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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

Which is like everyone in Hurriyat conference, who live and travel around freely in India. Why ins't anyone putting a bounty on their heads?

Whats makes Hafiz Saeeds statements so important?

What kind of logic is that? Just because they don't go after everybody in IOK, they can't go after some high profile person in Pakistan?

Also, this allows India to promote its narrative that Pakistan's support for Kashmir is linked to terrorism.

Yes, we know the way trials work in your corner.

Having dealt with the rant, the issue remains whether terrorists like Saeed and Osama and company deserve to be treated like civilized human beings entitled to civilian redressal mechanisms or they should be squashed at the first opportunity like mosquitoes.

The answer will depend on whether letting them open puts more innocent lives at risk or not. If it does, then the options are clear.

So, nothing on topic then?

As expected.
I dont know at this time who would be more scared.. Hafiz Saeed of being killed by Americans or Pakistani establishment of him being captured alive by the Americans ( like David Headley) and him singing like a canary :)
Chief of Pakistan group blamed for Mumbai attack tells Al Jazeera his opposition to NATO supply lines led to $10m bounty

I think that is a correct statement. This action has been motivated by US interests in Afghanistan.

Obviously India has a problem with Saeed and his backers but that was not the motivating factor.
Brilliant now his own punters will kill him ... running and hiding time for hafiz saeed

All those with whom I saw the dramas of Mumbai attack 2008, it was always clear to us that CIA was behind it, with involvements of MI5 also. It was said that even Daud Ibrahim gave his hands in helping that attack but it all were controlled from West, we know it as the environment was something like, “why US won’t let it happen and what India may do in return of its safety.” We finally found Pakistan is full of terrorist groups and their Western bosses use them, mainly those who are based in UK/ US. But what US will do with Hafiz Saeed, I don’t understand. As, men of CIA already have full communication with this man, what exactly they will do with him if US may take this man to even US also, im not sure? Do they want to remove their foot prints of Mumbai attack? Does Hafiz Saeed know something, which US doesn’t want him to say to world? Im not sure. Those who have been google during 26/11 2008, they might have seen 100s of web pages with claims that CIA had organized that 26/11 2008 attack by themselves.

I also use this website to say those few things, which I want to inform from my side. therefore, those who don’t want to get confused, won’t read anymore from here.

Im not an anti US or anti UK, but I have been opposing their rulers as we always find Western hands behind every big wrong of the world, a direct experience i myself got. Whenever there was a bomb blast in India during 2008, the first to trade it were those who were based in West, and it finally reached 26/11 2008. Even if we saw 9/11 attack on US and everyone says that at least US can’t organize an attack on their own people, but here also, everyone accept that the people like OBL were in fact made by CIA/ US themselves. US always used Al Qaeda/ Taliban for their personal goals and one time these snakes attacked their own lord. That’s why I said one time during 26/11 2008, “I might have sunk an aircraft carrier of US with scoring at least 180 of US/ UK side during 26/11 2008, if I might have got power in India for even one day that time.” I strongly believe, until Pakistan is in control of US, until Pakistan’s rulers are themselves helpless in front of US/ UK, even if India face any terror attack from Pakistan, India would hit US/ UK. There is no meaning to kill those like Hafiz Saeed who work for their those Western Lords who are always ready to ‘trade’ bomb blasts/ attacks in India by using these people like Hafiz Saeed. Until Pakistan itself doesn’t have control over its territory/ has to do what US/ UK tell them, any attack from Pakistan would be considered as an attack from US/ UK and they would be punished for their deeds.

I said many times, it’s the US’s/ UK’s rulers who are cowards by organizing these type of attacks by using different militants groups based in different parts of world including Pakistan and then they become ‘good’. I have told one time, “if you are a real man then do something and come in front of world and accept it and if I may get control of India for even one day, I swear to my God, bastards I will find out you all in US/ UK/ Australia and will score at least the same number including you. You would accept you did something and I accept that I will definitely remove you with your men, no matter where you are sitting.” I also said, “and in case of any offence of scoring 1000+ of any country I rule, if, regardless India or any other country, and if you accept you did it, and its me why you did that, then I swear to my god and accept in open that I will bomb New york/ London/ Sydney in such a way that their coming generation will get threatened while taking birth. The type of destructions I will make that the ‘concepts’ of Right and Wrong will get changed from that certain day, (the 'concepts' of Right/ Wrong with which these western establishments are struggling now days). You just have to accept that you did something and I promise you, your definite end result, I will have definitely bring you back to stone age, if Im the man why you organized something in India and I may also get enough control on india. But in that case also, you gotto accept it first.” It was the time when I had got a direct communication with few retired Presidents/ PMs of West like Mr G.Howard, Mr B.Clinton, Mr G.Bush, Mr T.Blair etc and politics were on high, during 2008 to 2010.
It was their ‘Good Luck’ that neither they openly accepted it nor I was the man who was ruling India that time.
His banning was stayed by court order and then he attended the rallies.

