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Mar 9, 2014
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SALUTE to a implacable worrier. A Beacon of courage, military leader with ethics, honor and dignity and a son of a family full of martyrdom and military medals. Where Gen. Raheel's decision, not to seek extension brought jubilation among political thugs and corrupt officers, it also brought sadness for those civil societies and minorities with big hopes of success in war on terror under his military leadership.

It is fair to say, years of political instability, poor economy, corrupt elite class, horrendous crime news, target killings, bomb blasts, religious extremism and poor judicial system has psychologically demoralize the nation. In this time of national crisis and hopelessness, if public see any hope, they chase it till it fades away and Gen Sherif's retirement might be another such opportunity lost.

In my opinion, Pakistan had three best opportunities in last decade to rise and change the course of its history. Starting with CJ Iftakir Chaudhari, who rallied masses to bring change to the judicial system in 2007, claiming to provide " Free Judiciary". Civil societies gathered with a hope that he will change the primitive judicial system of Pakistan, made to punish the poor and protect the rich. Hope was lost when he became a political judge and started using political stunts from the bench to avenge his reactant reinstatement by PPP government.

Then came Imran Khan in 2012, challenging the status quo, elite class privileges, corrupt leaders and promised a "New Pakistan". Once again the hope rose among those who wanted to see Pakistan in the ranks of western style democracies with fair and transparent systems. Khan was successful in gathering youth and women among the most enthusiasts and Pakistani history witnessed the biggest political rallies in the country since 1972. They say " even a fish can stay out of trouble, if it keeps its mouth shut" but Imran Khan openly supported Taliban and criticized US led drone attacks on Taliban's, calling it a aggression on Pakistani sovereignty. While people were picking up dead bodies across Pakistan and minorities were furious, without understanding public sentiments, he offered Taliban an office and peace talks. This stigma of " Taliban supporter" made minorities run away from him. Later his acceptance of political rejected people in the party was the last nail in the coffin. He badly lost the election 2013 and with that hope for political change faded away.

Pakistani public once again attached their hopes with Gen Raheel Sherif in 2014 as a commander of Pakistan Army. Extremism and Jahad e Culture, which was sowed by Gen. Zia, watered by Nawaz Sherif, protected by Gen Musharraf and observed by Gen Kayani in the name of "national and political interests and protected assets against Indian aggression" were denounced by Gen Raheel Sherif. Pakistan's military leadership under the command of Gen Raheel Sherif gave a new narrative and assured the nation that " Extremism and Terrorism" will be routed out of the country at every cost for stable and brighter Pakistan.

Army Public School Massacre on December 16th, 2014, barbarically killing 134 children, not only sent the shock waves across Pakistan but made Gen Raheel to rise to the occasion. While the political parties were confused, battling among themselves to separate good and bad Taliban by offering negotiations, Pakistan Army, sensing the sentiments of the nation, launched military operation " Zarba e Azab" in the tribal areas. Soon Gen Raheel visited the front lines of the war and promised the nation that the war will not end till the last terrorist in the region of North and South Waziristan is routed out of the area. Under his leadership, military also launched a much needed " Karachi Operation" to stabilize the economic hub of Pakistan yet giving a new hope to the nation.

Gen Raheels actions and determination not only sent bone chilling vibes in Taliban ranks but also among the corrupt elite of the nation. Many of the terrorist found refuge in bordering Afghanistan and some corrupt leaders and their goons ran for safety to Dubai, UK and Canada." You are here for 3 years only and we are here for ever" said Ex President Zaradri before fleeing the country.

In recent days, Gen Raheel Sherif proclaimed that year 2016 will be a year for Pakistan to see the end of terrorism. Sadly enough, just in the month of January, Pakistan saw 5 terrorist attacks including an attack on Bacha Khan University, killing 21 students and 1 professor. This war is ongoing and will stay for decades in the region as stated by US President Obama. Reality is until Pakistan, India and Afghanistan don't give up their proxy wars in the region, we have to keep fighting and burying the martyrs.

IN my opinion, the interest of Pakistan should supersede Gen Raheel Sherifs personal and Pak Army's institutional interests. Like the German proverb "You never change a winning horse, if you really intend to win the race". Gen Raheel Sherif is time tested commander and most importantly, a beacon of hope for the nation against terrorists, especially the minorities. Sadly enough media is hushed to discuss the issue by political elite and civil societies are silent on this issue but sometimes silent becomes a crime.

True that extension in service is neither a good phenomena not a good precedent to set, maybe in mature democracies. Pakistan in in state or war. Extra special circumstances call for extra special replies and Gen Raheel Sherif leadership is our reply to the terrorist. Who knows, after Gen Raheel's dismissal, we might get another Gen.Zia or Gen.Kayani and hope is lost again with dead bodies of our martyrs scattered all around the country once again. If that happens, this my friends will be a step backward from our victories against extremism and terrorists groups.

Ref: http://aneyeonpakistan.blogspot.ca/
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Certainly, 100%, a step in the right direction.......cannot admire him enough...a selfless man.

