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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Per Israeli sources:

46 Killed
260 wounded

Since ground offensive started. Probably a lot higher.

Yes you follow Arab religion. You worship them while they spit on you. You hate your own kind. Go live amongst them if you dare.

"Full support Sahib"

Look bud,, Pakistan is a islamic republic, we are a nation made in the name of Muslims of India

If your a Murtad, then great, fcuk off, you ain't one of us any more

A Muslim will always value a another Muslim from anywhere across the world
If racism exists in the world, it doesn't exist because of Islam

If you want to go live with the pajeet idol worshippers, then go live with them, because your clearly not one of us
Look bud,, Pakistan is a islamic republic, we are a nation made in the name of Muslims of India

If your a Murtad, then great, fcuk off, you ain't one of us any more

A Muslim will always value a another Muslim from anywhere across the world
If racism exists in the world, it doesn't exist because of Islam

If you want to go live with the pajeet idol worshippers, then go live with them, because your clearly not one of us

You're the traitor here. Palestinians see you as Pajeets and nothing else. Why should I care about such a racist ungrateful people?

You're the Arab worshiping Murtad here, so go live amongst them and see how they treat you. You actually believe they see you as "Muslim brother" when they think the opposite. Pathetic.
Allah's issue. I don't follow a paaki religion.

Pakistanis are that nation who support all Muslim ummah, we cannot deny that. But we must also accept when arab rulers are traitors and in bed with Israel then what is Iran, Indonesia, Turkey, Pakistan supposed to do? Its same in Kashmir, if Pakistani rulers jump in bed with India and sell kashmir then am afraid noone can do anything. You can even donate Lahore to India and noone will bother.

Muslim ummah needs to wake up, make their ranks strong and remove these corrupt traitors and then build close relations with each other. Watch how Israel shivers but the Israelis are intelligent, they work 24 7 to make sure no Muslim unity takes place. They used saudi Arabia as a base to cause division in the ummah, they started sunni shia wars, exported terrorism, promoted corrupt rulers, bought our generals, sponsored coups to remove non friendly governments via their agents in the arab puppets.

We must remember when the ummah cannot get rid of corrupt rulers, how will they liberate Palestine, when we have agents in our ranks, how will we threaten their masters.
That's Indian word and can only be use on panjeet... And it's not full... You corny panjeet...
In panjeet language there is no F rather it's
And that's why it's phunny..
Say it for us please!!!!! You panjeet

Nope it has been started for use on us, but they also have their own "phull sappurt saar."
Yes you follow Arab religion. You worship them while they spit on you. You hate your own kind. Go live amongst them if you dare. BTW what is Allah doing if it's Allah's issue? Who are you dictating to Allah what is the issue?

"Full support Sahib"
May be you should shut up...... And make some kaaba at your home .... U are confused shit.... Teri support aur uskay sahab ki aisi ki taisi ... Bhosri kay
The battles that have taken place yesterday (November 10, 2023) in Gaza have caused nightmares to Israeli firsters that they're now guessing the type of weapons that the mujahideen deployed. 👇

It is very possible that the Palestinian mujahideen may not be showing the weapons that the Israeli firsters are trying to guess.
Allah's issue. I don't follow a paaki religion.

Dude you quoted wouldn't blink twice for his own father... the daddy's boy has been raised to only project his own unfortunate self.
Only putting Kashmir to hit a nerve and seek empathy for his self and beliefs.
No different from any zionist, Nazi or murderer out there...

Islamic Jihad: Regarding the decisions of the Arab-Islamic Summit: The wording of “condemnation,” “demand,” and “call” that filled the final statement suggests that the statement was issued by a body that is not related to the massacres taking place against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, and not by A meeting of 57 countries, through its statement, appeared as if it had nothing and was unable to do anything except appeal and demand.

An Israeli Channel 12 correspondent admits that he cannot talk about the numbers of Israeli soldiers who are in Barzilai hospital
Isaac Galini, director of the Hebrew Channel 12, the occupation will gradually withdraw from Gaza, and the military operation will end within a short time. In the coming days, the army will gradually reduce the destructive bombing.

Perhaps, the useless OIC conference that did not produce any results is designed to give a face-saving way for the Israeli occupation force that is taking a beating in Gaza.
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