Court asked one question, he's banned because he is a terrorist? Like every court in the world you need proof to claim something, prosecution said proof is with India. India said we won't give it. Court being left with no other option said okay you are free to go till prosecution brings better evidence.

Lie, JUD operated and raised money openly while being banned. Its reported in your own media too. Just look up. Its also a FACT that LET were simply allowed to change nameplate and operate in the same muridke compound.

THAT is the reason there is no proof, and all the Indian dossiers are not ''enough''. THAT reason being your state's complicity.

That complicity must be defeated, too bad if it hurts your fragile egos. No responsibilities of a sovereign state - then no rights of a sovereign state.
Lie, JUD operated and raised money openly while being banned. Its reported in your own media too. Just look up.

THAT is the reason there is no proof, and all the Indian dossiers are not ''enough''. THAT reason being your state's complicity.

Should have gone to the court and presented it at that time. Now its a moot point. Pakistan had banned them, banks were given notice to seize their accounts. This was done, banking proof would be available for this. Now if someone holds a rally, and its against the law, there are actions that can be taken.

Nobody took them, end of story. Its a useless point now, that in the time they were banned they were not banned effectively.
He urges people to resist Indian rule in Kashmir and is clearly influential enough to motivate large numbers of people.

More than Kashmir, people are more concerned with his organization's links with Al-Qaeda


On December 10, 2008, the UN 1267 Committee took several actions related to the terrorist group Lashkar-e-Tayibba (LeT), including its listing of Jamaat-ud-Dawah (JUD) as an alias for LeT, as well as the listing of JUD's leader, Muhammad Saeed. The Committee in 2005 added LeT to its Consolidated List citing its affiliation with al-Qaida.
Hand him over and we will show you how to prosecute him.

All you need is the will power.
Uff dialog baazi, is this all you guys are good for? Joke of the century, how can we hand him over when he is a Pakistani citizen. This is a serious issue please, don't trivialize it.
More than Kashmir, people are more concerned with his organization's links with Al-Qaeda


Yes, that's why I mentioned this earlier:

There is some confusion here.

The UNSC listing had nothing to do with Mumbai -- all it signifies is that the UNSC believes HS "associated with" AQ. Pakistan's obligation under the UNSC ruling is to restrict HS's movements. There is nothing in there about trying him for anything.

Which begs the question what exactly is the legal basis for the US reward for his arrest? Kasab's "testimony"? Obtained under diress?
Uff dialog baazi, is this all you guys are good for? Joke of the century, how can we hand him over when he is a Pakistani citizen. This is a serious issue please, don't trivialize it.

These guys openly hold rallies in which they confess to sending thousands of non-state actors to wage Jihad and die in other nations. What more proof do you need?
These guys openly hold rallies in which they confess to sending thousands of non-state actors to wage Jihad and die in other nations. What more proof do you need?

No he doesn't. He talks about ongoing freedom struggle in Kashmir.
LoL, the successes of his terrorism business have gone to saeed's head (or where ever he thinks from). This bounty is not on his head. This bounty is factually on Pakistani army who are the ring masters of this terrorism profitability business. Clear signal of the new extent to which the US is prepared to go as a part of this new focus. And for those who cannot see it yet, this is a bigger and more damaging censure than the drones. If one has not realized, this is a bigger damage to soverginity then salala!!!!
Interesting to see what the winds of May will bring this year. By the looks of April, it is looking quite ominous for those who support these terrorists.
Just because he is anti-Indian or anti-US does not make him guilty. Present unequivocal, substantiated proof against him in court; just like the LeT has been banned in Pakistan, so will the JuD (& HS jailed).
LoL, the successes of his terrorism business have gone to saeed's head (or where ever he thinks from). This bounty is not on his head. This bounty is factually on Pakistani army who are the ring masters of this terrorism profitability business. Clear signal of the new extent to which the US is prepared to go as a part of this new focus. And for those who cannot see it yet, this is a bigger and more damaging censure than the drones. If one has not realized, this is a bigger damage to soverginity then salala!!!!
Interesting to see what the winds of May will bring this year. By the looks of April, it is looking quite ominous for those who support these terrorists.

Wow, did you just read that from your magic bowl? Where can I buy one? Right, the Yanks are now going to target the entire Pak military... The last time I heard they were begging for the supply routes to be reopened.
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