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Gujarat riots: 32 convicted in Naroda Patiya case

Who exactly are "people like me"? Do you know me, have we met? This is called prejudice - judging somebody before knowing anything about them.

Now since you have comprehension issues, let me make it easier for you. The charges against kasab, proven beyond a shadow of doubt, are mass murder and waging war against the indian state. Both of them carry the death penalty. The charges that have been proven against the BJP minister and others are inciting people to riot, and distributing weapons. I know murders took place, and would have been happy if those charges were proved and the murderers were given the death sentence. But as things stand, thats not what they have been convicted of, so it is unlikely that they will get death penalty. You will see that I am right when they announce the quantum of punishment.

I wasn't giving anybody any advice, I was stating the plain fact.

And to ajtr and others: Please don't make this a stupid boys v/s girls issue, that's very childish of you. Leave that mentality to the 6th graders.
If ur view is this then i do want "people like you" more in India.
May be they will not get capital punishment even i think so. But we can surly demand for it. Ony this can satisfy the victims.
If ur view is this then i do want "people like you" more in India.
May be they will not get capital punishment even i think so. But we can surly demand for it. Ony this can satisfy the victims.

Capital punishment for what dude ? I will satisfied only if the Amar Jawan Jyoti desecrators are strung by their balls from Gateway of India and the rest of the rioters are thrown into the Arabian sea with a rock tied to their legs. So can we do that ?

They rioted and justice has been served to them. Now move on.
What do u say guys? Now we have more reason to Blive Snjeev Bhut and Tehelka.
Still if any more supporters are there for modi i can only compare them with kasab.

One more observation. Open any link about kasab today and read the comments how many supporting him. But same way check the comments about these culprits. I can think that more supporters are there for these criminal.

India is really changing. BJP really succeded in communalising India.

People like u were eager to hang kasab, even in facebook many pages are there (in pdf also links are there). Why dont u give them any adive.

@ajitr: I think many times you are generalising too much. If u were also there in the town? Like you many pregnent would have been there who could do nothing. Dont forget

If you want one incident that started the communalizing of India it was the Mullah's idiocacy on the Shah Bano case. Now go figure and stop the inane rant about BJP this, BJP that. If you knew one bit about the atmosphere of the 80s and early 90s you would have known that. But I bet, that must have escaped your selective filter.

Regarding Kasab, he came from Pak and waged war against India. I not only call for his death but by the most gruesome means.While this was a simple case of communal riots that were spontaneously sparked off by the gruesome burning of 59 Hindu pilgrims by a fanatic mob in Godhra. And for all your infinite wisdom you must be knowing this was not the first communal riot in India nor it was the last. **** happens, especially if 59 pilgrims are burnt alive. So good luck trying to equate them..but unfortunately people are little bit aware of what happens around them and are unlikely to buy into that BS.
Good job they were convicted.

Now can we see some convictions in the Deganga riots, the recent riots in UP etc. Or were they 'secular' riots, not to be judged ?
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