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Future of the Saudi Arabian Air Force (RSAF) - Possible new purchases


May 28, 2022
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Just a rumor so far, nothing concrete.

Anyway probably seen as a replacement for the F-15C/D versions as they will need replacing eventually. Along with the Tornadoes.

The F-15SA version is one of the most advanced (if not the most advanced) versions of the F-15 alongside the F15-QA.

Information about the F-15EX

Talk of China offering its most powerful stealth aircraft to Saudi Arabia with technology transfer.

It will be interesting to see what will occur in this regard.

As for the F-35, I think it depends on what will happen with the F-35 UAE deal and future F-35 updates. The F-35 has had a lot of problems with power modules effecting almost 10% of the F-35 to date, rendering them inoperable. Problems with the Block 4 updates as well.
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KSA is eying the UK Tempest 6th generation..for beyond 2035
View attachment 864284
KSA is eying the UK Tempest 6th generation..for beyond 2035

That could be a great option. Given the close ties between the RSAF and RAF it is very much a possibility. Anyway that is a long time in the future (15 years if not more).

What about the South Korean KF-21? KSA has warm ties with South Korea as well as once hosting one of the largest South Korean diasporas that helped build KSA. South Korea is also lobbying to build some of the many nuclear power plants that are planned to be built in KSA. The largest nuclear power plant in the Muslim world (Barakah in UAE) was built by a South Korean firm.

Do you like me believe that KSA will wait and see what the status quo of the F-35 deal with UAE will be (maybe waiting for a Republican president to confirm this deal) and future F-35 updates before pursuing this fighter jet?

Also what is your opinion of the F-15EX and the rumors that I posted initially?
That could be a great option. Given the close ties between the RSAF and RAF it is very much a possibility. Anyway that is a long time in the future (15 years if not more).

What about the South Korean KF-21? KSA has warm ties with South Korea as well as once hosting one of the largest South Korean diasporas that helped build KSA. South Korea is also lobbying to build some of the many nuclear power plants that are planned to be built in KSA. The largest nuclear power plant in the Muslim world (Barakah in UAE) was built by a South Korean firm.

Do you like me believe that KSA will wait and see what the status quo of the F-35 deal with UAE will be (maybe waiting for a Republican president to confirm this deal) and future F-35 updates before pursuing this fighter jet?

Also what is your opinion of the F-15EX and the rumors that I posted initially?
KSA wants the optional 48 Typhoons tranch 4 with much more ToT.. that is all I can tell you for now..

If the US wants to sell the F-35 to KSA.. then it is OK.. but Saudi Arabia didn't request it really.. the UAE did.. it seems KSA has other options.. and now the UAE too..Maybe Morocco will get it since Usrael is pushing for it.. since it does not constitute an immediate close threat to it.. and I believe the UAE also will get it.. either with this US administration or the next..
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KSA wants the optional 48 Typhoons tranch 4 with much more ToT.. that is all I can tell you for now..

If the US wants to sell the F-35 to KSA.. then it is OK.. but Saudi Arabia didn't request it really.. the UAE did.. it seems KSA has other options.. and now the UAE too..Maybe Morocco will get it since Usrael is pushing for it.. since it does not constitute an immediate close threat to it.. and I believe the UAE also will get it.. either with this US administration or the next..

Correct me if I am wrong, this might be a simplistic analysis by me, but it appears to me that KSA is using UAE as a testing ground in terms of internal reforms, foreign politics and even military purchases. Or seeking inspiration from it. There was talk of MBZ being the mentor of MBS in the media some time ago.

Similarly with the F-35 deal. If UAE gets it, I am sure that KSA will get it too and vice versa.

Just look at the rapprochement with Turkey/Erdogan. First it was the UAE, later KSA followed suit. It could all be a coincidence, but I doubt it.

Take Israel as an example, although I don't think that KSA was involved in UAE and Bahrain recognizing Israel and vice versa (establishing diplomatic ties), I am sure that KSA will follow this relationship closely and take note of whether it its worth it etc.

Not sure if I made myself clear but this is how it looks to me. I see similar signs in terms of the military industry, I am sure that SAMI and Halcon/EDGE are closely cooperating.
Correct me if I am wrong, this might be a simplistic analysis by me, but it appears to me that KSA is using UAE as a testing ground in terms of internal reforms, foreign politics and even military purchases. Or seeking inspiration from it. There was talk of MBZ being the mentor of MBS in the media some time ago.

Similarly with the F-35 deal. If UAE gets it, I am sure that KSA will get it too and vice versa.

