turkey and Malaysia aren't so bad. Hey, at least appreciate the fact many South Asians do skilled and unskilled jobs there.
I haven't been to Turkey and so cannot comment. From reports one understand that it is their Army which keeps it secular. In other words, by threat!

Malaysia is hardly discrimination free. There Bhumiputra stuff gives a Muslim greater rights than others and the Moral Police hovers all over picking up the Muslim who drink or wear short clothes etc. I have stayed there. If Malaysia is doing well economically, it is not because of the Malaysian Muslim, it is because of the Chinese who control the Malaysian economy and sharp businessmen.

Now compare that with Bangladesh. Bangladesh does not have moral police roaming all over. Its Army is no longer acting like the Pakistani Army, the heritage they had inherited. Nor is there serious discrimination.

And so, Bangladesh prospers.
Turkey and Malaysia aren't so bad. Hey, at least appreciate the fact many South Asians do skilled and unskilled jobs there.

I'm not sure if Turkey can be considered an Islamic nation. It's a secular republic. Heck, their version of secularism is militant and their founding father went so far as to say "Mohammedanism is Arab nationalism"

The Malaysian economy is controlled by the Chinese Malaysians (not ethnic malays).

Malaysian religious laws are even worse than the Pakistani ones.

Check this out

Malaysian and Pakistani theocracies | Pak Tea House
Well None of the Islamic countries have big population. If you take G7 and Asian tigers out of the equation then they are not doing any worse at least I should say perfomed fairly. Indoneshia is coming along very strong with a much conservative society.
Its not the lifestyle which makes a economy stronger rather its the economic policy and liberalisation which does.
And dont get confused, Bangladesh is a conservative society and will stay that way yet will keep on liberalise free media and free economy along with democracy.
I'm not sure if Turkey can be considered an Islamic nation. It's a secular republic. Heck, their version of secularism is militant and their founding father went so far as to say "Mohammedanism is Arab nationalism"

The Malaysian economy is controlled by the Chinese Malaysians (not ethnic malays).

Malaysian religious laws are even worse than the Pakistani ones.

Check this out

Malaysian and Pakistani theocracies | Pak Tea House

Its the same for Dubai and Turkey. Muslim can be persecuted for having alcohol. Same law applies in Bangladesh. You need a license to drink and you aint getting one if you area muslim and dont have enough reason to avail one.

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