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He must mean TD-4 will fly in April 2015 And IOC for "IAF version" does that mean the IA has a variety of its own and that too with a later IOC? What are the differences between the IAF and IA variants (if there is such service variants) ?

Guess Prasun was right after all...the current LCH version does not come with the
specific features that IA wants. Only IAF's requirement for 64 helos will be satisfied
with this version.
When are they going to put EYES on this thing ?

Haven't anyone yet demanded a RADAR on the LCH ? There seems to be no plans for doing it either. What am I missing ?

It isn't necessary that all attack helicopters have a radar.

How do you expect it to perform any significant attack role without a Radar ? The days of Line of Sight is long gone. Its more than a glorified flying soldier with a gun.
How do you expect it to perform any significant attack role without a Radar ? The days of Line of Sight is long gone. Its more than a glorified flying soldier with a gun.

Heavy attack/tank buster roles are to be performed by Apaches with Longbow radar.

If IAF thinks no radar is needed for LCH, then no radar is needed end of discussion.
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