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Germany slams Saudi Arabia's offer to build mosques for Syrian refugees as ‘cynical’

True...but they are doing something (taking refugee and not limiting them to camps but integrating them into their population and giving them all the rights of their civilian) which isnt being acknowledged at all what makes you think if they do more it will be?

Because he isnt Pakistani but I am....Your address was more to me than him!

I havent used the word stupid....Kind of shows your mentality there!

2ndly, We werent talking about you no idea why you felt so....

How many have they taken?
This thread has evolved into a troll feast involving mostly ignorant users who have no knowledge about the topic at hand. Besides you have engaged in innocent off-topic posts here and there as well so no big harm should occur.:coffee:
use PMs to speak about private life .
this topic is not about your life or your friends.
you seem to have serious mental troubles to act so and answer like this. if you come to France i would make an effort to find a good psychiatric specialist guy ;)
use PMs to speak about private life .
this topic is not about your life or your friends.
you seem to have serious mental troubles to act so and answer like this. if you come to France i would make an effort to find a good psychiatric specialist guy ;)

I think that you should follow your own advice judging from your absurd post or have a talk with your daddy or mommy. That might help you.

okay thanks I just read it :-) Gulf states are doing a fair bit but western media is not reporting this.

If you want to know more details take a look at my previous posts in this thread. Most of the details have been provided, including graphics and links to read. What some tabloids report is of no importance to the ground realities. UNHCR themselves corrected their wrong claim a few days after they had initially made it. That's because Syrians that have settled in KSA since the conflict began are not called refugees so officially KSA has taken 0 refugees from Syria. Same with Rohingyas and everyone else that KSA have welcomed in the past few years. In reality it looks differently as they even admitted.
Because western media is well aware that people dont do their homework and eat what they feed.....

My Arab friend in Paris tells me that the 'real' reason why Germany is taking so many refugees is that the country has a aging population and needs the young blood to help meet that defecit.
My Arab friend in Paris tells me that the 'real' reason why Germany is taking so many refugees is that the country has a aging population and needs the young blood to help meet that defecit.
It was in the news....This was 1 of the reasons that some agencies (non Arab non Asian purely Western media) which were showing this angle...
My Arab friend in Paris tells me that the 'real' reason why Germany is taking so many refugees is that the country has a aging population and needs the young blood to help meet that defecit.

Most of the refugees that are in Germany are not even from Syria. Most are Afghans actually. Same story here in Copenhagen. I saw it myself when we were out giving clothes and food to the refugees as they arrived to the Central Station bound for Malmoe. Almost all of them want to go further to Sweden where many have family. Quote a few of them are purely economic migrants especially those not from Syria or conflict zones.

In any case those Germans who are against immigrants should complain to their ELECTED government and nobody else. It's their idea and they are the ones who are welcoming them. Nobody, certainly not the GCC, is holding a tricker to their head telling them to accept refugees from across the world.

I can't take it seriously. Germany where also the ones who asked (willingly) for Turkish guest workers to arrive in the 1960's and 1970's because they did not want to work in low paid manual jobs. Now there are 3 million Germans of Turkish descent in Germany.

France too have and are still allowing people from the former colonies to settle. If they don't want refugees/migration they should not have meddled in the MENA region and Africa to begin with.
My Arab friend in Paris tells me that the 'real' reason why Germany is taking so many refugees is that the country has a aging population and needs the young blood to help meet that defecit.
Japan, Russia and most other Western European countries have this demographic trend.

Germany is doing this simply because they want to show how 'good' they are. They are just trying to commit cultural suicide in the process. That's all.
It was in the news....This was 1 of the reasons that some agencies (non Arab non Asian purely Western media) which were showing this angle...

USA opened up the pandors box by invading Iraq, UK and France also are to blame in Libya! now we are seeing this human catastrophe on a epic scale.
Most of the refugees that are in Germany are not even from Syria. Most are Afghans actually. Same story here in Copenhagen. I saw it myself when we were out giving clothes and food to the refugees as they arrived to the Central Station bound for Malmoe. Almost all of them want to go further to Sweden where many have family. Quote a few of them are purely economic migrants especially those not from Syria or conflict zones.

