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Mar 9, 2014
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DO MORE DO MORE... the American rhetoric was increasing and pressure was put on Pakistani Army to launch an offense on North and South Waziristan during the regime of General Parveez Musharraf. Pakistani Army did plan and launched few strategic operation in certain areas but Americans were not satisfied. During their frequent visits to Pakistan, General Musharraf was reminded numerous times by Americans about billions in USAID without US seeing any visual results, This is how it all started....

To do full operation within our own territories, public sentiment was needed. This was always a counter argument of Gen. Musharraf to the US. Pakistan Army was already declared a villain after Red Mosque operation in Islamabad where 92 terrorists were killed, mostly Uzbek's and Tajic's harbored by Ghazi Abdual Raseed and his brother Abdul Rasheed. Red Mosque operation gave the opportunity to politicians and religious elements to maligning Pakistan Army with fake and concocted stories of killing innocent children with phosphorous bombs on National TV, just to increase pressure of General Musharraf to resign.

To do any such operation in North and South Waziristan, Pakistan Army needed a "civil government" to create national consensus, educating people that all extremist elements are foreign funded and must be considered enemy of the State of Pakistan. Bibi Banazir was interviewed in Dubai by the military and later in Washington for the position of the Prime Minister and she successfully nailed the interview agreeing to make public sentiment for any such operation in North and South Waziristan, assuring the CJ Chaudhari will not be reinstated and she will give the Americans, an access to IQ Khan. NRO was signed and sealed in her favor and Bibi Banazir received a warm welcome party once she arrived in Pakistan on October 18th, 2007. Saudi Arabia on the other hand was pushing General Musharraf to allow Mian Nawaz Sherif to enter Pakistan, giving their man an equal opportunity.

Ashfaq Parvez Kayani was an important part of this history as he became Chief of Army Staff on November 28th, 2007, exactly 25 days after PCO of November 3rd, 2007 was executed by Gen. Kayani on the orders of then General Parveez Musharraf to control law and order in the country. The role of Gen. Kayani has been vital and historical for Pakistan for years to come.

At the same time, Al-Qaeda-linked militants in the tribal areas of Pakistan had threatened to kill Bhutto upon her arrival. Banazir being liberal and leftest was assassination on 27 December 2007 in Rawalpindi, Pakistan with Taliban claiming responsibility. An immediate backup plan was executed with fake "will" shown on National TV, making Mr. Zardari, the legal heir of Bibi's PPP. A sham democracy was later installed on 18th Feb, 2008 by General Musharraf, making Mr. Zardari the President of Pakistan.

Later when the political government of President Zardari tried to gang up with former Prime Minister Nawaz Sherif to impeach his former boss Retd. Gen. Musharraf, It was Gen. Kayani who negotiated his free exit in return for full cooperation of Pakistan Armed Forces to the newly elected government.

In March 2009, when a mob of people lead by Nawaz Sherif and Imran Khan marched towards Islamabad to end the PPP government, it was Gen. Kayani who influenced then Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gallani to accept the terms of reinstating CJ Iftakhar Chaudhari, saving democracy. Gen. Kayani was hailed as a hero of democracy by many who thought that army could have taken over the country easily from President Zardari but showed restrains to do so.

President Zardari returned the favor to Gen. Kayani by writing letters to US law makers through Pakistani US ambassador Hussain Hakani, insisting to make it a condition for Pakistan Brass to be under civilian power in return for any financial AID to Pakistan under Kerry Lougar Bill.

Top Brass of Pakistan armed forces was furious and quite upset on this matter, not only with the PPP government but also with the United States. This incident actual became the turning point in the shift of Pakistan's foreign policy toward The United states of America. Gen. Kayani felt betrayed by PPP government but also by US, which was an allied in war on terror. Gen. Kayani in many meeting with US law makers and commander should his distastefulness with the matter but United States regardless wanted an operation on North and South Waziristan at any cost. Gen Kayani did wanted to trust anyone and simply refused.

