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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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Can the moderators put a lid on the discussion on american aid and helicopter lifts, there is some ridiculous derailing going on here.

VCheng if you want to praise american aid on pakistani flood, go to relevant thread please.

and Solomon, any other obvious attempt to derail the thread you make, i will personally report you to all the moderators, super moderators and administrators :sick:
The Murderer of Taseer




I must ask him "How Islamic Is Killing a human and betraying your profession and abusing your uniform " ??
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That matter is the one who has the will to see it to the end.. and the one who knows how to use available recourses best..
but still that is another matter..

The problem with fanaticism is ..that it is rarely stereotyped..
Here was reportedly a career orientated local guy..with no known lean towards extremism.. he follow the religion..simple..
Decides to kill a person one morning out of his raw emotion.
How do you quantify that..
If you really wish to .. then half of the people posting on this thread..would have no qualms...about killing my family...or your family...on false accusation of blasphemy..as they have demonstrated in their posts..
If need be.. they will be barbaric about it..
In the words of our Cowboy ex ruler.. its the "root" cause that needs tackling..

call me a conspiracy theorist if you will..and if you(or anyone else) dont wish to indulge in such then I suggest you dont read further.. one can hatch a conspiracy.. others seem to fall in place..I could be hatching one right now...either the dots connect out of coincidence..or they really do connect
I will be repeating what has been said here before by other(some banned) members...in other terms..
I will recount another's tale.. i did not doubt it.. but you will.. so be forewarned.
I may be a little harsh towards a certain sect/s.. and I dont mean them any harm..or others..just wish to illustrate what I feel

There have been concerted efforts on the part of different center's of power...to distort the Islam as it was.. and turn it into something Attilla the Hun would be proud of..
Where the name "Islam" itself would be meaningless..
Divide, Distort..and you take anything down.. whether it a famous personality,a 300 year old Empire..or a 1500 year old religion..
It took a century.. or more.. but their efforts have borne fruit..

1. Take the religion from the literate...those who know both the world and the Religion...and you have given a powerful weapon..(be it Islam,Christianity or Judaism).. into the hands of a child.
.. a relative of mine.. who was also a succesful banker.. and a Scholar..told me that back in east pakistan in the late 60's.. he stumbled onto a mosque.. where Children were being taught the Quran.. to his shock and dismay..There was very little Quran in what was being taught.. and more composed arabic poetry with false ideas.. The efforts to dismantle our Religion are closer to home than you think.
Let figurate concepts of the Prophet and God take over...and we are no different the many versions of other Abrahamic religions present in the world today.
Let emotion..and not intellect be the guiding force in your understanding..and the whole Idea of Islam.. is USELESS...
afterall..isnt it a prediction for the end of days..that Islam will be taken from those of understanding and go to the "jahilyah"(education was not implied..thought was).

2. Distort at the roots.. Muggle the concept.. wash over the idea's .. remove the need to understand from the masses.. and replace it with blind dictation.. Sir Syed's movement was a turning point for Muslims in the subcontinent.. but it had a drawback..it killed the existing method of education for Muslim children entirely.. without incorporating it.. that method.. gave a sound footing in religious matters...from Quran, hadiath..and Sunnah...and other matters of the world as well.this system had been carried on for generations...it carried teachings of the most respected scholars and saints..refined over centuries... ..which is why Sir Syed was so encouraged by the british..and why Many including Sir Syed in his enthusiasm..fell into it.
The result..that well thought out balanced education is gone..
Now its either all world..or all scripture..no understanding of how seamlessly the two unite...

Sects.. Shia.. Sunni..
the divide was known.. yet.. on the level surface.. it could be united for a common cause...and for 97% of the cases..a common oath..the kalimah..not just god.. To a Muslim.. Christians..Jews..all worship the same god.. but the prophet Mohammad is unique to us..and beloved by all.
So.. take the prophet down..and you have shaken the whole house.
Enter the bahai's..the Ahmedi's..
I have heard it with my own ears the great grandson of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed.. saying that they are well taken care of by the british..and other Western states..
Then you thank the Saudi's for the Taliban... purely a political asset.. and creation..

But..what is needed now.. is not raw emotion...not ill planned ideas..
But a need to reform ourselves.. as examples of who Muslims are supposed to be.. as exemplary human beings..
We are being prosecuted accross the globe..both physically and mentally..at both macro and microscopic levels..
And yet.. there are times when one has to say enough is enough..
But even the call to fight at Badr was given by none other than the prophet after enduring more than anything current Muslim's can fathom completely.. and the call was given by a man of stature..a man of understanding....and when the call was given.. it was not a headlong plunge.. but a carefully calculated..and planned move..
It's all there in history that almost everyone knows.. but few.. take the time to study it..

