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Good Guy Erdogan - Is Turkey Returning to Zero-Problems with Everyone?


Mar 28, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
RT claims that Endogan apologized for the pilot incident,

"Russian President Vladimir Putin has received a letter in which his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan apologized for the death of the pilot who was killed when a Russian jet was downed over the Syrian-Turkish border last November, the Kremlin said.

Erdogan expressed readiness to restore relations with Moscow, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday."
Turkish PM Binali Yildirim said that Ankara was ready to pay compensation for downing the Russian jet.

"The letter's content is very clear. We stated our regrets and if necessary we will pay compensation for this issue,” he said, answering questions on Turkish public broadcaster TRT. He added that reconciliation between Russia and Turkey would not be possible without both sides striving for it."

Mending fences with Israel,


Is this a foreign policy reset to go back to 00's Turkey? Or are they freaked out by the west's support of the Kurds?

Did Turkey figure out that being the champion of Muslim Brotherhood-kind of groups is just a slippery slide into ISIS-land, and being against all your neighbors just to win a friend with these unsavory groups is just not worth it?

Are we going to see a slow acceptance of Assad and Sisi soon too?
Erdogan is doing what's best for Turkey.

Turkish economic growth was 4.8% in the first quarter (Mashallah). With ties established with Russia and Israel, and hopefully peaceful resolution of Syrian conflict--Turkey can go back to restructuring its economy to rise upto the vision of AKP and Erdogan.

Turkey is one of the most powerful European-Middle-Eastern nation. It needs to focus on economic growth, economic reforms, wealth creation, more investment is R&D and technology sector, and indigenous military build up.

Petty issues shouldn't hold back Turkey's grand vision of a potential modern great power in Eastern Mediterranean region and beyond.
Good for turkey... ergodan has brain finally in place.he has thus avoided his political and diplomatic gangbang.he jus have the kurds ,is,pkk,us,iran,syria etc to worry about now.
Good luck .
Well summer is coming and tourists are waiting .....
Maybe because of Kurds he's about to do the same in Syria ...
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