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Hafiz Saeed in Mubashar Luqman Show

Nah! I am all for him.. He should contest for the PM position in Pakistan.. Will be awesome to see a UN designated terrorist leading Pakistan :)

Dont be so influenced by your hatred for India that you repeat the mistake Zia made in 1980's

Whatever Zia was, we all know that he was a nationalist. He hated India by heart. In fact i would argue that there was a reason why every leader in Pakistan in the 70s, 80s, and 90s wanted to continue with the nuclear program. :agree:

Thanks for your comments but i think Pakistani citizens know better what is best for their country. Shahbash go save your people from maoists first before sneaking on other's business....
How can he live in such openness despite having a bounty on his head??Pakistan needs to get their affairs on order, it can't keep pulling this nonsense.
Their is not harm if Muslim supports a Muslim we are all part of Ummah and in fact every Muslims should support each other and should increase their support to each other

The comment was directed at Sombozo since I think he's residing in KSA. But as a matter of fact and talking of Ummah... what's your take on the link below? Keeping in mind that, the Saudi inclination towards India recently too... great going for Ummah supporting the very same elements which are against the existence of Muslims.

A Tel Aviv University report says Saudi Arabia is Israel

KSA don't give a damn about the Ummah thing... if they had, why do we Pakistani need Visa to travel there?

PS: The link provided is a PressTV source which is known for their bias in promoting the Iranian (Shia) version of the stories, considering the rifts that Shia state have with a Wahhabi state (KSA).
The comment was directed at Sombozo since I think he's residing in KSA. But as a matter of fact and talking of Ummah... what's your take on the link below? Keeping in mind that, the Saudi inclination towards India recently too... great going for Ummah supporting the very same elements which are against the existence of Muslims.

A Tel Aviv University report says Saudi Arabia is Israel

KSA don't give a damn about the Ummah thing... if they had, why do we Pakistani need Visa to travel there?

PS: The link provided is a PressTV source which is known for their bias in promoting the Iranian (Shia) version of the stories, considering the rifts that Shia state have with a Wahhabi state (KSA).

i was reading a novel (dastan eman faroshon ke{Salahuddin Ayoubi}) and it looks like i am reading about the situation happening in muslim countries. all the heads of islamic states are corrupt Zani, Rashi, drinkers, they are calling non muslims to kill own muslim brothers to save them. it all happened in past at that time. and at that time salahudin did not said that why should we worry about ummah because arabs are not supporting us. as a muslim i feel pain where ever and whenever a muslim is killed by crusaiders or any one else because he is muslim.
but wait at that time muslims got rid of the situation same now we need some serious people and that will change things. in sha ALLAH

and in his interview hafiz defended his case very wisely. IMO
he said it is not Osama or zavahri or hafiz saeed but its there fate (americans , indians nato, isreal) against muslims. they just need some excuses to attack muslim countries.
All this is happening because of Islamic system. they want there system to be implemented and we in muslims countries want our own system or Quraan and Hadith. so if we give them hafiz or all the people our nukes. they wont stop until we leave islam or become there slaves. (at this time our rulers are their slave).
As many say, innocent until proven guilty. :agree:
But Indians and Americans have their own criteria of innocence . If they had enough proofs against Hafiz Saeed why they dont bring him to justice in International court ( which must be neutral ) , but they cant do this as they have no proofs against him but they have habit of crying so let them cry yar . Bachay hain
dont feel sad if violence becomes daily affairs in pakistan .. He may be good for now to keep your spirit up..but in future thousands like him will arrive worshipping him as a hero ... Dont feel bad if pakistan itself becomes the stage to show their herogiri ..which will certainly gonna happen if present intellectuals are continue to act so challenged with their sight ..
As you sow so shall you reap, only surprise is that they still haven't learned anything from the past.
Keep supporting him guys, The UN designated terrorist will take world reputation of Pakistanis to a new height. :woot:

and the same UN gave green signal to america for attacking iraq, remember? same nobel org has given peace prize to obama whose war has killed many people, please dont tell us about these puppet organisation

dont feel sad if violence becomes daily affairs in pakistan .. He may be good for now to keep your spirit up..but in future thousands like him will arrive worshipping him as a hero ... Dont feel bad if pakistan itself becomes the stage to show their herogiri ..which will certainly gonna happen if present intellectuals are continue to act so challenged with their sight ..

pakistan hasnt made him hero, to be honest hafiz saeed was not considered much befoe indian balme and US bounty, he didnt even appear in the TV, but its your egos which has made him famous

Nah! I am all for him.. He should contest for the PM position in Pakistan.. Will be awesome to see a UN designated terrorist leading Pakistan :)

and the indian terrorist is ruling indian state of gujrat, dont tell us to follow you guys

do you remember how indians voted as the most favoured guy in the world in time magazine polling?
and the same UN gave green signal to america for attacking iraq, remember? same nobel org has given peace prize to obama whose war has killed many people, please dont tell us about these puppet organisation

That's why you should support him, you must be knowing many Pakistanis disguise as Indians in United States because of your improved international reputation. :enjoy:
Clinton’s statement in India against Hafiz Saeed prompted Munter to quit

Clinton’s statement in India against Hafiz Saeed prompted Munter to quit

ISLAMABAD, May 09 (INP): American Ambassador in Pakistan, Cameron Munter suddenly decided to quit his job after Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton during her India visit declared Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed responsible for the 26/11 Mumbai carnage and said the US was prepared to work with India to bring Hafiz Saeed to justice.

Well placed diplomatic sources told INP on Wednesday that after the announcement of $10 million bounty on Hafiz Saeed by the US government, some circles arranged a secret meeting between Hafiz Saeed and Cameron Munter. According to sources, Hafiz Saeed presented solid evidence to Munter to show that he had no link to the Mumbai carnage.

The sources further divulged that Munter sent a detailed report to the State Department in this regard and informed it about the detailed viewpoint of Hafiz Saeed about the Mumbai attacks. However, the State Department made it clear upon Munter that it would not be responsible for any assurance given by him to the JuD chief.

According to sources, Hafiz Saeed came out openly in the public openly only after the assurances given by Munter. The sources said Munter had made up his mind to quit his job soon after the State Department refused to be responsible for any promise made by him with Hafiz Saeed. However, the sources added, Munter wasted no time and immediately informed the State Department about his decision to quit after Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton during her India visit declared Hafiz Saeed responsible for the 26/11 carnage and said the US was prepared to work with India to bring the JuD chief to justice. Clinton’s announcement was aimed to appease India to make it accept its demand to discard Iranian oil imports.

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That's why you should support him, you must be knowing many Pakistanis disguise as Indians in United States because of your improved international reputation. :enjoy:

im currently living in london and honestly i feel embarrassed when some people say that im indian, i correct them and say im pakistan

about american pakistanis, well there are black sheeps in every society, VCheng and hussain haqqani is the latest example, but not all pakistani americans are like VCheng or hussain haqqani
some circles arranged a secret meeting between Hafiz Saeed and Cameron Munter. According to sources, Hafiz Saeed presented solid evidence to Munter to show that he had no link to the Mumbai carnage.

Quote of the month...What did he present? he had loose motion and was in toilet from 26/11 to 29/11?

So easy to bluff you guys.....ha ha ha, why should ameerika send army to trailbal areas..
“And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah SWT too planned, and the best of planners is Allah SWT.”

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