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Govt may soon lose all control over Balochistan

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Pakistan will collapse and end up the way of Sudan which split into north sudan and south sudan if it does not halt the genocide it is waging on Pashtuns in NWFP and balochistan.

As far as India is concerned ,we don't need to do anything. The Saudis are cannibalizing Pakistan. Anyways after Pakistan is devoured by the Saudi wahabbi virus ,Pakistan will collapse. The reason for this is the warlike nature of Islam and the extreme sectarian warfare/anti-kafir mentality.

And once it collapses the entire nuclear arsenal will be emptied on India. THE END.
And india will exterminate the Islamic world in response with its nuclear and biological arsenal.So whats your point?

:rofl: There will be no India left after nuclear attack my retarded friend.
your nuclear arsenal is not enough...considering the size of India plus India is developing a multi layered BMD not to mention our spy satellites and s300

If Pakistan goes down, India goes down with it.
:rofl: There will be no India left after nuclear attack my retarded friend.

There will no metropolitan cities ,but the towns and tier-2 cities will continue to exist. At most the Pakistani nuclear arsenal will achieve upto 200-250 million deaths.
There will no metropolitan cities ,but the towns and tier-2 cities will continue to exist. At most the Pakistani nuclear arsenal will achieve upto 200-250 million deaths.

120 nuclear missiles emptied on India would not only destroy India, it would destroy the world.

You are simply full of shit.
120 nuclear missiles emptied on India would not only destroy India, it would destroy the world.

You are simply full of shit.

there have been thousands of nuclear tests ,many in megaton range. It never destroyed the world.
I have read what you wrote hence my comment. And your assessment (more correctly assumption) that you'll be able to tackle the problem if Pakistan gets disintegrated is flawed. Few hundred or at most a thousand Kashmiri freedom fighters have literally forced you to sink 700000 strong in Kashmir. You disintegrate Pakistan and there would no longer be just 1000 gorillas fighting in Kashmir and/or elsewhere. Your top brass know this hence a bleeding Pakistan suits them more than a disintegrated Pakistan.
Just fyi....




Read What I wrote, .... I said you assessment is a wrong assumption... Our security is not at all dependent on pakistan...We are perfectly capable of taking care of our security needs, and we necessarily don't need any favors from Pakistan in being a buffer state. If you disintegrate, that is your problem, not ours.... state of your condition is not paramount to India's security, and in no way that suggests I am openly supporting anything.... All I am saying is your assessment is wrong...

Before crying foul, try reading the post in it's entirety.....
In short we must guard our borders against Internal & External threats, I don’t think our enemies will inform in advance about an impending attack. We must be alert & vigilant(24*365). At the same time we can’t be ignorant of what is happening in our neighbouring country. What the militants do in Pakistan is none of yr concern. Infact most of the militants were created & supported by ISI for some strategic depth in Kashmir,Afghanistan & elsewhere.
Until or unless you can not stop foreign dignitaries from hunting and breaking all sorts of laws in Pakistan, you can not really "own" your sovereignty effectively.

I genuinely believe that the scenario I mentioned is relevant...and that my key point here is "attitude".
That is an assumption.. we can deal with the what ever tactical and strategic threat environment presents itself, there is no need for us to be dependent on any state for our own security.

India is today even less vulnerable to fringe-players in the region. Times have changed radically, and the disparity is progressing in a hugely inverse fashion. Attending to threat-perceptions; either current or future is much easier now.
Its all about burgeoning resources.
If that is your opinion as the reason for fall for dhaka, then you will have some problems in balochistan.

enlighten me more about your views of possible problems in Balochistan.
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