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Gurkhas owe a lot to their British masters

Mian Babban

May 7, 2017
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I found this Photograph in book "The Campaign in Tirah, 1897-1898: An Account of the Expedition Against the Orakzais and Afridis Under General Sir William Lockhart" by Henry Doveton Hutchinson, 1898..........it is captioned as ""Gurkhas--The Raw Material" and "Gurkhas--The Finished Article"

They had little or no martial worth and reputation before the British invested in them...........barely clothed and carrying a knife as a weapon, and unknown...... British created/manufactured soldiers from the 'raw material'...no wonder they are still serving in the UK army, entire military history of Gurkhas revolve around Angraiz

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I have gone through British documents before 1857, they are not hyped at all but are casually mentioned. 1857 war was their first major deployment..... and it seems their "worth" was discovered after 1857 mutiny
This exchange says more about cultural difference between India and Pakistan than about Gurkhas. Gurkhas are most noted for their obeisance to the British Empire. For Indians, obedience and fealty to white British masters is a virtue. The opposite holds for Pakistanis: it is a vice, and virtue is expressed instead by defiance to British masters. Hence your diverging interpretations of the Gurkha narrative.
I can see why fealty to a white master would pop into the mind of a Chinese considering how long they waited after the end of colonialism till the British and Portuguese decided to return HK and Macau to them. Most other countries including those like Kenya fought. But when you are used to being ruled - be it by Japanese or Emperors or anyone else - you culturally don't tend to have backbone. That explains the Chinese narrative.
I can see why fealty to a white master would pop into the mind of a Chinese considering how long they waited after the end of colonialism till the British and Portuguese decided to return HK and Macau to them. Most other countries including those like Kenya fought. But when you are used to being ruled - be it by Japanese or Emperors or anyone else - you culturally don't tend to have backbone. That explains the Chinese narrative.

Sounds like your Hindu history textbooks have misled you. Britain gave Kenya independence in 1963, and in fact most of British decolonization across Africa was a orderly and negotiated affair. However, Africans did reserve much antipathy and violence for Hindus. Across Uganda, South Africa, etc, Africans massacred and butchered these unwelcome colonial implants introduced by the British :cry:

The riots resulted in the massacre of mostly poor Indians. In total 142 people died in the riots and another 1,087 people were injured. It also led to the destruction of 58 shops, 247 dwellings and one factory.


The question is, why didn't these Africans feel any solidarity with their swarthy dark-skinned Indian cousins? It's because they saw during the colonial era how cunning Indians were always colluding and collaborating with their British masters to undermine other nonwhites. Hence you reap what you sow :)
Sounds like your Hindu history textbooks have misled you. Britain gave Kenya independence in 1963, and in fact most of British decolonization across Africa was a orderly and negotiated affair. However, Africans did reserve much antipathy and violence for Hindus. Across Uganda, South Africa, etc, Africans massacred and butchered these unwelcome colonial implants introduced by the British :cry:



The question is, why didn't these Africans feel any solidarity with their swarthy dark-skinned Indian cousins? It's because they saw during the colonial era how cunning Indians were always colluding and collaborating with their British masters to undermine other nonwhites. Hence you reap what you sow :)
LOL - a Chinese's grasp of world history. Hahahaha - you are now defending Idi Amin's actions in Uganda?
Nor have you heard of the Mau Mau rebellion.

Clearly showing once again that you think your erstwhile white masters can do no wrong. That's why the world generally laughs at China.
All the martial races described by the british were just some tribes and regions who remained loyal to the British during 1857 revolt..
This exchange says more about cultural difference between India and Pakistan than about Gurkhas. Gurkhas are most noted for their obeisance to the British Empire. For Indians, obedience and fealty to white British masters is a virtue. The opposite holds for Pakistanis: it is a vice, and virtue is expressed instead by defiance to British masters. Hence your diverging interpretations of the Gurkha narrative.

You do realise that a lot more Pakistani Punjabi Muslims served under the British compared to the Gurkhas right? :lol:

Besides majority of the Gurkhas are from Nepal and not India.
LOL - a Chinese's grasp of world history. Hahahaha - you are now defending Idi Amin's actions in Uganda?
Nor have you heard of the Mau Mau rebellion.

