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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

What is the point of swap of prisoners without permanent peace?

Slaughter will restart afterward.

Also Palestinian prisoners can be poisoned with late onset effects.
What is the point of swap of prisoners without permanent peace?

Slaughter will restart afterward.

Also Palestinian prisoners can be poisoned with late onset effects.
temporary reprieve to allow more aid in and fighters / commanders to regroup

Hamas will only release c. 50 prisoners (elderly and young / families - should be released anyway), still keeping c. 150 other prisoners as leverage
Zionist army treatment to arrested Palestinian civilians ..

Algerian war of independence: 1.5M Algerians died vs 30K French died; Result: FLN victory
Vietnamese war of independence: 1M died vs 70k French died; Result: Viet Minh victory

Learn history colonizer apologists.
French did allot of genocide, those disgusting dispicable human beings, lowest of low.
Prisoner exchange is because of collusion with Israel and prevention of medical supplies and urgent aid into Gaza. To relieve pressure on the population in Gaza. Supposedly, the 300 Palestinian female prisoners will be released to Gaza and could be killed shortly after.

This is not going to lead to more steps towards a permanent ceasefire. And atrocities that occured over past weeks will be unearthed for us during this brief pause. The US, Israel, and it's backers will then resume the genocide on a larger scale.

It's very likely Israel will even violate this temporary ceasefire one way or another.

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