Santro: What a great thought-provoking post. Thank you.
Can the moderators put a lid on the discussion on american aid and helicopter lifts, there is some ridiculous derailing going on here.

VCheng if you want to praise american aid on pakistani flood, go to relevant thread please.

Point taken. Thanks!
I have been told by someone with the inside info that the village mullah who actually filed the FIR was not present when Asia Bibi supposed to have blasphemed and the FIR was based on hearsay. Decision of the court was due to intimidation as the court was filled with bearded bigots. Salman Taseer investigated the case personally and was convinced that Asia Bibi was innocent.

Salman Taseer was not guilty of trying to pardon the blasphemer. He was only trying to save someone who he thought was innocent of the crime she was accused of. This was the poor guy’s crime which in the eyes of some made him ‘Wajibul Qatl.’

This event however reflects the extent to which the poison of bigotry and intolerance has seeped into our society. Bigoted TV Anchors are equally guilty of inciting emotions of the naïve public. These TV personalities give the impression that Salman Taseer supported those who blasphemed; making him guilty by association.

I am for freedom of speech. Members are part of the society and their sensibilities reflect the public mood. I request the Moderators to remove the ban on the members who refused to condemn this savagery and continue to condone it or justify this killing thru referring to the wrong doings of the west such as Blasphemy laws of other countries. They have a right to air their views even though poor Taseer was in no way responsible for what happens in the West.

One cannot be a Muslim before being a human being first. IMO those who conspired in any way to carry it our or refuse to condemn killing of Salamn Taseer; may be good Muslims but are at a carbuncle on the face of humanity.
In all of this debate, one thing has been lost and that is the sanctity of life. Where is our religiously enshrined tolerance for those who do not agree with us?

What has been achieved by murdering Taseer by the brain-washed zealot? What increase in taqwa has this brought about in anyone by murdering him on baseless charges of "tauheen-e-risalat"?

Somebody posted this at the Dawn, this is worth thinking about (I have underlined for emphasis):

I wish that just as the pros and cons of secularism are being debated here in a civil manner, our public was capable of doing the same without shedding blood.

Fat chance this will happen in my lifetime but one can always hope that the people of Pakistan would one day be educated enough to tolerate differing points of view and live and let live even over differences.

Quaid-e-Azam’s Pakistan is dead!!!! What is left of it has to come to terms with its new identity and it can neither be a completely secular entity nor can it be one dominated by religious bigots who have tolerance for no one’s views except their own. There is enough polarization in the country and the smart ones amongst us will realize that some sort of a sincere compromise is needed which includes hikmat to facilitate inclusiveness and forward thinking.

The challenge is to arrive at this sanity without spilling any more blood.

People have rightly said “Juda ho Jo deen siyasat say to reh jati hey chengazi”, however the following can also be said about the current guardians of our deen in Pakistan and I quote Iqbal again:

Qaum kya cheez hai qaumon ki imamat kya hai
Isko kya samjhain ye bechaaray do rakat ke imam.
Khud badaltay nahin Quran ko badal detay hain
Huway kis darja faqeehaan e haram bay-taufiq

May the Almighty guide us through this mess of our own making. ameen

Comments from Dawn on this issue of blasphemy.
Then won't Pakistanis cry out, "We are being abandoned by the Americans!"?

For Pakistanis often ask Americans for help with their troubles. I have witnessed this personally. And the Wikileaks cables reveal the reason why: because Pakistanis trust us Americans more than they trust each other.

It is not a healthy dependency. I hope someday Pakistanis will be confident and secure enough among themselves so that American advice will neither be necessary nor even sought.

Yet.. as hypocritical as they can be.. they are afraid to admit it..!!
so many young and fresh faced people on that face book page.. wow this is making me very sad.

Salman Taseer and his family didn't have a good reputation.

This is him with his family:

so many young and fresh faced people on that face book page.. wow this is making me very sad.

Thats obviously is the real Pakistan for you, and of course they have a different take on blasphemy law than you have.

2509 people likes the page already. The youth of Pakistan is as much misguided as their older generations were :no:
Going through the videos posted on his interview i find this man a wonderful human being and a friendly broadminded person.

Its indeed a great loss for the society of Pakistan and I am hoping more people like him step in and continue what he has left behind to achieve.

Little off topic but interesting

Salman Taseer's Indian link - News ? India News ? Daily Bhaskar
Salman Taseer and his family didn't have a good reputation.

This is him with his family:


That doesn't mean he deserved to be killed! Plus I don't see whats wrong with the picture. The girls are wearing dresses so?
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