Just look at the rapprochement with Turkey/Erdogan. First it was the UAE, later KSA followed suit. It could all be a coincidence, but I doubt it.

Take Israel as an example, although I don't think that KSA was involved in UAE and Bahrain recognizing Israel and vice versa (establishing diplomatic ties), I am sure that KSA will follow this relationship closely and take note of whether it its worth it etc.

Not sure if I made myself clear but this is how it looks to me. I see similar signs in terms of the military industry, I am sure that SAMI and Halcon/EDGE are closely cooperating.
It is obvious and official that KSA and UAE have a strategic relationship and even beyond that.. but they both keep an independent policy as far as each country is concerned.. Which is still in coordination.. between all the Arab world in general....
Waste of money for the Saudis to buy anymore defence equipment from the western snakes. They pay huge amount of money. They could use that kind of money to build indegenous industries by collaboration with China, Russia and others. If they started it 20/30 years ago, their defence industry would be much advanced by now.
Waste of money for the Saudis to buy anymore defence equipment from the western snakes. They pay huge amount of money. They could use that kind of money to build indegenous industries by collaboration with China, Russia and others. If they started it 20/30 years ago, their defence industry would be much advanced by now.
They couldn't 20/30 years ago.. Arabs needed to build the infra-structure of all this advancement.. no waste of money.. they are really smart and patient.. hope you understand now..
They couldn't 20/30 years ago.. Arabs needed to build the infra-structure of all this advancement.. no waste of money.. they are really smart and patient.. hope you understand now..

I understood before too. 20/30 years ago they also had heaps of oil money, no reason they couldn't do it. They were having lots of money, had no vision and were enjoying life. Don't sugar coat it.
I understood before too. 20/30 years ago they also had heaps of oil money, no reason they couldn't do it. They were having lots of money, had no vision and were enjoying life. Don't sugar coat it.
Don't salt quote it.. read what I said and stop your empty BS talk..
I do think the UAE and Saudi Arabia could jointly produce a fighter jet drone in the next 10 years.

UAE and KSA have both worked on indigenous drones and have the funding for it. UAE is also developing munitions that can be used on it such as Air to air missiles and whatever else you can think of.

“By the second half of this decade, the UAE will be designing and producing a complete range of air-to-ground, airto- air, naval, and ground-launched airborne weapon systems, with its own proprietary technology. This progress is set to place the Gulf nation on a par with a select group of states that have this capability within their borders.”
They couldn't 20/30 years ago.. Arabs needed to build the infra-structure of all this advancement.. no waste of money.. they are really smart and patient.. hope you understand now..

I see this argument time and time again. 30 years ago those Arab states had relatively small populations and very young populations. It takes decades to develop the strong educational infrastructure that the likes of the GCC states have established today with the highest-ranked universities in the entire Muslim world, highest per capita scientific output, 100% literacy rates, the industrial infrastructure (factories), mineral infrastructure (a work in progress in KSA), infrastructure overall, 100.000's of exchange students abroad returning home and contributing, the political will and vision and coordination of the political element, political implementation etc. Let's not forget that the region has been war torn/was war torn for decades, much higher corruption in the past etc.

Actually I prefer to look at it the other way around, the development has been astonishing in many ways in such a short time period with the journey just really beginning.

In 10 years time, I am sure that the GCC states will have achieved more than what they have done in the past 30 years combined.

Arabs have a glorious past (in terms of science as well - in fact science as a whole originated in the Arab world) and a bright future! They just need to continue to work hard, improve and hope for good, strong and visionary leadership. There is tremendous potential, tremendous resources, tremendous numbers of people (talent pool) etc. and much money to use for investing in education. What is needed is internal stability and regional stability. Arabs should be dreaming big and ignoring the haters and doubters.
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To add on further to what I was saying.

A jet powered fighter drone with a low RCS and able to be equipped with missiles is possible.

An AESA radar would be difficult but possible with the right funding and R&D, and the air to air missiles will already be there. Cruise missiles are not super complex either.

There are Emirati engineers working on simple jet engine designs but eventually this can lead to jet engines powerful enough to power large aircraft.

Don't salt quote it.. read what I said and stop your empty BS talk..

What in the world is salt quote? I read what you said, it's all feel good nonsense. No substance.
What in the world is salt quote? I read what you said, it's all feel good nonsense. No substance.
You're obviously a troll and jealous guy.. when did you ever had substance to your posts? they all stem from ignorance or seemingly so of realities on the ground.. just keep your sadness to yourself..
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