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Gravitational waves announcement: Scientists confirm detection of ripples in spacetime

a simple set questions or points : so according to our phd'ed astronomers, the universe's elements ( galaxies, worlds, stars etc ) are flying away hither-thither from their place of creation or coalescing... flying away to somewhere, and somehow without interference and collisions... so the entire sol solar system is flying away in one piece... what about the extremeties of the universe?? where will the elements go?? will they dash against a wall?? in fact, what are the extremeties of the universe??

Science and scientific reasoning is not your forte. Go back to the tharki threads buddy :D
THE EXPANSION OF THE UNIVERSEE in the Qur'an, which was revealed fourteen centuries ago at a time when the science of astronomy was still primitive, the expansion of the universe was described in the following terms:

And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it. (Qur'an, 51:47)

The word "heaven," as stated in the verse above, is used in various places in the Qur'an. It is referring to space and the wider universe. Here again, the word is used with this meaning, stating that the universe "expands." The Arabic word "moosiaaoona" in the term "inna lamoosiaaoona," translated into English as "it is We Who are steadily expanding it", comes from the verb "evsea," meaning "to expand." The prefix "la" emphasises the following name or title and adds a sense of "to a great extent." This expression therefore means "We expand the sky or the universe to a great extent." This is the very conclusion that science has reached today. Until the dawn of the 20th century, the only view prevailing in the world of science was that "the universe has a constant nature and it has existed since infinite time." However, modern research, observations, and calculations carried out by means of modern technology have revealed that the universe in fact had a beginning and that it constantly "expands."At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian physicist Alexander Friedmann and the Belgian cosmologist Georges Lemaitre theoretically calculated that the universe is in constant motion and that it is expanding.From the moment of the Big Bang, the universe has been constantly expanding at a great speed. Scientists compare the expanding universe to the surface of a balloon that is inflated.This notion was confirmed by the use of observational data in 1929. While observing the sky with a telescope, Edwin Hubble, the American astronomer, discovered that the stars and galaxies were constantly moving away from each other. This discovery is regarded as one of the greatest in the history of astronomy. During these observations, Hubble established that the stars emit a light that turns redder according to their distance. That is because according to the known laws of physics, light heading towards a point of observation turns violet, and light moving away from that point assumes a more reddish hue. During his observations, Hubble noted a tendency towards the colour red in the light emitted by stars. In short, the stars were moving further and further away, all the time. The stars and galaxies were not only moving away from us, but also from each other. A universe where everything constantly moves away from everything else implied a constantly expanding universe. The observations carried out in the following years verified that the universe is constantly expanding.In order to gain a clearer understanding of this, let us imagine the universe to be the surface of a balloon being inflated. In the same way that the more the balloon is inflated, the further away the points on its surface move from one another, celestial bodies also move away from one another as the universe expands. This was theoretically discovered by Albert Einstein, regarded as one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century. However, in order to avoid violating the "static universe model" that was generally accepted at that time, Einstein laid that discovery aside. He would later describe this as the greatest blunder of his life. 2This fact was explained in the Qur'an in a time when telescopes and similar technological advancements were not even close to being invented. This is because the Qur'an is the Word of Allah: the Creator and Ruler of the entire universe.

"And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it. "

The above statement is not at all scientific and is open to interpretation. I have seen religious people force fit bits and pieces of religious iron-age open-ended commentary on life and existence into modern scientific observations to source validation. There is not one thing in any religion that can be considered as valuable insight into our existence.

The Big Crunch theory proposes that the universe, that began expanding with the Big Bang, will collapse in on itself with increasing speed. According to the theory, this collapse of the universe will continue until the universe has lost all its mass and turned into a single point of infinite density.As we have stated above, the creation of the universe began with a huge explosion. From this point, the universe has been expanding ever since. Scientists say that when the mass of the universe has reached a sufficient level, this expansion will come to an end because of gravity, causing the universe to collapse in on itself. 3It is also believed that the contracting universe will end in a fierce heat and contraction known as the "Big Crunch." This would lead to the end of all forms of life as we know them. Renata Kallosh and Andrei Linde, professors of physics from Stanford University, made the following statements on the subject:The universe may be doomed to collapse and disappear. Everything we see now, and at a much larger distance that we cannot see, will collapse into a point smaller than a proton. Locally, it will be the same as if you were inside a black hole... We have found that some of the best attempts to describe dark energy predict that it will gradually become negative, which will cause the universe to become unstable, then collapse... Physicists have known that dark energy could become negative and the universe could collapse sometime in the very distant future... but now we see that we might be, not in the beginning, but in the middle of the life cycle of our universe. 4This is how this scientific hypothesis of the Big Crunch is indicated in the Qur'an:

That Day We will fold up heaven like folding up the pages of a book. As We originated the first creation so We will regenerate it. It is a promise binding on Us. That is what We will do. (Qur'an, 21:104)

In another verse, this state of the heavens is described thus:

They do not measure Allah with His true measure. The whole earth will be a mere handful for Him on the Day of Rising the heavens folded up in His right hand. Glory be to Him! He is exalted above the partners they ascribe! (Qur'an, 39:67)

According to the Big Crunch theory, the universe will begin to collapse slowly and will then increasingly pick up speed. At the end of the process the universe will have infinite density and be infinitely hot and small. This scientific theory runs parallel to the Qur'anic explanation of this particular scientific concept. (Allah knows best)
Science and scientific reasoning is not your forte. Go back to the tharki threads buddy :D
Its easily explained to him, the universe is expanding, the "dark energy" (the energy in space) is expanding the universe and it expands even faster depending on distance (lack of gravity) between objects, thus MOST galaxies are ACCELERATING away from the Milky Way as the pull of gravity is not stronger than the dark energy, if your within a few million parsecs of another galaxy..chances are its moving TOWARDS you.

Not everything is moving away from us though, the Andromeda galaxy WILL eventually collide with the Milky Way to create a galaxy merger, I wont go into the maths and terms like megaparsecs but long story short, Andromeda and Milky way are close enough that the speed in which dark energy expands the universe, isnt as fast as the pull of gravity (68mi/s vs 46mi/s) which as the galaxies get closer, the dark energy will have less of an effect and the gravity pull will be stronger making those speeds even quicker.

The universe is expanding, so MOST galaxies will be moving away from other galaxies but there are generally a few in a vicinity to one another that gravity will be a stronger effect, theres alot of merging galaxies that you can see on the internet.

It does take billions of years though, our sun will be in its last billion or so years by the time Andromeda and the Milky Way merge.
Its easily explained to him, the universe is expanding, the "dark energy" (the energy in space) is expanding the universe and it expands even faster depending on distance (lack of gravity) between objects, thus MOST galaxies are ACCELERATING away from the Milky Way as the pull of gravity is not stronger than the dark energy, if your within a few million parsecs of another galaxy..chances are its moving TOWARDS you.

Not everything is moving away from us though, the Andromeda galaxy WILL eventually collide with the Milky Way to create a galaxy merger, I wont go into the maths and terms like megaparsecs but long story short, Andromeda and Milky way are close enough that the speed in which dark energy expands the universe, isnt as fast as the pull of gravity (68mi/s vs 46mi/s) which as the galaxies get closer, the dark energy will have less of an effect and the gravity pull will be stronger making those speeds even quicker.

The universe is expanding, so MOST galaxies will be moving away from other galaxies but there are generally a few in a vicinity to one another that gravity will be a stronger effect, theres alot of merging galaxies that you can see on the internet.

It does take billions of years though, our sun will be in its last billion or so years by the time Andromeda and the Milky Way merge.

Good luck in explaining that all to him.
No one really knows where universe ends. So who knows.....

yeah so why are these people authoritatively throwing precise numbers into the internet signals??

Dark energy, which is ovserved only on paper, is the surplus amount of energy which is causing expansion.

the underlined needs to be underlined in every discussion. :)

They do but its very minute.

proof?? :)

Science and scientific reasoning is not your forte. Go back to the tharki threads buddy :D

what is not my forte is jumping with joy at the grand bullshitting by a bunch of phd's. :)

i am socialist... to doubt and question and improve and understand in simple terms is part of my belief... i am a computing designer... my simple questions here were the real scientific reasoning... all the other people here, except for @Mentee and to a extent @911, have been repeating from college books without a single shred of doubt in them.

and one member has already turned this into a quranic proof, in manner of how the sanghis do with hinduism myths.

Its easily explained to him, the universe is expanding, the "dark energy" (the energy in space) is expanding the universe and it expands even faster depending on distance (lack of gravity) between objects, thus MOST galaxies are ACCELERATING away from the Milky Way as the pull of gravity is not stronger than the dark energy, if your within a few million parsecs of another galaxy..chances are its moving TOWARDS you.

sigh... what is this "dark energy"?? how does it look?? when was it observed?? how is it employed?? were all the cosmonauts sent till now affected by it??
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yeah so why are these people authoritatively throwing precise numbers into the internet signals??

the underlined needs to be underlined in every discussion. :)

proof?? :)

what is not my forte is jumping with joy at the grand bullshitting by a bunch of phd's. :)

i am socialist... to doubt and question and improve and understand in simple terms is part of my belief... i am a computing designer... my simple questions here were the real scientific reasoning... all the other people here, except for @Mentee and to a extent @911, have been repeating from college books without a single shred of doubt in them.

and one member has already turned this into a quranic proof, in manner of how the sanghis do with hinduism myths.

sigh... what is this "dark energy"?? how does it look?? when was it observed?? how is it employed?? were all the cosmonauts sent till now affected by it??

