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Germany emerges as leading supplier to Israel’s navy

What's so difficult to grasp here? The argument that I made is dead simple. Stop selling offensive weapons to states that use them against innocent people. Whether that includes Pakistan, Israel or any other nation is beside the point.

As for those Pakistanis that prefer German/US weaponry is entirely their own opinion. I clearly don't and I have my own reservations. There's no such thing as double standard here. It's a matter of principles.
Dude this guy is dumb as a brick(you can expect that from a red neck), he will never fully understand
What's so difficult to grasp here? The argument that I made is dead simple. Stop selling offensive weapons to states that use them against innocent people. Whether that includes Pakistan, Israel or any other nation is beside the point.

As for those Pakistanis that prefer German/US weaponry is entirely their own opinion. I clearly don't and I have my own reservations. There's no such thing as double standard here. It's a matter of principles.

Then I look forward to reading your objections everywhere, which to date has been sadly missing. As an example: I look forward to your posts feigning lack of respect about Hamas firing rockets into Israeli civilian population. OR when we see Palestinians driving into crowds of Israelis at a train station OR stabbing Israelis simply standing at a bus stop.

And far as principles go, civilians will always die in any internal conflict arising from terrorism. I agree that goal should be to limit it. As should be the goal not to go overboard and heavy handed as Israeli military tends to do unfortunately.
Dude this guy is dumb as a brick(you can expect that from a red neck), he will never fully understand

He's not redneck but Jewish suicide troll. He has had 100 accounts before which have all been banned. Some say he is actually Indian.
Dude this guy is dumb as a brick(you can expect that from a red neck), he will never fully understand

I literally barfed out the beer in my mouth! Being called a Redneck........ Priceless. Thank you for that post!

A honest cultural question. I'm kinda curious as to what is a Redneck equivalent called in Pakistan? I know many a foul language words used there ;). Do you have a word for people of similar background as Redneck, in Pakistan?

He's not redneck but Jewish suicide troll. He has had 100 accounts before which have all been banned. Some say he is actually Indian.

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I literally barfed out the beer in my mouth! Being called a Redneck........ Priceless. Thank you for that post!

A honest cultural question. I'm kinda curious as to what is a Redneck equivalent called in Pakistan? I know many of foul language words ;). Do you have a word for people of similar background as Redneck in Pakistan?
P.s.: We did not only sell dolphin class subs to Israel. We build them with an extra. Israel is able to nuclear arm them. Yep thats right, german dolphin class subs make israel 2nd strike able and make it untouchable.
Seems really hypocritical of the West (Germany) to sell Israel submarines that will be used to carry nuclear weapons. Essentially giving them a second strike capability and at the same time punishing Iran for pursuing a nuclear program? Seems like double standards to me.

P.S The word your looking for is paindoo (villager) :lol:
The German hypocrisy is manifest in the fact that they are willing to supply Israel with weaponry despite saying that they have a law against selling weapons to countries that might use them for combat (I didn't know submarines and Tanks are primarily used for show), while at the same time refusing our offer of supplying 800 Leopard 2A7s and 8 Dolphin class subs.
Seems really hypocritical of the West (Germany) to sell Israel submarines that will be used to carry nuclear weapons. Essentially giving them a second strike capability and at the same time punishing Iran for pursuing a nuclear program? Seems like double standards to me.

P.S The word your looking for is paindoo (villager) :lol:

Logistically and factually speaking. Israel does not need a second strike capability. If anyone attacks Israel with a nuclear strike, Americans would be the proverbial second strike enforcers. Their submarines will also never carry any nuclear weapons and we have that agreement with them.
Logistically and factually speaking. Israel does not need a second strike capability. If anyone attacks Israel with a nuclear strike, Americans would be the proverbial second strike enforcers. Their submarines will also never carry any nuclear weapons and we have that agreement with them.

Nobody will use nuclear weapons in region besides Israel/US. Nobody has interest in that.
Nobody will use nuclear weapons in region besides Israel/US. Nobody has interest in that.

Silly- Why would we when the conventional forces we both have would be more than sufficient if we need to to attack first. Fact is nor will Iran use a nuclear strike because it wipes out all the Palestinians along with the Jewish state, plus all of the neighbouring countries will have millions of death from the aftermath ( radiation).
Silly- Why would we when the conventional forces we both have would be more than sufficient if we need to to attack first. Fact is nor will Iran use a nuclear strike because it wipes out all the Palestinians along with the Jewish state, plus all of the neighbouring countries will have millions of death from the aftermath ( radiation).

I don't why you are speaking of war. Nobody in region is interested in attacking people thousands of miles from them. Only US/Israel are.

I love how you're trying to sound so complex mr 'state department' aka KurdistanWillRise :D
Logistically and factually speaking. Israel does not need a second strike capability. If anyone attacks Israel with a nuclear strike, Americans would be the proverbial second strike enforcers. Their submarines will also never carry any nuclear weapons and we have that agreement with them.
Of course what I'm implying is a rumor just like Israel having nuclear weapons is still denied but everyone knows they have nuclear weapons.

America treats Israel differently they would have no problems with Israel having a second strike capability. I just brought this up because you mentioned us being hypocrites. When America allows Israel to have nuclear weapons but punishes Iran. Invades countries on a false pretext of them having WMDs and in the process pretty much destroying the country. Seems pretty hypocritical to me.
I don't why you are speaking of war. Nobody in region is interested in attacking people thousands of miles from them. Only US/Israel are.

I love how you're trying to sound so complex mr 'state department' aka KurdistanWillRise :D

I never brought up anything about war, the other poster spoke of a second strike and then you like petulant child, spoke of nuclear war. Tell us, why have you not doned your green Hamas bandana yet? You know sooner or later with the path you have chosen, you will be paid a visit by the American authorities. I would advice you consider a change of residency. ;)

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