The United States of America, the only super power and mightier than might decided to use corrupt PPP government in accomplishing their desired goal. US through its allies gave signal to TTP to take over swat valley to initiate the war. Pakistan Flag was burned by Mulla Fazal Ullah claiming it to be a territory under TTP command. As a part of the US plan, international media covered the incident claiming a grave danger to Pakistan's Nuclear assets as Taliban were only 70 miles away from Islamabad.

The cold war between US and Pakistan Army has already started since Kerry Lougar Bill incident with President Zardari playing both sides of the isle. A video of Taliban flocking a women was released on Pakistani media by PPP government to make public sentiment and within days Pakistan Armed Forces made a plan and executed an operation successfully, clearing Swat Valley and forcing Mullah Fazal Ullah to run for his life and hide in Afghanistan. United States again demanded from Gen. Kayani to do more and enter North and South Waziristan to finish the job which he refused.

Upset with the situation, The United States went to buy the political elite once again. The political leaders, President Zaradri and then Interior Minister Rehman Malik agreed to sell the nation and help United States locate wanted terrorists within Pakistan. Pakistan saw increased number of " BlackWater" movement, Dubai embassy was opened on Sundays and Pakistani VISA's were issued to blackwater members in thousands within months. US successfully created its own intelligence network within Pakistan without the knowledge of Pakistan Army, ISI and started its own intelligence operations.

By this time the relationship between Pakistan Army and US were seriously stained. No cooperation for the 28th powerful man, Gen. Kayani and his army, US played its last card with the help of President Zardari and Rehman Malik, making May 2, 2011, the worst day in Pakistan's national history. Osama Bin Laden was brought to Pakistan and produced near Abbottabad, few miles from Pakistan Military Academy, maligning Pakistan army and ISI to be harbor of terrorists.

Frustrated, furious and humiliated, Pakistan army started cutting its ties with the US and decided to stop all military cooperation with the US. The mightier US on the other hand decided to execute its next strategical move to teach Pakistan Army a lesson for not doing as it was ordered by killing Pakistani soldier on Pakistan Afghan border, randomly and indiscriminately, calling it incidents of a friendly fire.

On November 11th, 2011, the US and Pakistan Armed Force finally came eye to eye when US and NATO attacked " Salala" check post, killing 24 Pakistani security personals and wounding 12. Pakistan Army was outraged and demanded that United States formally apologize for wrong doing. All US and NATO supplies on transit route through Pakistan to Afghanistan were halted for number of months causing billions in damage for US.

The United States stuck in Afghan war, left with no option, formally apologized on July 11th, 2012 through US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who said that the US says “sorry” for the losses suffered by Pakistani military in the Salala check post attack. In 2011, Forbes named General Kayani, the 34th most powerful person in the world. In 2012, Forbes again named him the 28th most powerful person in the world.

During this cold war between US and Pakistan Army, Pakistan's foreign policy was shifted for better by Gen. Kayani. Political leadership was briefed that Terrorism and Extremism are true manic of our society which are fully funded in Pakistan by United States and its ally Saudi Arabia. The national interest of Pakistan lies in seeking alternate for own neighbors. China and Iran can play a vital role in Pakistan's economic development which will bring much needed benefits for years to come. Playing for the Pakistan army this time, President Zardari took countless trips to China and Iran signing memorandum of undertakings. President Zardari signed 2 billion dollar gas pipeline deal with Iran and worked with China on economic development which PM Nawaz Sherif is cashing now.

Now comes Retd. Major General Athar Abbas, working for the same international mafia, out to get Pakistan and Pakistan Army. Ex director of ISPR, decided to leave Pakistani media and give a special interview to BBC, now claiming that Gen, Kayani, who the world called the 28 most powerful man on planet earth, actually a "chicken little" wearing a uniform. I believe Gen. Kayani was right in his assessment when he declined Athar Abbas a promotion to Lt. General in Pakistan army, knowing his wisdom. Athar Abbas's last attempt to take early retirement after a promotion declined to become ambassador of Pakistan was also blocked by Gen. Kayani in the last days of President Zardari. Athar Abbas was obligated to wait 2 years after his retirement for such position till June 2014 under the law.

