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Good step : Pakistani scholarships for Afghans

Any action that

Did you not finish your sentence?

Hopefully peace prevails, as Pak army chief said today Pakistan has deep cultural and ethnic ties to Afghanistan, but elements within the Afghan security establishment (working on an external agenda) try to sabotage the peace process (as evident from the abrupt failure of Murree process due to a belated disclosure of M.Omar's death) , they have been showing aversion to Ghani's reconciliatory efforts to Afghanistan's neighbours , wish these elements change, work for Afghanistan and for peace in the region !!!

As is said: Hope is not a policy

I'd also like to point out that: "Pakistan has deep cultural and ethnic ties to Afghanistan" -- this fact did not emerge when Gernaal sab became chief -- this has existed since before 1947 and so has Afghan hostility.
Most Afghans will never be Pro Pakistan no matter what Pakistan does for them. They will find certain other reason to moan and to hate Pakistan

I have no faith in Afghanistan (sorry to saif for quoting his statement out of context)
As far as I know, Pakistan has a reserved quota for Afghan students in colleges and universities as well. Whatever their political differences may be, Pakistan has been very magnanimous in providing for Afghan refugees. I know there are some complaints about the treatment of Afghan refugees, but those sorts of problems are inevitable when hosting such a large population of foreign nationals. Being open to providing humanitarian assistance and asylum to refugees seems to be common feature across the Islamic world, other than the Gulf countries.

India too has been helping on a smaller scale— a 5% quota for Afghan students in colleges. It's been working well so far and there's a neighbourhood in Delhi called Lajpat Nagar which has a mini Afghanistan, with most Afghan students living there.

Pakistan has been too magnimous. We have our own problems and we must help our own first. It is FOOLISH of Pakistan to let so many foreigners in without proper checks. It will eventually lead to a fifth coloumn.

Most Afghans will never be Pro Pakistan no matter what Pakistan does for them. They will find certain other reason to moan and to hate Pakistan

I have no faith in Afghanistan (sorry to saif for quoting his statement out of context)

I agree with 100%. I was naive once upon a time, thinking that we are both Muslim brothers and that we should help our brothers who are in difficulty. I remember seeing many Afghans in Pakistan when I was visiting back home and the way they treated the natives...taking over plots of lands, stealing etc. Of course this is not all Afghans, I repeat not all Afghans are criminals however as a whole Afghans do NOT have any love or respect for Pakistan and it is FOOLISH of Pakistan to accept so many.
Everytime there is an Afghani thread, I read of their hatred towards Pakistan, but I refuse to believe that normal Afghani families are full of thugs, thats just absurd to assume about any nation.. Whatever the problem is, I still feel proud that Pakistan has taken in so many people on humanitarian grounds, when we are plagued with problems ourselves. Gulf or GCC or whatever they call themselves, have refused straight up to take any refugees from Syria, with all their wealth and space.. They could learn a thing or two from us, but maybe they are too stuck up to do so..

And I find the comments unnessarily harsh and uncalled for, especially because I've seen literslly no Afghan here besides OP, so its like you are accusing someone who cant even defend himself.
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Everytime there is an Afghani thread, I read of their hatred towards Pakistan, but I refuse to believe that normal Afghani families are full of thugs, thats just absurd to assume about any nation.. Whatever the problem is, I still feel proud that Pakistan has taken in so many people on humanitarian grounds, when we are plagued with problems ourselves. Gulf or GCC or whatever they call themselves, have refused straight up to take any refugees from Syria, with all their wealth and space.. They could learn a thing or two from us, but maybe they are too stuck up to do so..

And I find the comments unnessarily harsh and uncalled for, especially because I've seen literslly no Afghan here besides OP, so its like you are accusing someone who cant even defend himself.

A few notes:

1. Afghani is the Afghan currency -- like Rupee is the Pakistani currency
2. Afghans like to be called Afghan or Afghans (singular and plural respectively)
3. Afghans generally take offense if you call them Afghani

Afghans are as full of thugs as we Pakistanis are -- perhaps a little more or a little less. There are good and bad people everywhere.

The point that a lot of these threads allude to is that the Afghan elite has fed themselves and the rest of Afghan society such hate against Pakistanis that we have now become to the Afghans what Israelis are to the Palestinians.

You will often see Afghans say in person -- during heated arguments -- I wish India would take care of you guys -- ;-)

Like all hatred it has no basis in reality -- but this is how we are seen by Afghans.

For example I was trading some arguments with an Afghan member here @Sher Malang , and he said this, I believe in all sincerity that the bulk of the rank and file of the Taliban are Pakistanis. And, this statement is not isolated -- Afghans will remark that the long hair exhibited by Taliban is actually from the areas of FATA, forgetting that religious Muslims wear that hairstyle because they think that is how the Prophet wore his hair. Never mind that no foreign ragtag force can operate in a locality, especially one where people are as armed as Afghanistan, until it is predominantly composed of a local component -- but such is the paranoia, and hate of the Pakistanis that behind every shadow is ISI and behind every misery a Pakistani. Pakistanis are now the Jews of South Asia -- just like the Jews, Pakistanis are blamed to be behind every mischief and are somehow able to control things that others can't.

If you pay attention -- you will find Afghans on the Internet vehemently supporting the Palestine cause and then a few posts later compare Pakistan to Israel. Don't believe me -- go for a Safari and you will find numerous examples.
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