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Govt to ‘bury’ Imran-Pompeo talk issue

1. The transcript is in dispute and this news is on sources disputed. However the government is trying to ensure goodwill reigns.
If you assume that Pakistan's position is correct the problem is what do you about this. If you make the transcript public you might win this litle 'storm in the teacup' but that will about torpedo US/Pak relations. Then there is no point in even Pompeo coming. Thus in the larger interest it might be better to just forget and move on. focus on the big picture.

when the other choices are pigs and lizards.
Yep. If we assume the problem was on our side then we are in hard place. What other choices do we have - "pigs and lizards"!
Government should have been responsible and thought about it before officially contradicting US State Department.
Agreed. But this is a new government. Nobody is perfect. I hope they learn and improve. Move on.
Guys this is another FAKENEWS to distract people, why is that only Nation is reporting this and no other news outlet, even American, as supposedly US sent the Transcript.
The media want's another distraction after CM Punjab and helicopter drama has died down.

Stop Falling for these stupid stories, be patient and think who's benefiting from these situations.
Has the relationship b/w Pak and the USA has become like "He says, she says"?!?!! Good luck with that for the Trump administration!!!! And, here's Afgan problem we're talking about after spending 1T $ of borrowed money, which could have solved the entire US student debt problem!!!! Here, clearly Pak is the winner and the US is cornered!!!! The more the borrowing the deeper the nail's going into the coffin.....
Pakistani government still stands by its claim. And this news is all based on unnamed sources which have no credibility at all.
Is that right? So it's like the one or two stories after 9/11 that the ISI secretly helped the U.S. capture bin Laden, or that bin Laden had died long before - stuff tossed into the media stream to confuse the truth and keep those responsible from being blamed or held accountable by the public, whether they supported bin Laden or not.
That transcript is their version

A transcript is the exact word for word record of the conversation. That is what a transcript is by its very definition.
Since Pakistan has the transcript they can publish it to remove any doubts.
If not then we know the Americans are right and ipso facto the Pakistanis are feeding lies to their own people. So no change there then.
I know what the word means. But who would trust an official of a country where they say this (jump to 25 second mark)

A transcript is the exact word for word record of the conversation. That is what a transcript is by its very definition.
Since Pakistan has the transcript they can publish it to remove any doubts.
If not then we know the Americans are right and ipso facto the Pakistanis are feeding lies to their own people. So no change there then.
I know what the word means. But who would trust an official of a country where they say this (jump to 25 second mark)

First: A Transcript is a WORD FOR WORD record of a RECORDED conversation. A telephone record exists in Washington AND Islamabad. It is not just the US recording the conversation, it is ALSO Islamabad recording the same conversation.
Since Pakistan is disputing this then it can offer up its transcript or the audio recording. They will not because they are lying to their own populace.

Second : Giuliani is NOT a govt official. He is Trumps PRIVATE lawyer hired to muddy the waters of Muller investigations. He will say anything to deflect the emerging truth about Trumps Russian links. That's his PRIVATE job not GOVT.
There are always such "Unknown Sources" being taken more credibly as compare to Government's official stance. However, speaking of media in this regard, well no one is going to spare PTI for a moment. Word burying contrary to the stance of discontinuing any further diplomatic conflict; is a play of word to shift the balance of argument over this issue.
No my dear very much true as per sources...
I’ve only seen the nation run this quoting anonymous sources. Knowing the US SOP, this would have been leaked to the WaPo and NYT. Has an other media group run this story?

The same journalist used anonymous sources in reporting the "dispute" in the first place, did you have a problem with his "nameless sources" then? Obviously his editors don't.
The foreign office officially contradicted the US statement, multiple times, including in the legislature - it wasn’t an anonymous source. And as I mentioned above, US SOP has always involved leaking this kind of information to domestic news outlets like the WAPO & NYT (which is then carried by Pakistani papers like Dawn & Tribune)- I haven’t seen anything from them yet.
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