With new government of PLMN in Islamabad, governments love child, GEO shut down from past few months and Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas completing his 2 year of silence June 2014, brought new hope of employment through PLMN regime. This time he is using his brother Mazhir Abbas, well know reporter and vocalist of Geo, to nail a new positions either in the administration or foreign services. His association with Imtiaz Alam, another vocalist of GEO channel and his attending events with him puts serious doubts on his credibility while giving PLMN another shot to malign Pakistan Army on the national TV. Need I say more...........

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DO MORE DO MORE... the American rhetoric was increasing and pressure was put on Pakistani Army to launch an offense on North and South Waziristan during the regime of General Parveez Musharraf. Pakistani Army did planning and launched few strategic operation in certain areas but American were not satisfied. During their frequent visits to Pakistan, General Musharraf was reminded numerous times by American about billions in USAID without US seeing any visual results, This is how it all started....

To do full operation within our own territories, public sentiment was needed was always a counter argument of Gen. Musharraf. Pakistan Army was already declared a villian after Red Mosque operation in Islamabad where 92 terrorists were killed, mostly Uzbek's and Tajic's harbored by Ghazi Abdual Raseed and his brother Abdul Rasheed. Red Mosque operation gave the opportunity to politicians and religious elements to maligning Pakistan Army with fake and concocted stories of killing innocent children with phosphorous bombs on National TV, just to increase pressure of General Musharraf to resign.

To do any such operation in North and South Waziristan, Pakistan Army need a "civil government" to create national consensus that all extremist elements are foreign funded and must be considered enemy of the State of Pakistan. Bibi Banazir was interviewed in Dubai by the military and later in Washington for the position of the Prime Minister and she successfully nailed the interview agreeing to make public sentiment for any such operation in North and South Waziristan, assuring the CJ Chaudhari will not be reinstated and she will give the American, an access to IQ Khan. NRO was signed and sealed in her favor and Bibi Banazir received a warm welcome party once she arrived Pakistan on October 18th, 2007. Saudi Arabia on the other hand was pushing General Musharraf to allow Mian Nawaz Sherif to enter Pakistan, giving their man an equal opportunity.

Ashfaq Parvez Kayani was an important part of this history as he became Chief of Army Staff on November 28th, 2007, exactly 25 days after PCO of November 3rd, 2007 was executed by Gen. Kayani on the orders of then General Parveez Musharraf to control law and order.

At the same time, Al-Qaeda-linked militants in the tribal areas of Pakistan had threatened to kill Bhutto upon her arrival. Banazir being liberal and leftest was assassination on 27 December 2007 in Rawalpindi, Pakistan with Taliban claiming responsibility. An immediate backup plan was executed with fake "will" been shown on National TV, making Mr. Zardari, the legal heir of Bibi's PPP. A sham democracy was later installed on 18th Feb, 2008 by General Musharraf, making Mr. Zardari the President of Pakistan.

When the political government of President Zardari tried to gang up with former Prime Minsiter Nawaz Sherif to impeach his former boss Retd. Gen. Musharraf, It was gen Kayani who negotiated his free exit in return for full cooperation of Pakistan Armed Forces for the newly elected government.

In March 2009, when a mob of people lead by Nawaz Sherif and Imran Khan marched towards Islamabad to end the PPP government, it was Gen. Kayani who influenced then Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gallani to accept the terms of reinstalling CJ Iftakhar Chaudhari, saving democracy. Gen. Kayani was hailed as a hero of democracy by many who thought that army could have taken over the country easily from President Zardari but refrain itself to do so.

President Zardari returned the favor to Gen. Kayani for saving his government but writing letters to US law makers through Pakistani US ambassador Hussain Hakani, insisting to make it a condition for Pakistan Brass to be under civilian power in return for any financial AID to Pakistan under Kerry Lougar Bill..

Top Brass of Pakistan armed forces was furious and quite upset of this matter not only with the PPP government but also with United States. This incident actual became the turning point in the shift of Pakistan's foreign policy toward United states of America. Gen. Kayani felt betrayed not only buy his own but also by US which was an allied in war on terror. Gen. Kayani in many meeting with US law makers and commander should his distastefulness with the matter but United States regardless wanted an operation on North and South Waziristan which was refused by Gen Kayani...

