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Fresh campaign launched for NSG membership

Pakistan will have to put on good behavior for a decade
1. they will have to make it crystal clear that they will not transfer nukes to anybody
2. they have to honor the FMCT and CTBT. may be not sign but adhere to it.
3. of course they have to cut support to Taliban

Note - no mention of Kashmir

Let's not judge anyone, buddy. If you start stripping the layers of fiction, no party will come across as an angel. This is a perception and power game. Pure and simple. Whether you've stolen something is immaterial. If I can convince my locality, then you'll be seen as a thief. And if I can convince the local thanedar as well, then you're doomed.

And a decade is far too long. Maybe a year or two, depending on how badly they want to address their load-shedding problem. :)
Let's not judge anyone, buddy. If you start stripping the layers of fiction, no party will come across as an angel. This is a perception and power game. Pure and simple. Whether you've stolen something is immaterial. If I can convince my locality, then you'll be seen as a thief. And if I can convince the local thanedar as well, then you're doomed.

And a decade is far too long. Maybe a year or two, depending on how badly they want to address their load-shedding problem. :)

it is a perception game. nobody is an angel. some of the smaller states in the NSG are true ayatollahs in their opposition to nuclear weapons. they will not approve Pakistan's NSG membership until Pakistan submits to certain conditions.

nuclear energy is no pancea for energy shortages. the nuclear waste lasts for 10000 years

for all practical purposes india has agreed to compliance with the CTBT and FMCT
China ?? managing North Korea ?? Cut off all aid and watch them collapse

You're obviously a sadist who doesn't care all that much about human rights, or human beings for that matter. Humanitarian aid to DPRK is provided not only by China but also South Korea and the United States. Cutting off humanitarian aid hurts the North Korean people, not the Kim family. Anyone with two brain cell knows as much.

What to bro,what we consider basic and general seems to be high end for some.

Providing humanitarian aid is considered basic respect of international law. Providing advanced training to North Korean scientist who are now creating weapons of war to be used on South Korea, Japan, and United States is blatant disregard of international law. It is likely that this happened with tacit approval by Indian government considering how closely India was aligned with the socialist bloc during the cold war. And, kindly, don't tell me about the non-aligned policy, it was a joke.
Providing humanitarian aid is considered basic respect for international law. Providing advanced training to North Korean scientist who are now creating weapons of war to be used on South Korea, Japan, and United States is blatant disregard for international law. It is likely that this happened with tacit approval by Indian government considering how closely India was aligned with socialist bloc during the cold war.
you dint get my post i guess.my post and you reply are miles apart,you can tell me if you dint understand my previous post,i will rephrase it in simpler way
you dint get my post i guess.my post and you reply are miles apart,you can tell me if you dint understand my previous post,i will rephrase it in simpler way


Its the other way around. Though I don't blame you, your command of English language is fairly basic. Stay in school.
You're obviously a sadist who doesn't care all that much about human rights, or human beings for that matter. Humanitarian aid to DPRK is provided not only by China but also South Korea and the United States. Cutting off humanitarian aid hurts the North Korean people, not the Kim family. Anyone with two brain cell knows as much.

aid to DPRK sustains a brutal regime

china's aid to DPRK is not based on any altruism

Providing humanitarian aid is considered basic respect of international law. Providing advanced training to North Korean scientist who are now creating weapons of war to be used on South Korea, Japan, and United States is blatant disregard of international law. It is likely that this happened with tacit approval by Indian government considering how closely India was aligned with the socialist bloc during the cold war. And, kindly, don't tell me about the non-aligned policy, it was a joke.

there is no single course in the world that would suffice to construct advanced weapons of war.

link to pakistani dealings with North Korea
aid to DPRK sustains a brutal regime

Regardless of the differences one may have with the Kim family, there is ample evidence that sanctions and cutting off aid doesn't lead to regime change. In fact, the regime uses it as evidence of hostility to convince people that there is an enemy at the door.

china's aid to DPRK is not based on any altruism

How do you know that?

there is no single course in the world that would suffice to construct advanced weapons of war.

link to pakistani dealings with North Korea

Old allegations that Pakistan has refuted.

I dint mean to hurt you bro,kasam say :)

Neither I, nor you, can "hurt" each other. I think you meant offend. In which case, try harder?

Hai,kisi ki nazar na lagay ,...
no bro,i did mean hurt..what i said was ,i dint mean to hurt your ego...i thought its understood.

Bro, we can't "hurt' each other considering you live in India and I'm in Pakistan. As for bruised ego, I'm Muslim and we are taught to embrace humility which is the antithesis of ego. I just enjoy sarcasm so don't take any offence. It's all in good humor.
Regardless of the differences one may have with the Kim family, there is ample evidence that sanctions and cutting off aid doesn't lead to regime change. In fact, the regime uses it as evidence of hostility to convince people that there is an enemy at the door.

How do you know that?

Old allegations that Pakistan has refuted.

giving aid to North Korea for the past 20 years has not worked. it never will.

China backs North Korea as a proxy against South Korea
While Pakistan can achieve it in the future it does not have the clout to get NSG membership. Even if Uncle Sam pushes for Pakistan's NSG membership country like Germany or Japan would not support Pakistan.
Thats the whole point smarty. Once you we get the leverage like India does the episode of AQ and what not can easily be brushed away. MOney talks the rest in bull shit
Thats the whole point smarty. Once you we get the leverage like India does the episode of AQ and what not can easily be brushed away. MOney talks the rest in bull shit

you do not have any clout now. anything can happen in the future
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