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Gen. Raheel Sharif - New strongman of pakistan after Gen. Zia

Psycho Pakistani

Jul 4, 2014
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It seems like After nearly 30 years of gap since the tragic death of Gen. Zia ul Haq, Pakistan has eventually got a general as strong in personality and decisiveness as Gen. Zia (Leaving aside his islamism) from military point of view. He has proven to be very determined, brave and decisive general something that was missing since 1988 and generals that came in between him and Zia ul Haq were not up to the mark.

"Hazaron saal Nargis apni benori pe roti hai
Bari muskhil sey hota hai chaman mein deedawar paida"

I have created this thread to pay my homeage (Khiraj e Tehseen) to our new strong military man General Raheel Sharif who is inspiration for all the patriotic and nationalistic people of pakistan. I am officially becoming his lifetime fan, the only other generals in my fan list are Gen. Zia ul Haq and Gen. Akhtar Abdur Rehman. When I talk about comparison with General Zia ul Haq , it is only in military related affairs and not Zia ul Haq's "islamist" agenda which is not under consideration here.

With General Raheel Sharif heading Pakistan Army, pakistan is in safe hands.


All posters are invited to show their homeage or criticism of Gen. Raheel Sharif.
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What differs a good General from a Brilliant General isn't the General himself but his 'high council'.

Zia had a not so talkative tactical genius called General Akhtar Abdul Rehman, who did most of the hard work behind the scenes. General Zia himself was a tough nut. It takes a man with steel balls to fight the USSR and then land in India to warn them to pull their soldiers, all at the same time.

Gen Raheel is from Pakistan's most highly decorated Marshall family. He too happens to wield some potent, highly educated and experienced Generals by his side. General Tariq Khan, Gen Rashid and Gen Janjua are as fine breed of professionals you can expect to have.
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He's a doer .. He doesn't talk .. He does.. His family has given blood for this country .. Nishan e Haider .. I like the general .. Thank God .. kiyani retired.. The spy soldier was just not good enough..

Yes I also think so, the scale of terrorism that pakistan witnessed under Kiyani's "double" tenure was unparalleled in the whole history of 60 years before that, the reason was offcourse the hesitation, lack of motivation and decisiveness on part of kiyani to do things at times when they were supposed to be done.
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I admire him as a person.

However I'll reserve my accolades until the NWA mission is complete.

Even then we have to remain watchful, of our own desires and dreams. To not to make Gen. Rahil anything beyond a professional soldier and a decorated general.

This is why I do not like any references to Gen. Zia.

I hope you all understand.
What differs a good General from a Brilliant General isn't the General himself but his 'high counsil'.

Zia had a not so talkative tactical genius called General Akhtar Abdul Rehman, who did most of the hard work behind the scenes. General Zia himself was a tough nut. It takes a man with steel balls to fight the USSR and then land in India to warn them to pull their soldiers, all at the same time.

Gen Raheel is from Pakistan's most highly decorated Marshall family. He too happens to weild some potent, highly educated and experianced Generals by his side. General Tariq Khan, Gen Rashid and Gen Janjua are as fine breed of professionals you can expect to have.

Tariq Khan, Rashid, and Janjua (even Raheel) were present with Kayani too...
Exactly. He's a no BS guy. Believe me he is NS worst nightmare come true!

I have a strong feeling that NS was in taliban talks to just waste time and score political points against his rival PTI in KPK, these guys are politicians who place politics above all other issues. It has to be Gen. Raheel Sharif who signaled to NS that he is not a kind of guy that believes in non-sense of politics so if something has to be done, it WILL be done right at the time when it is needed.

I admire him as a person.

However I'll reserve my accolades until the NWA mission is complete.

Even then we have to remain watchful, of our own desires and dreams. To not to make Gen. Rahil anything beyond a professional soldier and a decorated general.

This is why I do not like any references to Gen. Zia.

I hope you all understand.

My post was also only in the context of military and security related issues where a comparison between Gen. Raheel and Gen. Zia was justified.
Tariq Khan, Rashid, and Janjua (even Raheel) were present with Kayani too...
You must understand something about the hierarchy of the Pakistan Army. Unless you know someone higher than your CO, you always agree with him. AND if there is no one above your CO, you keep your mouth shut and go with the flow.
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What does it have to do with NS, why do you need to pitt a general of world 6th largest army against a civilian to prove that general is a strong man!!!
Calm down arm chair colonel. You'll soon see your beloved NS falling over himself and goofing up big time AGAIN!!
Calm down arm chair colonel. You'll soon see your beloved NS falling over himself and goofing up big time AGAIN!!
then we should focus on NS and his noora follies

Why to drag our professional soldiers in it.

Please bhai, do not repeat conspiracy theories. Our army doesn't go around scheming to take over civilian gov.

Hope you understand.

Our love for our army is separate and should not be used to whoop civilian arses.
then we should focus on NS and his noora follies

Why to drag our professional soldiers in it.

Please bhai, do not repeat conspiracy theories. Our army doesn't go around scheming to take over civilian gov.

Hope you understand.

Our love for our army is separate and should not be used to whoop civilian arses.
As civilians you must understand something, there is no greater sacrifice than a persons life. When soldiers endure every possible, imaginable hardship, to protect their motherland on a daily basis, and then get rewarded with corrupt politicians who squander the country's wealth for their own personal gains. Friction cannot be eliminated, and sometimes that friction sometimes erupts into an all out confrontation.

Now put yourself in that soldier's boot and tell me what would you do?

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