The United States of America, the only super power and mighter than might through that they will use PPP government in accomplish their desired goal. US through its allied gave a signal for TTP to take over swat valley to initiate the war. Pakistan Flag was burned by Mulla Fazal Ullah claiming it to be a territory under TTP command. As a part of the US plan, international media covered the incident claiming a grave danger to Pakistan's Nuclear assets as Taliban were only 70 miles away from Islamabad.

The cold war between US and Pakistan Army has already started since Kerry Lougar Bill incident with President Zardari playing both sides of the isle. A video of Taliban flocking a women was released on Pakistani media by PPP government to make public sentiment and within days Pakistan Armed Forces made a plan and executed it successfully, clearing Swat Valley, forcing Mullah Fazal Ullah to run for his life and hide in Afghanistan. United States again demanded from Gen. Kayani to do more and enter North and South Waziristan to finish the job which he refused.

Upset with the situation, The United States went to buy the political elite. The political leaders, President Zaradri and then Interior Minister Rehman Malik agreed to sell the nation and help United States locate wanted terrorists within Pakistan. Pakistan saw increased number of " BlackWater" movement, Dubai embassy was opened on Sundays and Pakistani VISA's were issued to blackwater members in thousands within months. US successfully created its own intelligence network within Pakistan without the knowledge of Pakistan Army and started its operations.

By this time the relationship between Pakistan Army and US were seriously stained. No cooperation for the 28th powerful man, Gen. Kayani and his army, US played its last card with the help of President Zardari and Rehman Malik, making May 2, 2011, the worst day its national history. Osama Bin Laden was brought to Pakistan and produced near Abbottabad, few miles from Pakistan Military Academy, maligning Pakistan army and ISI to be harbor of terrorists.

Frustrated, furious and humiliated, Pakistan army started cutting its ties with the US and decided to stop all military cooperation with the US. The mightier US on the other hand decided to execute its next strategical move to teach Pakistan Army a lesson for not doing as it was ordered, in return for US aid. US forces started killing Pakistani soldier on Pakistan Afghan border, randomly and indiscriminately, calling it incidents of a friendly fire.

On November 11th, 2011, the US and Pakistan Armed Force finally came eye to eye when US and NATO attacked " Salala" check post, killing 24 Pakistani security personals and wounding 12. Pakistan Army was outraged and demanded that United States formally apologize for wrong doing. All US and NATO supplies on transit route through Pakistan to Afghanistan were halted for number of months causing billion in damage for US.

The United States, left with no option, formally apologized on July 11th, 2012 through US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who said that the US says “sorry” for the losses suffered by Pakistani military in the Salala check post attack. In 2011, Forbes named General Kayani, the 34th most powerful person in the world. In 2012, Forbes named him the 28th most powerful person in the world.

During this cold war between US and Pakistan Army, Pakistan's foreign policy was shifted for better in number of years. Political leadership was briefed that Terrorism and Extremism are true manic of our society which are fully funded in Pakistan by United States and its ally Saudi Arabia. The national interest of Pakistan lies in seeking alternate for own national interest. China and Iran can play a vital role which will bring much needed benefits for years to come. Then playing for the Pakistan army, President Zardari took countless trips to China and Iran signing memorandum of undertakings. President Zardari signed 2 billion dollar gas pipeline deal with Iran and worked with China on economic development which PM Nawaz Sherif is cashing now.

Now comes Retd. Major General Athar Abbas, working for the same international mafia, out to get Pakistan and Pakistan Army. Ex director of ISPR, decided to leave Pakistani media and give a special interview to BBC, now claiming that Gen, Kayani, who the world called the 28 most powerful man on planet earth, actually a chicken wearing a uniform. I believe Gen. Kayani was right in his assessment when he declined Athar Abbas his promotion as a Lt. General in Pakistan army, knowing his wisdom. Athar Abbas's last attempt to take early retirement after a promotion declined to become ambassador of Pakistan was also blocked by Gen. Kayani in the last days of President Zardari as Athar Abbas was obligated to wait 2 years after his retirement for such position till June 2014.