The dirty politicians were trying to encircle him by creating rumours about him ...that he wants extension .... this was stalling the Karachi operation.......this was also undermining his authority (remember the recent statement from kuttay ka bacha - Zardari.

General has broken all the unseen shackles with one blow ...... THE GAME HAS JUST BEGUN ..... he has now 10 months and he also has the moral authority ..... he will pull their guts out their mouths in these 10 months - inshaALLAH
We are expecting army chief to do Pakistani nation should. Army Chief, no matter how powerful, cant do what politicians are supposed to do.

Politicians give political cover to the army. We have strong enough army to take action against terrorists in Afghanistan. But we dont have a strong political leadership to give cover to army actions.

What should our nation do? We should stop electing people who are sincere only to their political interests and not country's. Who have consistently demonstrated weak leadership, self serving politics and enriched themselves and their families. With general like Shareef, if we had a political leader half his potential, Pakistan would not have been insulted and humiliated day in and day out by world leaders who exhort us to do more even we are the target of foreign sponsored terror.

When nation's priorities are set right, we wont be moaning about priorities of our politicians who are supposed to lead us.

In the meantime, Zaradri and Sharif will be extremely happy after army chief announcement.
Certainly, 100%, a step in the right direction.......cannot admire him enough...a selfless man.

The dirty politicians were trying to encircle him by creating rumours about him ...that he wants extension .... this was stalling the Karachi operation.......this was also undermining his authority (remember the recent statement from kuttay ka bacha - Zardari.

General has broken all the unseen shackles with one blow ...... THE GAME HAS JUST BEGUN ..... he has now 10 months and he also has the moral authority ..... he will pull their guts out their mouths in these 10 months - inshaALLAH

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/gen-rahe...orward-or-step-backward.419684/#ixzz3yV7hLrOa
His retirement will mark a new phase in combating terrorism, from bullets to actual intelligence. Kill the hardliners or bring them to the table. The rest will follow and change the narrative. As for the straddlers, well, they are criminals, after all.
Its no step, Iron Man is part of same status quo and nothing has or will change. We should all get one thing straight, those who rule and those who are made to be ruled over has light years difference and it will stay like this
Its our job to keep on hailing them all, and its their job to keep on fooling us(.)
Its a step backward, because it is a mission he started against corrupt politicians, their terrorist wings & against rented terrorists, all of this is possibly going to be left without a supervision of Gen. Raheel & then we might see the worse part after his retirement. Also Gen. Raheel has failed to realize that he cannot save Pakistan in the presence of terrorists well wishers who are sitting in Parliaments, corrupt, spineless & treacherous politicians both who are ruling & who are in so called opposition.

Also I am sure when the next Army Chiefs surfaces, the corrupt politicians are going to try their level best to BUY his support to DEMOCRAZY like Gen. Kayani. So judging by the happiness of corrupt politicians I only see hard times ahead for Pakistan & the shackles will grow even thicker.
It's to early to announce it, and we love this type of stories.
It's a step forward to set new example. As per as per Gen Raheel Sherif saying "Pakistan Forces are best in every field, So every commander knows his Responsibilities". So we should trust on all commander of Pakistan Armed Forces they are all the same and patriot.
I think like we have given time to democracy we should also end this extension thingy it will be good for army and good for country as well. Gen Raheel will go down as a professional soldier, making a mark on History of armed forces and Pakistan as well.
It is a step forward. The step backward will only happen if the rulers this population elected wish so. I hope the General has instilled some sort of patriotic duty in the coming soldiers to do the right thing but looking at the situation it is a long shot.
That is a wishful thinking. Did you forget Zia Musharraf and Kayani?
atleast we must hope and pray for that , and a country must not rely on a single person , there are people having equal or more caliber then gen raheel and we must hope that next one will be equally capable ,
It's the right thing to do, and because he has made this decision, he goes now in my book of one of the best COAS we've ever had. I would like him to stay, but I would also like to see him bow out after his time is up.

Don't be too pessimistic, perhaps the next COAS will also be as good, think about it, did you expect anyone like him following Kayani? Hopefully, we'll be pleasantly surprised at the next one too.
atleast we must hope and pray for that , and a country must not rely on a single person , there are people having equal or more caliber then gen raheel and we must hope that next one will be equally capable ,

Rather than hoping, let's keep the winning horse. Just today the interior minister also stated the same position. He said "during a war you never change the face that scares the enemy but everything is opposite in Pakistan".

It's the right thing to do, and because he has made this decision, he goes now in my book of one of the best COAS we've ever had. I would like him to stay, but I would also like to see him bow out after his time is up.

Don't be too pessimistic, perhaps the next COAS will also be as good, think about it, did you expect anyone like him following Kayani? Hopefully, we'll be pleasantly surprised at the next one too.

Perhaps in mature democracies it's right thing to do. Just today the interior minister stated " During the war, you never changes faces that scares the enemy but everything is opposite in Pakistan."

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