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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

when and how long ?? when america will go ???? lol ...there are more person like hafiz saeed in kashmire and india too
Kudos USA..only if GoI can learn from you guys. Forget our foreign 'interests',imagine instead of spending millions on military operations against Maoists just announce 5 crore,10 crore on the head of top Maoist commanders and within few days I am sure they will end up dead in some remote parts of the jungle.
It leads to me to question if Pakistan indeed has a self-respect threshold. If they had any brains, they would arrest this guy and hand him over to the Americans. But the rulers of Pakistan almost seem to aim for a diplomatic black eye.


Pakistan is waiting for US to double the bounty from 50 crores to 100 crores.Then they will take another 100 crores from Laskar/Hafeez Saeed to allow him to remain free in Pakistan. An then with 200 crores in kitty, they will blow Hafeez Saeed to pieces and claim it as a RAW deed !
To all the people here who are defending Hafiz Saeed and claiming that he is innocent, why do you think India and USA is after him?

I mean if he really was just a random man running a charitable NGO then why is every one after him? And why him? Why not someone else?

not both sides ..only muslims have sacrificed alot ..nd what will you do if ur family or all your's relatives will..........???.and you 'd born in the street ..will you take revenge??people like hafiz saeed starts "bhagawat" natuarally .......otherwise hafiz saeed is very polite and nice person for others..
do you know how many sikhs and hindus have lost there lives??
moreover, hindus are still dying in baluchistan...still extremist are killing them...until and unless you stop killing hindus in baluchistan part of pakistan you have no right to speak on kashmir which is a part of india!

when and how long ?? when america will go ???? lol ...there are more person like hafiz saeed in kashmire and india too
dont worry about them we'll take care of people like hafiz saeed....
Asim Aquil, you should ask government of Pakistan to retaliate by imposing economic sanctions to cripple the US economy and carry out counter military offensives the next time there is drone strike. If you can not do that, then all your arguement of who is right and who is wrong falls on its face.

Now keeping the idealistic framework and Pakistan's wishlist aside lets talk in the realist framework. Who is able to achieve their national interests?

Has America been able to kill OBL and degrade Al Qaeda since 9/11? The answer is a big YES.

Has India been able to retain its part of the Kashmir till today? The answer is an unambiguous YES.

Has Pakistan been able to change the situation in Kashmir? NO, the military it propped up to do that eventually pulled of 4 coups inside Pakistan without any success in Kashmir. :D In the process, E Pakistan and Siachen were lost as well.

Does Pakistan have a better hold on A'stan than it had a decade back? NO, the US invasion on the A'stan with the help of Northern Alliance saw the ouster of Taliban. Till the US is in A'stan, no on else can dominate that country.
Again you contradicts what you were saying about HS. If Pak team speaks to Ajmal Kasab, he will say that he is innocent and framed to this case. And the case closed? There are evidences provided for all those charges and 99% of the accused will plead not guilty before the Judge.

Why would he say that? He already came clean to the Indian authorities... Was that under duress?
Does not apply really.. Its a war zone in FATA etc. Am sure even Pakistan Air force jets dont wait to court orders when they bombard the militant hideouts ...

You don't go to the courts in war.
Clearly, this is an American way of upping the ante so to speak. Nothing more nothing less. Many years have passed by since the Mumbai attacks. Why now suddenly announce a bounty? The Yanks are sorely mistaken by further agitating an already fragile relationship. The Yanks haven't made any secret about being frustrated and paranoid about the closure of the supply routes. The Yanks and her allies heavily rely on Pakistani supply routes in Afghanistan. The Salala incident has truly proven to be a game changer. To make matters worse, the Yanks aren't helping their cause at all. They didn't offer an apology to defuse tension. Now, they're resorting to such tit for tats when in reality they need Pakistan's assistance like the earth needs the sun. Not a smart move by the Yanks. The anti-Americanism in Pakistan is at peak. I'm sure the latest move is only going to add more fuel to an already raging fire.
Bl[i]tZ;2773861 said:
Asim Aquil, you should ask government of Pakistan to retaliate by imposing economic sanctions to cripple the US economy and carry out counter military offensives the next time there is drone strike. If you can not do that, then all your arguement of who is right and who is wrong falls on its face.

I have asked. My stance is clean and clear on multiple occasions on this website.
Dont be a clown mate.. Hafiz Saeed is a UNSC declared terrorist hence Pakistan is in a bind about giving a response.. You comparison with Modi would have been more apt, if you did that with some one like General Pasha for indulging in sponsoring terror strikes.. Just like there is a court case against Modi, there is one against him.. So chose your comparisons a little more thoughtfully

The US has the power to put anybody anywhere, she can place your acting prime minster, president, chief of the army staff, sachin tendulkar & Kareena Kapoor on UNSC terrorists list in a matter of seconds but it would not be the truth, neither would it be moral.

You know and I know how guilty Hafiz Saeed really is and how guilty Modi is!

If there is reason to suspect that his "testimony" was obtained under duress, then it is worthless anyway.

And we can safely assume, intelligently, that Indians wouldn't be 'asking' Kasab nicely, right? So it is a given that the testimony is taken under duress and quite possibly altered heavily and this is the reason access to Kassab was not given to Pakistani legal team.
You guys are assuming that this time the informer will make the same mistake that Dr, Afridi did.

i.e., he will wait in Pakistan for death to come and embrace him.
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