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Gag order,...Dr A.Q Khan


Apr 2, 2008
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Gag order
The immediate problem of the government regarding the delicate matter of detained scientist Dr A Q Khan has been solved, with the Islamabad High Court issuing a judgment that bars Dr Khan from speaking to the media on issues involving nuclear weapons, but permits him to meet close relatives and friends. The court also states in its verdict that he should have access to medical care of his choosing, and be permitted, under adequate security, to conduct research. Dr Khan had recently stirred up a major storm with a statement indicating President Musharraf himself and other army officials were involved in the transfer of nuclear technology to North Korea. Dr Khan and his lawyers have indicated the verdict will be appealed.

While the bar on Dr Khan granting interviews to the media prevents any further embarrassing disclosures, it also means the truth regarding Pakistan's nuclear weapons and allegations that technology was sold are less likely to be uncovered. The issue continues to crop up in books and interviews, with Benazir Bhutto also stated to be involved in the transfer to North Korea. As we all know, some matters of state may well need to remain secret. But, more broadly speaking, Pakistan has through its history seen too many cover-ups and too many allegations of conspiracy. The public needs to know more of what happens behind the scenes, especially as in many cases these decisions can have a direct bearing on our future. For the present, the court order silences the troublesome Dr Khan – but in future the issues he has raised seem almost certain to crop up again.
It is standard practice in all countries to have to have security laws. In the UK it is the famous "official secrets act". Even in the industry; I had to sign a document saying I will not reveal any trade secrets to another company until 3 years after I leave/resign/get fired etc. Else it is the grounds for instant dismissal and also possible grounds for prosecution. I know of a young lady Oil Trader who was found to be having a relationship with a trader of a rival company; she was asked to leave and not to work for another oil trading company in the Middle East Region for one year. She was of course given a decent settlement.

In the US there is a declassification of official documents after 20 and 30 years. Some secrets are never revealed.

Hon Members: Okay we wouldn't know the truth for certain, so what?
Potential harm to Pakistan's interests far outweighs any search for the truth. This is one of those cases where curiosity would kill the cat!

Let us keep it under raps for now.
I am glad that this has happened. What ever may have gone on in the past is another story but washing our dirty linen in public under these circumstances would not do anyone any good. I thought the good Doctor would have had enough sense to realize this. Perhaps we all have a different concept of Pakistan's interests than the Good Doctor A Q Khan. Interestingly by opening his mouth under these circumstances have reinforced the belief of many of his critics that at the end of the day he was another opportunist who utilized the system to his best advantage and is crying foul now that he is feeling left out of the lime light.

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