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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

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The UK government has announced that it is sending a strike group including RFA Lyme Bay and RFA Argus to the eastern Med to support Israel.

Royal Fleet Auxiliary: Lyme BayView attachment 960852
As a Bay-class landing ship, RFA Lyme Bay’s is to deliver troops, vehicles, stores and ammunition on Fleet operations across the globe. This enormous ship helps the Royal Navy maintain the ongoing waves of an amphibious assault.

From combat operations and international exercises to humanitarian aid missions, RFA Lyme Bay and her crew help make sure the Fleet is prepared for anything.

Royal Fleet Auxiliary: Argus
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RFA Argus is a Primary Casualty Receiving Ship of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary.

With a 100-bed medical complex on board, she acts as a floating medical facility during times of crisis or war.

The military package will also include:
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Royal Airforce Poseidon MRA1 (P-8A) is a multi-role maritime patrol aircraft, equipped with sensors and weapons systems for anti-submarine warfare, as well as surveillance and search and rescue missions.

Untold number of RAF Protector’s:
View attachment 960864

Merlin Helicopters from the Commando Helicopter Force:
View attachment 960865
The Merlin Mk3, Mk3a, iMk3 and Mk4 are medium-lift helicopters operated by the Commando Helicopter Force (CHF)

The Merlin is designed and manufactured by AgustaWestland, who designate it as the AW101. The Royal Navy operates a fleet of Merlin Mk2 helicopters in the maritime force protection and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) role. The Commando Helicopter Force, however, use their Merlins as an amphibious troop transport and utility helicopter.

250 Royal Marine Commandos from 43 Commando:
View attachment 960867

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the package will aim "to deliver practical support to Israel and partners in the region, and offer deterrence and assurance".

@LeGenD that larger movement of aircraft I spotted starts to make sense now.

Muslim world at large is doing nothing. It makes my blood boil.

There US and Britain have already made a move


And this is why I always wanted to see US neutral because of the sheer power it holds and its effect on Geopolitics around the world, America was Attacked and world condemn the attack, US went crazy with people who were responsible for the attack and even to those who had no part in it, again is it what's happening in this world ? Yes, but is it right NO... I've heard this Logic from Journalists/PDFians and others in person here in FL that Hamas did this and so Israel is responding, so the point here is that if Hamas killing of Civilians gives Israel full right to bomb Civilians in Gaza, than we can say that Hamas is also within its right to attack Israeli civilians cause for past many years Israel is attacking their Civilians aka Palestinians with impunity, the world with two set of rules when it comes War or humans right will not go anywhere.

Question here at what face now US will ask anyone to abide by UN laws or Geneva conventions ? when it is out in the open that Israel is breaking every UN human rights law while USA is not only siding with them but actively providing them weapons to further their support their bombings, least US could do after 3-4 days to calls for cease fire, even though behind our backs they can keep supporting but at least in the public they can call for cease fire but this time we have not even see that, I have seen Female Journalists from CNN/BBC and other American channels who most likely have young kids in their homes can't even utter a single word against Israel bombing runs, Journalists are suppose to be neutral in their coverage or reporting, this is utter chaos and hypocritical behavior to say the least, I've never seen anything like this before.

I dont want 72 hoors , you go ahead .
Oh right, I forget Chindoos have ready access to women via rape and the Devadas system. But how come some Chindoos aren't satisfied by this and yearn for an Ijraeli Vife?
Wtf are you talking about pajeet

Everyone sees the Chindoos shrieking Joy Shri Rom and obsessing over trying to smear the faces of Mujlimj, "rice bags", Dalits and Khalistanis with gobar under the guise of assimilation to their brand of swarthoid BIMARU Chindootva politics. "Non-eggjistence" your dark behind pajeet, you bandars will spend the rest of your life seething over the fact we're not riding lingams like you

