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Featured Free speech has limits, Canada's Trudeau says

That Guy

Mar 29, 2013
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Free speech has limits, Canada's Trudeau says


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau defended free speech on Friday, but added that it was “not without limits” and should not “arbitrarily and needlessly hurt” certain communities.

“We will always defend freedom of expression,” Trudeau said in response to a question about the right to show caricatures deemed blasphemous, as France's Charlie Hebdo magazine did.

“But freedom of expression is not without limits,” he added. “We owe it to ourselves to act with respect for others and to seek not to arbitrarily or unnecessarily injure those with whom we are sharing a society and a planet.”

“We do not have the right for example to shout fire in a movie theatre crowded with people, there are always limits,” he argued

Distancing himself from the position of French President Emmanuel Macron, Trudeau pleaded for a careful use of free speech.

“In a pluralist, diverse and respectful society like ours, we owe it to ourselves to be aware of the impact of our words, of our actions on others, particularly these communities and populations who still experience a great deal of discrimination,” he said.

At the same time, he said society is ready for a public debate on these issues, “to have these complex conversations in a responsible way”.

As he had done the day before with the leaders of the European Union, Trudeau insisted on condemning the recent “awful and appalling” extremist attacks in France.

“It is unjustifiable and Canada wholeheartedly condemns these acts while standing with our French friends who are going through extremely difficult times,” he said.

Canada's parliament observed a moment of silence on Thursday for the three people stabbed to death earlier in a church in Nice, in southern France, by a Tunisian man who was apprehended.

Anger erupted in the Middle East in response to Macron defending the right to publish the blasphemous cartoons of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in France.

Macron made the comments during a tribute last week to Samuel Paty, a teacher beheaded in the street for showing caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in class in a course on freedom of expression.

Like I said, France is unique in its arrogantly racist behavior, and Macron is stupid for placating the fascists within his country.
I would love to see Trudeau taking action against anyone who attempt to show cartoons in Canada. The thing is he can't. Though he wouldnt dare to show it in schools like Macron said. One or two terrorist attacks here and Trudeau would be forced to change his stance. I hope no Isis attacks take place here though. Or anywhere else for that matter.
I would love to see Trudeau taking action against anyone who attempt to show cartoons in Canada. The thing is he can't. Though he wouldnt dare to show it in schools like Macron said. One or two terrorist attacks here and Trudeau would be forced to change his stance. I hope no Isis attacks take place here though. Or anywhere else for that matter.
Canada has suffered a few terrorist attacks in the past, and the message has always been unity, not division.

If cartoons are shown, it's not about stopping them, but saying Canada doesn't condone the needless and purposeful racist behavior.
Fact of the matter is he's right. In US you can't say 'N word'. In France you can't talk about holocaust denial. In India you can't ask question military accomplishments or Modi-ji. All are shining examples of democracies.
I want to add, boycotts are far more powerful than moronic terror attacks. To government's, people are just numbers and statistics. Hurt their wallet, and then you'll see a response.

This is why the french boycott was working so well. This is why murder has almost never worked to dissuade racist behavior.

The South African apartheid state didn't stop being fascist because the suddenly started caring about Black South Africans, it's because they were threatened with economic sanctions.
Fact of the matter is he's right. In US you can't say 'N word'. In France you can't talk about holocaust denial. In India you can't ask question military accomplishments or Modi-ji. All are shining examples of democracies.
I mean, you can say the n word in the US, it's just that if you aren't black, you'll probably get slapped or punched across the face.

The rest, I agree with.
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I want to add, boycotts are far more powerful than moronic terror attacks. To government's, people are just numbers and statistics. Hurt their wallet, and then you'll see a response.

This is why the french boycott was working so well. This is why murder has almost never worked to dissuade racist behavior.

The South African apartheid state didn't stop being fascist because the suddenly started caring about Black South Africans, it's because they were threatened with economic sanctions.

They would especially lose it if France’s neocolonialism in Africa were ended, with its preferentially low prices of imports from Africa and France’s exports to Africa, as well as France’s control of many African nations money supply and artificats. End that and France won’t even be a second rate power but something akin to Eastern Europe.

End Francafrique and you severely weaken France.

I'm impressed Canada is standing up to its colonial master for this. They cancelled the Turkish drone parts and captured Huawei's CFO at the request of some 'friendly' countries...

I mean, you can say the n word in the US, it's just that if you aren't black, you'll probably get slapped or punched across the face.

The rest, I agree with.

Well yes but sometimes people get into a lot of trouble for saying that. It's an interesting dilemma for US public:

I would love to see Trudeau taking action against anyone who attempt to show cartoons in Canada. The thing is he can't. Though he wouldnt dare to show it in schools like Macron said. One or two terrorist attacks here and Trudeau would be forced to change his stance. I hope no Isis attacks take place here though. Or anywhere else for that matter.

If Canada becomes very right wing, you little brown fellas going to get a$$ kicked more than anyone else, lol.
If Canada becomes very right wing, you little brown fellas going to get a$$ kicked more than anyone else, lol.
As bad as our conservative right wingers are, they aren't as bad as other countries.

Doug Ford is a right wing conservative, he won Ontario because immigrants love him. I hate him, but I would never call him racist.

Social conservatives are ridiculed by Canadians, and they lost the last general elections precisely because of their racist behavior. As it is, there is little chance they'll come to power, at least not in any meaningful way to cause trouble.
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Like I said, France is unique in its arrogantly racist behavior, and Macron is stupid for placating the fascists within his country.

Arrogant ? I won’t say that. But they are for sure prisoners of their past.
Study their history, and look how they came to the grey of speech / cartoons etc laws.

And you will note how Trudeau responded and Muslims responded.
A well articulated speech against stupidities on our side.
That’s what make the difference.
Canada has suffered a few terrorist attacks in the past, and the message has always been unity, not division.

If cartoons are shown, it's not about stopping them, but saying Canada doesn't condone the needless and purposeful racist behavior.

It's not that. Whether people like it or not Islamophobia is here to stay till something more important or frightening replaces it. Canada has immigration cos the people are supportive of it. People who had bought real estate in 2000's are loving immigration. And as it is a small population state like Canada needs immigration to drive it's growth. Or else it risks growing very slow.

The French politics is basically left. The Quebecians aren't much far behind. When Macron is forced to make such statements to take on after suffering 200 Isis death over 5 years, Conservatives will pounce on Liberals and NDP if they are seen as too soft if some attacks do take place. World over politics is going right winger. Some are saying Trudeau is laying the steps for someone like Trump to rule Canada in the next 15 years.
I am not an expert in Canadian politics though. Just been here for 5 years. But learning their tricks of trade.
Arrogant ? I won’t say that. But they are for sure prisoners of their past.
Study their history, and look how they came to the grey of speech / cartoons etc laws.

And you will note how Trudeau responded and Muslims responded.
A well articulated speech against stupidities on our side.
That’s what make the difference.
I call them arrogant, because they still act as if they're colonial super powers. From the use of mercenaries to intervene in foreign conflicts in their former colonies, to picking needless fights with other countries that they have no business picking fights with.
I call them arrogant, because they still act as if they're colonial super powers. From the use of mercenaries to intervene in foreign conflicts in their former colonies, to picking needless fights with other countries that they have no business picking fights with.

geopolitics. I think even Pakistan did and and do to some extent same thing except that we don’t have former colonies.
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