With new government of PLMN in Islamabad, governments love child, GEO shut down from past few months and Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas completing his 2 year of silence, brought new hope of employment by PLMN regime. This time he is using his brother Mazhir Abbas, well know reporter and vocalist of Geo, to nail a new positions either in the administration or foreign services. His association with Imtiaz Alam, another vocalist of GEO channel and his attending events with him puts serious doubts on his credibility while giving PLMN another shot to malign Pakistan Army on the national TV. Need I say more...........

too much grammatical mistakes in the article , how a person can be the 34th & 28th most powerful man by forbes, he has to either 34th or 28th he can't be both & from Pak-U.S ties to Geo tv bashing , the narration in the article, just does not makes any sense
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Athar Abbas comes from a very respectable family and he happens to be a loyal Pakistani.

Kyani did go against the wishes of "young turks" in Pak army when it comes to NWA. It is well known.

One of those young turk was current Gen. Raheel.

Athar Abbas has not said anything new.

Pakistani majors. Colonels and Corps Commanders were frustrated to see constant slaughter of their men, while Kiyani's GHQ was indecisive and to some extent paralyzed.

Pak army had clearly shown OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OvER that TTP can be defeated.

Swat, Bajore, South Wazirastan etc were clear examples that TTP has no feet to stand on.

And yet Kiyani dithered.
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too much grammatical mistakes in the article , how a person can be the 34th & 28th most powerful man by forbes, he has to either 34th or 28th he can't be both & from Pak-U.S ties to Geo tv bashing , the narration in the article, just does not makes any sense

Thanks, He was Forbes 34th Powerful man for 2011 and 28th powerful man for 2012. Please consult the blog for references. Sad that you didn't get the story and like a fly fell on sh....

Athar Abbas comes from a very respectable family and he happens to be a loyal Pakistani.

Kyani did go against the wishes of "young turks" in Pak army. It is well known.

One of those young turk was current Gen. Raheel.

Athar Abbas has not said anything new.

Pakistani majors. Colonels and Corps Commanders were frustrated to see constant slaughter of their men, while Kiyani's GHQ was indecisive and to some extent paralyzed.

Pak army had clearly shown OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OvER that TTP can be defeated.

Swat, Bajore, South Wazirastan etc were clear examples that TTP has no feet to stand on.

And yet Kiyani dithered.

Sorry that slaughter took place in 2013 and Sadly Pakistani's have short memory. Everything is in chronological order and factual behind the scenes.Athar Abbas is not the Hero but Gen. Kayani is a national hero.
Athar Abbas comes from a very respectable family and he happens to be a loyal Pakistani.

Kyani did go against the wishes of "young turks" in Pak army. It is well known.

One of those young turk was current Gen. Raheel.

Athar Abbas has not said anything new.

Pakistani majors. Colonels and Corps Commanders were frustrated to see constant slaughter of their men, while Kiyani's GHQ was indecisive and to some extent paralyzed.

Pak army had clearly shown OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OvER that TTP can be defeated.

Swat, Bajore, South Wazirastan etc were clear examples that TTP has no feet to stand on.

And yet Kiyani dithered.

Nicely said, I agree.
Kayani stood up to America alone.

There are some valid points in the article. As we have seen the political govts of PPP and PMLN are sell outs. They can be easily bought and will do anything for a couple of million dollars. The PPP govt did all it can to malign army and we can this corrupt Noora govt trying all it can to kick the army.

This is the reality of this sell out group of politicians. As for Athar Abbas, I dont know.

If operation was conducted under Kayani, people of Pakistan would have said it was conducted under US pressure. At that time, there was too much US insistence on doing operation. Pakistan needed to be detached from US to not be seen as its lackey.

Kayani did what an elected govt should have done. We know how 'elections' take place in this country. I should not be even calling these govts 'elected'.
ather abbas did not reveal info on his own, he was given 'green light' by GHQ. there is a change of command.
ather abbas did not reveal info on his own, he was given 'green light' by GHQ. there is a change of command.

This is what Mujib Shami was saying on his talk show.

Kayani stood up to America alone.