Clearly showing once again that you think your erstwhile white masters can do no wrong. That's why the world generally laughs at China.

I'm not surprised you brought up Mau Mau. That conflict was a runaway success for Britain imperial policy, resulted in negligible European casualties (quite a few Hindus though), and managed to pit the Mau Mau and Kikuyu tribes against each other. The rebellion was mainly about nonwhites undermining each other, falling victim to 'divide-and-rule' ploys, and furthering British imperial hegemony. For that reason, I can certainly see why it would appeal to your sycophantic pro-British mentality, the same way that you love how Gurkhas fight other nonwhites for your British masters' benefit.

I don't care to defend Idi Amin, but his and many other African actions raise the question, why did Africans feel so much animosity towards Indians despite your shared skin-color? It has to do with your venal collusion with your British masters.

You do realise that a lot more Pakistani Punjabi Muslims served under the British compared to the Gurkhas right? :lol:

Besides majority of the Gurkhas are from Nepal and not India.

Because Punjabis were British subjects and moreover, compulsorily drafted for belonging to one of the martial races. Why any Gurkhas served Britain at all when they had their own sovereign homeland to offer their services to is a mystery.
Because Punjabis were British subjects and moreover, compulsorily drafted for belonging to one of the martial races. Why any Gurkhas served Britain at all when they had their own sovereign homeland to offer their services to is a mystery.

So people who are serving their foreign rulers are more respectable than the people who are serving in foreign armies out of their own volition to earn a livelihood? Because fck logic right :cheesy:

That Gurkhas wanted to serve in an army that paid them well is no mystery. There are 50 Million Chinese spread across the world today, in search of better livelihood, is that a mystery as well? :undecided:
So people who are serving their foreign rulers are more respectable than the people who are serving in foreign armies to earn a livelihood? Because fck logic right :cheesy:

Although neither situation is ideal, I have more sympathy and respect for a sex slave and victim of human trafficking than a mercenary and venal prostitute, yes.
Brits collected most retarded group of people from sub continent and told them they are marshal race to die for them. :rofl:
There were reason brits could rule 1/3rd of the world with ease. There were no shortages of retards till today and the largest concentration of them are in India.
I'm not surprised you brought up Mau Mau. That conflict was a runaway success for Britain imperial policy, resulted in negligible European casualties (quite a few Hindus though), and managed to pit the Mau Mau and Kikuyu tribes against each other. The rebellion was mainly about nonwhites undermining each other, falling victim to 'divide-and-rule' ploys, and furthering British imperial hegemony. For that reason, I can certainly see why it would appeal to your sycophantic pro-British mentality, the same way that you love how Gurkhas fight other nonwhites for your British masters' benefit.

I don't care to defend Idi Amin, but his and many other African actions raise the question, why did Africans feel so much animosity towards Indians despite your shared skin-color? It has to do with your venal collusion with your British masters.

Because Punjabis were British subjects and moreover, compulsorily drafted for belonging to one of the martial races. Why any Gurkhas served Britain at all when they had their own sovereign homeland to offer their services to is a mystery.

I am glad Wikipedia is not blocked in Communist China. I can see for you why whites are so important - it has always been about pleasing whites - hence you waited so long to let UK and Portugal return Chinese territories. Even now that USA is protecting Taiwan, you bow your head and pretty much are unable to do anything.

You just defended Idi Amin and now you don't care for him? But I can see the appeal a mass murderer would have for the Chinese considering that Mao adorns their currency. At least the Ugandans have put the past behind them.

China is the only country whose populace enjoys being ruled - perhaps it suits their simple peasant-like nature.

Brits collected most retarded group of people from sub continent and told them they are marshal race to die for them. :rofl:
There were reason brits could rule 1/3rd of the world with ease. There were no shortages of retards till today and the largest concentration of them are in India.
Everytime a Bangla types a message on an online forum, a little bit of sanity dies.
I meet Nepalis today that hate Indians, so lessons that people give towards history are not even worth anything today. I've met Nepalis that literally hate India, and favor Pakistan without religious strings attached. Just something to think about for Indian bhangis.
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