There's a line up of Chindoos in every Western country forging fake student acceptance letters to come to the West and work as coffee baristas despite Modi-zi turning your Pajeetistan into Honda Vishwaguru. Is this the dignified "eggjistence" of the average Honda which we're missing out on? Completely delusional. Keep crying about 72 btw, tera K had 16,000 prostitutes servicing him.
You have passed 75 years in this delusion and destroyed the country received in donation. First you destroyed east Pakistan and now doing the same to the rest of the remaining part.
But it feels good to see the Subhumans melting down. Have you guys ever thought of Why allah has given you such a miserable life to Pakistanis? You have reached the ultimate goal of life (As per Allah) by becoming Rabid Dogs. :pakistan:
The crux of the problem is Palestine's allies are too busy selling themselves out to Isreal's allies, who stand firmly together and will dispose of all the useful idiot sellouts in the Muslim world when the time comes.
These people are facist terrorists and Satan worshippers.

They are also so cowards

If HAMAS a terrorist organization , then go and fight against HAMAS like real men
but Israel-USA only bombing innocent civilians in GAZA like cowardly bitches

Turkiye fighting PKK-YPG terrorists for decades
and Turkish Armed Forces never bombed civilians

Turkish Army entered Syria and killed over 10.000 PKK-YPG , ISIS terrorists in urban warfare
Israeli Army doesnt have courage and capability to do it in urban warfare
... only bombing GAZA by Fighter Jets including school, hospital, mosque

TURKS will never leave thousands of innocent deads behind their just like Israel or USA
But it feels good to see the Subhumans melting down.
5'6 piss guzzling, shit munching ugly pajeets who named themselves after a Pakistani river and kang over Pakistani and Western history, culture, and "aryan" genetics 24/7 are calling others "Subhuman.." What a joke

I literally ate your god for breakfast subhuman street shitter
You have passed 75 years in this delusion and destroyed the country received in donation. First you destroyed east Pakistan and now doing the same to the rest of the remaining part.
But it feels good to see the Subhumans melting down. Have you guys ever thought of Why allah has given you such a miserable life to Pakistanis? You have reached the ultimate goal of life (As per Allah) by becoming Rabid Dogs. :pakistan:

But it feels good to see the Subhumans melting down.
Pajeet, you are a dysgenic dasyu with the complexion of your feces and corpse-infested Ganga. YOU ARE THE SUBHUMAN.
Have you guys ever thought of Why allah has given you such a miserable life to Pakistanis?
Interesting question - have you ever wondered why Ram or Hanuman or the karma system put you on this planet as a pajeet trying to immigrate to the West as a barista instead of a Westerner? Didn't eat enough gobar in your past life? Any clue?
Mods have been informed. PDF needs a deep clean, its infested with trolls right now.

Israel is manufacturing a case for genocide​

Calling Saturday’s Hamas attack ‘Israel’s 9/11’ will only help the fanatical Israeli government unleash armageddon on the region.

Smoke plumes billow during Israeli air strikes in Gaza City on October 12, 2023 as raging battles between Israel and the Hamas movement continue for the sixth consecutive day. - Thousands of people, both Israeli and Palestinians have died since October 7, 2023, after Palestinian Hamas militants based in the Gaza Strip, entered southern Israel in a surprise attack leading Israel to declare war on Hamas in Gaza on October 8. (Photo by MAHMUD HAMS / AFP)

Israeli and American officials, like many of their supporters, have called the Hamas incursion on Saturday “Israel’s 9/11”, drawing parallels between Hamas and al-Qaeda and between Israel and the United States.

“If the United States experienced what Israel is experiencing,” President Joe Biden said, “our response would be swift, decisive and overwhelming.” The “brutality” and “the bloodthirstiness” of Hamas, he added, “brings to mind the worst rampages of ISIS”. He even repeated the sensationalist and unsubstantiated claims that Hamas fighters had “raped women” and “beheaded babies”.

Major European capitals reinforced the false analogy of 9/11 and the dangerous notion of “us vs them” by draping their most iconic buildings in Israeli flags as if to declare “they are all Israelis” just like they declared – with disastrous consequences – that “they are all Americans” after the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington, DC.

Like a well-rehearsed orchestra, Western powers condemned the “unprovoked” attacks on civilians and voiced their unconditional support for the fanatical Israeli government to do whatever it takes as long as it takes to “defend” its people against “evil”.