There are some valid points in the article. As we have seen the political govts of PPP and PMLN are sell outs. They can be easily bought and will do anything for a couple of million dollars. The PPP govt did all it can to malign army and we can this corrupt Noora govt trying all it can to kick the army.

This is the reality of this sell out group of politicians. As for Athar Abbas, I dont know.

If operation was conducted under Kayani, people of Pakistan would have said it was conducted under US pressure. At that time, there was too much US insistence on doing operation. Pakistan needed to be detached from US to not be seen as its lackey.

Kayani did what an elected govt should have done. We know how 'elections' take place in this country. I should not be even calling these govts 'elected'.

not sure why you would bring "standing up to America".

Adm Mullen and Gen Kiyani were having loads of "chai cups" together and Kiyani gave him green light.

This thing was being planned in coordination between USA and Pakistan.

Let's not change Kiyani's stance into some kind of Tipu Sultan's. hahah
This is what Mujib Shami was saying on his talk show.

not sure why you would bring "standing up to America".

Adm Mullen and Gen Kiyani were having loads of "chai cups" together and Kiyani gave him green light.

This thing was being planned in coordination between USA and Pakistan.

Let's not change Kiyani's stance into some kind of Tipu Sultan's. hahah

didnt hear him - anyway expect a few changes in the high command soon - ISI & a few Corps Commanders.

only time will tell whether Raheel Shareef was right in his decision to go allout in NWA.
This is what Mujib Shami was saying on his talk show.

not sure why you would bring "standing up to America".

Adm Mullen and Gen Kiyani were having loads of "chai cups" together and Kiyani gave him green light.

This thing was being planned in coordination between USA and Pakistan.

Let's not change Kiyani's stance into some kind of Tipu Sultan's. hahah

Thats fine! Having a cup of coffee with someone does not mean you agree with and every thing they say. Its not you are with us or not with us.

Kayani stood up and took a lot of pressure. He was right at that moment. Now saying it he was hesitant and making a case against him is unjust as as you can quote him out of context without considering the situation at that time.

Pakistanis think you are either friend or foe. Need to shed this mentality. Even in personal lives we disagree with our best friends and close relatives. Having to accept differences and in case of America, a powerful country, having ability to stand for your position is a very commendable thing.

Just look at your 'elected' leaders. Will do anything for a few dollars. That was my point.
ather abbas did not reveal info on his own, he was given 'green light' by GHQ. there is a change of command.
Sir what people are failing to see (specially Ch Nisar) that Gen Athar Abbas didnt "reveal" anything.
he gave an opinion about Gen Kyani about not Starting NW operation.
he didnt give away our plans or formations, or any specific discussions or links or any operational detail that is need to know.
before Gen Athar made these "revaluations" people in army and the the general public were already commenting and frustrated about General's plans... even we on the forum were arguing that complete elimination of terrorism is only possible when we stop thinking NW is off limits. General Athar is of the view that this delay cost us lives, and he gives examples about the spread of TTP despite our sacrifices. he can be wrong in his analysis and point of view but he is not "revealing" anything.
corps commands and principle staff officers dont just sit there in their meeting with COAS like the ministers of Nawaz Sherif and nod their heads while the king makes his declarations but they actually , actively argue and give their points of view. final say is of course that of the COAS and clearly the new COAS has taken a different approach,

his NW operation only strengthens Gen Athar's POV
didnt hear him - anyway expect a few changes in the high command soon - ISI & a few Corps Commanders.

only time will tell whether Raheel Shareef was right in his decision to go allout in NWA.
is it got to do with the Intel apparatus calling the shots during gen. kiyani's tenure , in my opinion the Intel controlling GHQ is the best possible solution, & should be adopted as the order of the day, as we have witnessed too many decisions based on lack of strategic insight, from the "soldiers soldier" side of the isle, after all, there is a reason why gen.kiyani was called a thinking general , a quite & thinking general like gen.kiyani is the best possible option for the GHQ ,personally I am not a big fan of the soldier's soldier type , they re good but only under command ,but when it comes to commanding the army then a big no , that's at least my opinion from an historical perspective with regards to Pakistan Arm forces

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