Dark energy is something that we can infer exists (the hypothesis is pretty much a fact we are just not advanced enough to do more with it at the moment) because we are observing the universe expanding and with modern understanding and science we know something is there.

It is merely a name we give to the force that expands the universe, we KNOW the universe is expanding and we are an intelligent species but were hardly advanced enough to just go into space and analyze the void, we know something is causing the expansion so dark energy is the name we give it, people think to much about the name as it sounds like it contains alot of detail but its a placeholder name, we know its there yet we just give it that name now like you would a product that is in development, the iPhone wasnt called the iPhone until it was complete.

Dark energy is also likely what caused the initial expansion of the big bang, and I know some people will say, well you cant see it how do you know its there and use the same arguments people use about gods existence BUT unlike god we KNOW there is a force at play and its observable unlike god, its just we as a species are infants and its amazing that we even know that there are forces at play that expand the universe and we give them a name until further understanding and advancements in science allow us to do more with that information.
with reference to the article and the vid above i have these points :

1. i don't believe in the existence of "space-time" and other such stuff... they are just human mathematical constructs that have no validity in nature... these particular people talk of "gravitational ripples" taking for granted the existence of "space-time".

2. could the so-called gravitational ripples simply be some kind of gas molecule electrical effect that origined in the unification of the two black holes??

3. is einstein always right??

4. the "listening to universe" thing would simply be attaching a speaker to the photometer assembly and the speaker will simply produce sound based on variation of the electrical input and we interpret this on our terms... this has been done before with the sun and with the earth's rotation i think and also i think with the seti project.

5. most americans are so bad with analogies... i couldn't understand his talk of using ligo to measure distance between the sun and the next star system ( alpha centauri system ). :lol:

6. time machine?? really??

no, a collision of two black holes... he says each was of 150 kilometer diameter.

as for big bang, no one knows of its form... it is all guesses, as far as i know.

There is so much bullshit here I don't know where to start..
Scientists say that the discovery is the biggest of the century — far more important than that of the Higgs boson

Gravitational ripples in the fabric of spacetime, first predicted by Albert Einstein 100 years ago, have now been detected by scientists who believe the discovery opens new vistas into the “dark” side of the Universe.

Physicists around the world confirmed that they had detected unambiguous signals of gravitational waves emanating from the collision of two massive black holes 1.5 billion light years away in deep space.

As the two black holes spiralled into one another in a violent collision that was over in a second, immense amounts of matter were instantly converted into energy, which sent shock waves travelling through space for 1.5 billion years until they were picked up by gravitational-wave instruments on Earth.

Read more

Gravitational waves find could let scientists build a time machine

The detection of gravitational waves not only confirms Einstein's general theory of relativity, it amounts to the first direct detection of a pair of colliding black holes, the mysterious structures in space that are so dense they exert a gravitational force from which nothing —not even light — can escape.

One senior British physicist described the breakthrough as the greatest scientific discovery so far this century. It is, he said, bigger than the discovery of the Higgs boson because of its ramifications for our basic understanding of the Universe and the possibility it creates for new ways of observing the hidden regions of space.

Two sets of super-sensitive instruments in two American observatories both detected the same sub-atomic movements in the spacetime continuum — the mathematical model that weaves space and time into a single entity — caused by the gravitational waves as they passed through the Earth.

@Levina @Skull and Bones @anant_s @everyone

The muslim world should not believe it. Western invention like Valentine's day.
proved when?? by who?? how?? how come they have not been employed in space-craft propulsion in space or recreated or amplified for earthly vehicle anti-gravity propulsion??

Existence and synthesis of antimatter has been proved for more than a decade, why hasn't that been employed in the research of clean energy?
Google it Miracles of Holy Quran or Quran and science
Crap. Lots of people predict lot. The Hindoo religion spoke of flying vehicles but it took the Wright Brothers to invent it. Christianity spoke about Angels flying but it took a Swiss to invent the Jet Pac. Quran ( I am not blaming the book) followers in the recent years have only shown the world how to behead people and gloat over it.
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