The degree of hysteria and the hypocrisy are as mind-boggling, as they are reckless.

Some of the images from Israel are no doubt gruesome – but the images from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya, etc have been no less horrific. Two decades of Western and Israeli wars in the Middle East have led to not thousands, but millions of Arab and Palestinian casualties

In the eyes of the West, it seems, Israel has a “duty” to defend its people, but the Palestinians don’t have the right to protect themselves as if they are people of a lesser god! Israel seemingly also has a right to defend and even expand its occupation and apartheid regime, but the Palestinians have no right to express their frustration or struggle for freedom and justice after seven decades of dispossession, oppression and siege.

For European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, “Russia’s attacks against civilian infrastructure, especially electricity, are war crimes. Cutting off men, women, children of water, electricity … are acts of pure terror.” But Israel doing the same against Palestinians in Gaza is legitimate self-defense! That’s the very embodiment of hypocrisy and double standard.

To be clear, Hamas is an Islamist group that has routinely used and is still using controversial and unsavoury methods to further its agenda. But like other anti-colonial movements that employed questionable methods, it is first and foremost, a nationalist movement that long condemned al-Qaeda and ISIL, and never staged an attack outside historical Palestine. Unlike al-Qaeda, Hamas has won a majority in parliament in Gaza’s last legislative elections in 2006, and – after surviving an American orchestrated coup – it has acted as the de facto government of the besieged strip.

Above all else, the hysterical comparisons between Hamas’s operation on Saturday and 9/11 are reckless and utterly dangerous, for they serve to manufacture the case for a wider war, as we witnessed prior to the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq on false pretences. Such comparisons help demonise Palestinian leaders and dehumanise Palestinian people, paving the way for a genocidal war, starting in Gaza. To be sure, demonising other leaders is ugly politics, but dehumanising a whole people, is racism, pure and simple.

In that way, this false and hysterical analogy amounts to a green light for Israel to follow up its unlawful siege and indiscriminate bombardment of the Gaza Strip with an even more horrifying land invasion that would devastate the more than two million Palestinians living there.

Indeed, after failing to diminish Hamas with four wars and a 17-year-long siege, the Israeli government now seems determined to annihilate Hamas, both politically and militarily, through an invasion and reoccupation of Gaza.

For that purpose, it has already recalled some 350,000 military reservists and amassed 100,000 soldiers as well as a number of tanks on its southern border. Meanwhile, the attempts to create a humanitarian corridor to ship people from Gaza into the Sinai to keep them “safe” and to make it easier for Israel to invade are bound to be rejected by Palestinian and Arab leaders alike as no more than a pretext to expel Palestinians from their homeland, again.

The anticipated ground invasion of densely populated Gaza with no escape routes provided for the people who live there, is bound to cause tens or hundreds of thousands of casualties among Palestinians over weeks or months of fighting, especially if, as expected, Israel uses heavy weapons and severe bombardment to try to reduce casualties among its own forces. Indeed, Israel’s looming invasion of Gaza is bound to turn into the most bloody urban conflict since the Second World War – an armageddon with disastrous regional implications.

Even if Israel successfully reoccupies the Gaza Strip, albeit at a high cost, and dismantles the military and administrative infrastructure of Hamas, what then? Will it simply hand it over to the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah after Israelis paid a high price for taking it over, as it did in the past? Will it hold the Gaza Strip permanently, providing food and services to its inhabitants? Will it be able to end the idea of Hamas as a resistance movement against occupation?

Israel does not seem to have any answers to these thorny questions about “the day after”. Indeed, there is no telling what will happen after such a genocidal invasion and occupation in Gaza, Palestine or the region in general.

There are already signs of the war spilling over to the north and east, forcing, or rather allowing, Israel to widen its circle of destruction. This could easily lead to the United States and its newly deployed naval armadas being drawn into yet another destructive regional war, as if two decades of forever wars were not enough.

Israel and the United States must not repeat the same blunders again and again as if they learned nothing from decades of war, occupation and human suffering caused by their bungles. It is high time for Western powers to start acting like grown-ups and stop parroting Israel’s debunked lies and cliches. Make no mistake, there is no military answer for the Palestine tragedy, only a political and diplomatic solution.

