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Galwan Valley. China got India by the neck?

Hahaha. You sanghi rats are funny creatures. Ashamed of getting done doggy style by PLA?

Tell your Modi to cut some onions and show his "red eyes" to China.

Message is simple here. Any stupidity towards Azad Kashmir and Gilgit baltistan, towards CPEC, be ready for a gang bang from PLA and PA from opposite sides. Map of the region will help your kind.
For You Every Indian Is a sangi rat Till I Take your Line

I am Catholic And Konkan
How can it be opposite the article is dated 4th of June and the one you posted is of 2nd of June. Most likely you got it wrong in 2nd of June article and later published the correction regarding actual Chinese positions in Galwan valley.
There were several reports from random media outlets overlapping and at times entirely conflicting from each other. Most outlets quote "anonymous" or unnamed sources

I have a simple question, if everyone is in her own border. Then why all this fuss? Why Indians have scheduled high level meeting with Chinese. After all Indians have already pushed them back. So, whats whe point.
Not the Fist time it happened
It regular in LAC
Such clashed reported many times
It's actually getting embarrassing seeing Indians desperately trying to cover the failures of the Indian military year in year out
I have a simple question, if everyone is in her own border. Then why all this fuss? Why Indians have scheduled high level meeting with Chinese. After all Indians have already pushed them back. So, whats whe point.

It's hard for this Bollywood nation to understand that "where there's smoke, there's fire".
It's actually getting embarrassing seeing Indians desperately trying to cover the failures of the Indian military year in year out

Its exactly the same situation in India just after PAF conducted operation swift retort on their sorry arses. COMPLETE SILENCE. PIN DROP. Modi gone in his shell. :omghaha:
I Have Seen Pakistani's Covering for Serious Military defeat And Humiliation but Still claiming Superior Wisdom (1971,1984,1999 )

Pakistan is 7 times smaller and historically taken the initiative to try and overcome the obstacles of attacking a much larger state who is the defender

Indians were still reeling from the humilation from 2019 trying to look for fallen F16s and now the Chinese have slapped you and you again find yourselves in the position where you are stuck trying to explain the poor performance of the Indian military
I Have Seen Pakistani's Covering for Serious Military defeat And Humiliation but Still claiming Superior Wisdom (1971,1984,1999 )
Why you interfere our internal matters in 71, why you start a issue of siachin, and we are divided at the time of 1999 (govt/Establishments) that why we didn't win
Its exactly the same situation in India just after PAF conducted operation swift retort on their sorry arses. COMPLETE SILENCE. PIN DROP. Modi gone in his shell. :omghaha:

Rather then reality

It's all about ego for Indians

So they are looking for a way out, some way to defend the illusion of the Indian Hindu military they have built up in their heads

Last year after we suckered Abhi-not-indian they immediately were forced to claim the F16 with no evidence as a ego protection excercise knowing that the Indian fanboys needed a comfort point they could retreat to once they were confronted with the reality and evidence of their defeat

I think Indian/Hindu ego's are incredibly fragile and burdened

Just like Jinnah stated, this fragility of ego and burden of history is what is leading them to justify injustice against muslim civilians
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