In any case those Germans who are against immigrants should complain to their ELECTED government and nobody else. It's their idea and they are the ones who are welcoming them. Nobody, certainly not the GCC, is holding a tricker to their head telling them to accept refugees from across the world.

I can't take it seriously. Germany where also the ones who asked (willingly) for Turkish guest workers to arrive in the 1960's and 1970's because they did not want to work in low paid manual jobs. Now there are 3 million Germans of Turkish descent in Germany.

France too have and are still allowing people from the former colonies to settle. If they don't want refugees/migration they should not have meddled in the MENA region and Africa to begin with.

France is becoming more racist to Arabs my friend tells me, she wishes to relocate to London because of this. In France they are even having 'Nazi' type laws in some area's where the only food served to kids at school on a particual day will be pork! what about kids who are Muslim, Jewish or Vegetarian :eek:

They also invaded Vietnam. Or Japan. Why are they stable countries?

Different cases as there is this whole tribal/sectarian thing which USA must have realised would have flared up by their actions.
Different cases as there is this whole tribal/sectarian thing which USA must have realised would have flared up by their actions.
So it is USA's responsibility to care about the consequences of sectarian flare ups in Libya, Syria etc? :hitwall:
France is becoming more racist to Arabs my friend tells me, she wishes to relocate to London because of this. In France they are even having 'Nazi' type laws in some area where the only food served to kids at school on a particual day will be pork! what about kids who are Muslim, Jewish or Vegetarian :eek:

There are millions of French people of Arab/Berber descent in France. It's the biggest minority in France. They have a long presence but most are from the Maghreb with the remaining ones being mainly from Syria and Lebanon.

I have not experienced anything personally on that front but it's well-known that there are certain areas, especially around Paris and Marseille (banlieues) where "second or third generation migrants" (of Senegalese, Malian, Berber, Arab, Turkish etc. origin) cause trouble on some fronts. It's a small minority though. A loud one nevertheless at times.

Nevertheless for instance 10% of all doctors in France have their origins in the Arab world and there are some very successful people among them and influential ones. I am talking about citizens here and not wealthy investors and landowners from the GCC.

"Selon le Conseil de l'Ordre des médecins en France, 10 % des 276 354 médecins inscrits au tableau de l'Ordre au 1er janvier 2014 sont nés dans un pays membre de la Ligue arabe (8,5% au Maghreb et 1,5 % au Liban ou en Syrie )5."

Official document confirming that claim.


Arabs in France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A lot of sources put the number at 6 million but since it is illegal for the French State to collect data on ethnicity and race there is no certain number. But it's the biggest minority for sure.


Speaking about London. A lot of people from France have settled in England of all backgrounds. It's been ongoing for years. Many live in Paris but work in London. London is after all the financial capital of Europe and probably de facto capital of Europe in terms of opportunities.

Arabs and in particular Arabians have a very good reputation in the UK and are very much integrated considering their relative small numbers (500.000 or so). They don't cause any problems whatsoever, are not engaged in crime, do not live on benefits etc. In fact they are a big asset for the UK.

The community is much smaller than the South Asian community though which you probably already know.

Some of the most affluent areas in London are inhabited mainly by Arabs from the GCC, GCC Arabs also own tremendous capital in London and there are 1000's of Arab students at leading universities in the UK. I have relatives that live in London so I know this from first hand experience.

British Arabs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arab supercars are back on London’s streets, but they are facing fines

Wealthy Gulf Arabs are buying up huge swathes of London | Daily Mail Online

Fashion Plus Magazine | Arab Investors Taking Over London: What it Means for Britain |


So yes, London is an attractive destination and I don't blame her if that is what she wants. I could see myself living in London too for a time period at least.
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