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Hasan Askari should be given fair hearing in civilian court!!

Oh well, what a time! I remember how a whole thread was just about defending the sentence of a civilian back when it was announced. I like this sudden wave of self-realisation in PDF crowd.
Do you have the link? I'd pay to see that.
Man, were we all faujeets once.
Not you, of course :D
How times change.

At this young and tender age I never thought my very foundational thought of military inc being the sole institution that holds Pakistan together would be shaken and eventually destroyed.

Not sure whether there is a word for it.
How times change.

At this young and tender age I never thought my very foundational thought of military inc being the sole institution that holds Pakistan together would be shaken and eventually destroyed.

Not sure whether there is a word for it.
There is "epiphany" but I am not sure if it encompasses the feeling.

Do you have the link? I'd pay to see that.
Man, were we all faujeets once.
Not you, of course :D

end of the page
first one in "similar threads "
Would be a good fun exercise to view that thread and rank the faujeets vs enlightened people from 2 years go

Former Major General’s son jailed for five years for writing a criticism letter to General Bajwa, Reports BBC Urdu

This case could be one of the test of this Hafiz.
Do far Hafiz is not bothered by any thing related to humanity.

Forced disappearances multiplied manifold and every kind of illegal act using police, cases in all provinces.
They are hidden but also naked same time.

This is very sad if true. Any senior moderators care to comment on this? @Jango
That time army was considered angel.
Everyone in army was no less than Tariq Ben Ziyad.
A sad state of many of us. I felt this punishment was bad, but did not make any comments.

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