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Hasan Askari should be given fair hearing in civilian court!!

Yeah, even on PDF, such discussion was not allowed and that thread was locked. No discussion was allowed to criticize Bajwa either on PDF or news media back in 2021.
This is very sad if true. Any senior moderators care to comment on this? @Jango
No wonder our nation doesn't progress, these corrupt generals have made sure to keep us like farm animals while they extract anything of value from this country for their own. They think they are Pharos...
Here is detail about the case in case if some one is not up to date: Hassan Askari was the son of Major General (retd) Zafar Mehdi Askari, He wrote a letter to Bajwa in 2019 criticizing his decision to get an extension and asked Bajwa to resign.

According to Pakistan law; a military employee cannot be tried in civilian court during his tenure in military as per article 199 of constitution, regardless of charges against him. However military can court martial a civilian even if he has never served in military. So Hassan Askari was court martialed and awarded 5 years in jail.

Now the icing on cake is that he was not allowed to have his own attorney to defend him in court. His legal defense was provided by JAG branch of army, who were prosecuting him as well. Now how cool is that?

I love how the SC will 'take notice' of all kinds of frivolous shit but has zero moral courage to even bring such stuff up (or question the whereabouts of Azam Swati, etc.)

The obvious question becomes: why should the rest of the nation obey the law or SC rulings?

At one point, some of the Mods were very sensitive even on Mir Bajwa.😀😀

SUPER sensitive.

And now want us to be oh-so-thankful that they allowed open debate, as if that's some special privilege against a tyrant.
Can't believe that a guy in jail for *asking a Gerlun to resign after he finished his tenure*.

Its not the Establishment or Gerluns who are only pricks. But me, we all and our nation is such coward. If it had happened even in India, people would be out on the streets for jailing a guy for such a thing!!! Lanat hooo khuda ki in pe
At one point, some of the Mods were very sensitive even on Mir Bajwa.😀😀
before mir bajwa defence came the open tolerance to noon leakies chawal threads, full of league yahvian and bongian.

an oxymoron is that ISPR drama ehad-e-wafa, which was mocking the 'system' that would eventually be exposed as a bajwa's haramzadgi's
In a recent interview to Javed Chaudhry, Gen. Bajwa has reveled that PTI government granted him extension without taking him in confidence. In the end Bajwa accepted extension with much reluctance.

How big of liar is this man? If he did not want an extension, then why Hassan Askari was court Marshalled?
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Still newly installed Hafiz saheb, PAKISTAN'S chief pious Mujahid is not passing the order to free this young man. What was his crime? Dare to call out this demigod's extension.
They act like gods while they are pathetic lowlife property dealers.

At one point, some of the Mods were very sensitive even on Mir Bajwa.😀😀
Most have fallen to right side.
😃 😀 😄
In a recent interview to Javed Chaudhry, Gen. Bajwa has reveled that PTI government granted him extension without taking him in confidence. In the end Bajwa accepted extension with much reluctance.

How big of liar is this man? If he did not want an extension, then why Hassan Askari was court Marshalled?

Exactly! Why is this swine even being entertained?

He took an emergency helicopter flight to the PM House around midnight after the SC verdict and worked for hours (read: forced) PTI to give him an extension by creating legislation that will haunt us forever.

Of course, PTI also shares the blame. IK should have publicly announced a successor earlier. Anything is better than extending tenures.

Veteran’s family breaks silence over civilian son’s court martial

ISLAMABAD: The family of an army veteran on Tuesday made an impassioned plea to military and judicial authorities to ensure that justice is done in the case of Hasan Askree, a civilian who was court martialed after he wrote a critical letter to former army chief retired Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa.

According to a press release issued after the press conference, this was the first time Mr Askree’s family members — including his father retired Maj-Gen Syed Zaffar Mehdi Askree, mother Wasima and sister Zehra — had gone public with their ordeal.

They claimed that not only was Hasan unjustly tried in a Field General Court Martial (FGCM) and summarily sentenced without even being informed of the actual charges, they insisted that he had been incarcerated alongside hardened criminals and terrorists in a maximum security prison and had not been transferred to Adiala jail, despite a court order.

Hasan Askree was picked up from his home in Oct 2020 and transferred to military custody. He was convicted and sentenced to five years of rigorous imprisonment following an FGCM trial, although neither he nor his family members have received a copy of the charges or verdict, despite repeated requests.
Hasan Askree was allegedly convicted for writing a critical letter to former army chief
Hasan’s father, Maj-Gen Zaffar Askree said he had been seeking a short meeting with military authorities for two and a half years and had written more than two dozen letters. However, he said, there has been no response or communication of any kind to date.

He said that their ordeal was the result of certain alleged letters that his son had written to the former chief of army staff and his top generals, expressing his concern over the probable impact of decisions taken by the armed forces on Pakistan’s economic and political situation.
Hasan’s father said that the FIR lodged against his son made reference to an offense under Section 131 of the Pakistan Penal Code (abetting mutiny, or attempting to seduce a soldier, sailor or airman from his duty) but did not contain any provision of the Pakistan Army Act.

Calling it a grave miscarriage of justice, Hasan’s family maintained that court martialing a civilian for supposedly attempting to seduce military officials, made a mockery of the offense of mutiny and insubordination.

They explained that the alleged letter just expressed the concerns of a patriotic citizen who never had links with any organisation or political party, nor did it incite violence or anti-state sentiments of any kind.

Despite this, his son was transferred to military custody by a magistrate without being given an opportunity to defend himself, kept in solitary confinement for months without charge or access to a lawyer and was only given permission to contact his family after he was charged.

Hasan’s sister, Zehra, told mediapersons that the verdict was never communicated his lawyer or family.

Zehra emphasized that it was almost impossible for her elderly and sick parents to visit Hasan in Sahiwal under the strict visiting policy. She said her mother had been suffering from end-stage renal failure and needed dialysis three times a week. Over the past two and a half years, she said, her mother’s condition has deteriorated immensely. Her father was also 87 years old and suffering from multiple ailments, she said, pointing out that in such conditions, traveling 14-15 hours a day for a half hour visit was next to impossible.

She also showed an order of the Lahore High Court’s Rawalpindi Bench from June 14, 2022, which contained directions to transfer Hasan from the High Security Prison in Sahiwal to Central Jail, Adiala, Rawalpindi “within fortnight.”

But, despite the lapse of nine months, she said there had been no compliance.

Dawn reached out to the military’s public relations arm — Inter-Services Public Relations — for comment but did not receive a response until the filing of this report.


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