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Golden Days of Pakistan and PTV

amnesia:laugh: nicotine showing it colours:p:

and yeah i have a sharp memory8-)

by the way informant,thori marijuana tu dedo:drag: bhook lagi hey!


Nobody calls it marijuana seriously, SERIOUSLY. Oh for god's sake what does it have to do with bhook.

Oh marshmallow you so crazy.

Maybe i'm just too sensitive bout my weed :D

But then what would a monkey know about ginger's taste :meeting:

i dont need to know about it neither im so amazed to:tongue:...you keep having it ,trying it....one day for sure you will turn into a chimp...well better than a monkey species and more advanced!:tongue:
i dont need to know about it neither im so amazed to:tongue:...you keep having it ,trying it....one day for sure you will turn into a chimp...well better than a monkey species and more advanced!:tongue:

Atleast i wont be alone :woot:
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