Marwan Bishara
Marwan Bishara
Senior political analyst at Al Jazeera.
Marwan Bishara is an author who writes extensively on global politics and is widely regarded as a leading authority on US foreign policy, the Middle East and international strategic affairs. He was previously a professor of International Relations at the American University of Paris.
US is never going to be neutral, the day US went neutral is the day they loses their superpower status.
I don't think so, US can stay neutral and we have seen it and yet they holds the status of super power, their power is not just the influence but the network of Allies it created over the last 5-6 decades.
The issue here is, who have a bigger pull, the problem is that as a sitting government, you need to appease that group. And that's where the Jewish connection come to, after WW2, the US took on a lot of Jewish elite, mostly because you would need to have connection and power to get from Europe to the US, that lay the ground foundation for the strong influence.
So basically the thing here that despite US who keep State and Church separate also holds a strong Jewish State policy, protecting Israel in the land which was given to them by British who have no right to do so based on a claim from bible, this is giving a very radical ISIS like message to the world from a USA govt, so should just say that USA govt is the ISIS with nukes who also happen to have the largest Military and Economy ? If USA congress is indeed controlled by the Radical Jews than God bless the world cause they will push USA into a war within middle east against the Muslims which they seems to be their number one enemy. All that happen in a Country which pride itself on Church and state separate policy.

Another issue is what US had been thru, when they were themselves being attacked. out of all history, it doesn't generally ends well when some other country attack the US, while this is not a direct attack to the US per se, but the people are going to expect it to show no mercy on whoever carrying out these attacks. Even tho most American already came out and think Israeli oppressing the Palestinian. It's like if the US did nothing after Israel was attacked like this, then our government is soft, some will go even further and say this will only attract people to attack us if we let this slide. This is the ground reality.
Well if People expect no mercy than why the same people cry when their ally Israel civilians were killed? eye for an eye, Israel say they started it and Hamas will say Israel started it, Also US public can expect anything it doesn't matter, as we have seen US govt manipulate its own public perception with fake reports (Kuwait fake female nurse Case) if US govt wants something they know works around to change their public opinion and many times even completely ignoring their public opinions. So this is not the USA people who are rallying behind USA govt to support Israel, its the US govt who is putting its weight while the media is extremely bias towards the other side, its the same situation as Nazi Propaganda against the Jews in WW2, only this time its the Muslims where Jews were, and Jews are where Nazi's were.

From the beginning of this, I have already said, Israeli would have a free hand on this, and this is not just American who are doing that, notice that most of Europe are doing the same, all with different reasons, but in a way, it's about influence and power. And just that Muslim or Pro-Muslim group don't have the same pull as pro-Israel group, this is always going to end like this as soon as the attack unfolded.
If USA said enough and asked Israel to stop, Europeans will have no reason not to follow that, right now Europeans are following the lead of USA in support of Israel, whatever US will do Europeans will follow it is as simple as that, and just like American political system Europeans are also hold this strong burden of Holocausts and many EU countries out of sheer regret supports Israel, whether their public supports such actions or not that is a different matter.

Last thing I would say, when Americans/Allied forces enter Berlin and defeated the Nazi's they open the gates of Concentration camps for the German public to see what Nazi's were doing, Lets see if we the Americans or Europeans will open the doors of Gaza after they are done with their onslaught for the rest of the world to see what have they done.
Well, you have your own view. I expect it's not gonna change, so I will just say we can agree to disagree with that, I am just commenting on the issue as far as I see and put it bluntly, as I said, I am neither Pro-Israel nor Pro-Palestinian.

I have no issue. But this is not America's fight. And it is nothing remotely equivalent to 9/11. It's a war between two nations. Hamas did a military operation that neutralized 1200 Israeli soldiers. That's perfectly legitimate and within their right. As a siege is a act of war. Equating targeting combatants with 9/11 is just genocidal fanatical dehumanization of Muslims.

And if this dehumanization of Muslims doesn't come to end. We will explode in the face of fascistic Jewish barbarians in a way never seen before and teach Jews and their worshippers a big lesson they will never forget.

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