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Arab population grew 14 times, meanwhile Jewish population grew 260 times.

Let's crunch some numbers...

Late 1800s: 4 Jews, 96 Arabs

Interim: Jews x 260, Arabs x 14 (your figures)

We should have: (4x260=) 1040 Jews, (96x14=) 1344 Arabs
But we actually have 80% Jews: 1040 Jews, (1040/4=) 260 Arabs

So how do we end up with a low 260 instead of 1344 Arabs?
If we divide 260 by 14 (your growth figure), we get 18.5, meaning only 18.5 of the original 96 contributed to the 14x growth of the Arab population.

So, where did the rest of the Arabs (96 - 18.5) go?
Answer: ethnically cleansed out of Israel proper.

When Israel established its first document said that all races and religions should be equal.

You may peddle this nonsense to people who don't know the reality of Israel, but it won't wash here.

Israel discriminates in favor of Jews by law. Jews and non-Jews are NOT equal under Israeli law -- from citizenship rights to property rights to any number of situations where Jews get preferential treatment BY LAW.

If u have mind records of all Jews and Chinese migrants plz let us know.

I don't need to read minds.

Zionism is very explicit in its demands for Jews around the world to colonize Palestine for the glory of the Jewish race.

Can you show me any document that says Chinese migrants to Singapore were following an ideology which demanded them to conquer Malay lands for the glory of the Han race?

Massive Jewish migration was result of poor economic conditions in Russia and Poland. It especially grew after USA limited migration in 1925.

Better not say it too loud.

Jewish groups have used millions of dollars from Western taxpayers to help relocate Jews from Eastern Europe into Israel, claiming that these Jews were facing 'persecution'. If you declare them to be economic migrants, it might be a tad difficult to justify using Western tax dollars to help Jewish economic migrants.
Let's crunch some numbers...

Late 1800s: 4 Jews, 96 Arabs

Interim: Jews x 260, Arabs x 14 (your figures)

We should have: (4x260=) 1040 Jews, (96x14=) 1344 Arabs
But we actually have 80% Jews: 1040 Jews, (1040/4=) 260 Arabs
So how do we end up with a low 260 instead of 1344 Arabs?
If we divide 260 by 14 (your growth figure), we get 18.5, meaning only 18.5 of the original 96 contributed to the 14x growth of the Arab population.

So, where did the rest of the Arabs (96 - 18.5) go?
Answer: ethnically cleansed out of Israel proper.
In 1880 there were some 400 K Arabs and 25 K Jews.

400 x14 = 5600 K Arabs
25 x 260 = 6500 k Jews

It was not too hard? :)

You may peddle this nonsense to people who don't know the reality of Israel, but it won't wash here.

Israel discriminates in favor of Jews by law. Jews and non-Jews are NOT equal under Israeli law -- from citizenship rights to property rights to any number of situations where Jews get preferential treatment BY LAW.
Thats another of ur nonsense. In fact Jews are discriminated because they have to serve 3 years in army while Arabs dont.

I don't need to read minds.

Zionism is very explicit in its demands for Jews around the world to colonize Palestine for the glory of the Jewish race.

Can you show me any document that says Chinese migrants to Singapore were following an ideology which demanded them to conquer Malay lands for the glory of the Han race?

Better not say it too loud.

Jewish groups have used millions of dollars from Western taxpayers to help relocate Jews from Eastern Europe into Israel, claiming that these Jews were facing 'persecution'. If you declare them to be economic migrants, it might be a tad difficult to justify using Western tax dollars to help Jewish economic migrants.
Spare us of your crap taken from Zion elder protocols. You showed nothing except ignorance and racism here. Where from u got the idea that Jewish migrants to British Palestine used Western taxpayers millions???

* You live on stolen land of genocided people.
* I live on legally bought lands.
Care to check the sources I sent you? When US was declared independent nation, it was no longer under French or British protection. Thus merchant ships on trade between US and Europe came under constant attacks by Barbary pirates. Many innocent sailors were captured as slaves, and US war hero Thomas Jefferson was sent to negotiate a deal between pirates. Here is an account of what happened:

What Jefferson really thought about Islam.

So there you have a newly formed independent nation which has done no harm to the barbary states, suddenly go against you just because its said in the koran to fight or enslave the non-Muslims? Still nothing to do with the Koran or Islam? @LeveragedBuyout @Solomon2
My question is still the same, what has the pirates action to do with Islam and the subjugation of the middle east to America..You said in one of your previous reply that the barbary pirates brought the fall of Islam..
My question is still the same, what has the pirates action to do with Islam and the subjugation of the middle east to America..You said in one of your previous reply that the barbary pirates brought the fall of Islam..

He never understands the context of his posts. He just googles for "Islam" and cuts and pastes anything negative he can find.

He is remarkably clueless about history.
In 1880 there were some 400 K Arabs and 25 K Jews.

400 x14 = 5600 K Arabs
25 x 260 = 6500 k Jews

It was not too hard? :)

Nice try.

Most of the Arabs have been ethnically cleansed from their homes in Israel to the adjoining areas. They are not allowed to return because it would destroy the Jewish nature of Israel.

ethnic cleansing -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Ethnic cleansing, the attempt to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic groups.

Thats another of ur nonsense. In fact Jews are discriminated because they have to serve 3 years in army while Arabs dont.

Israeli High Court Upholds Law Permitting Jewish Housing Developments to Exclude Arabs - International Middle East Media Center

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

The Law of Return (1950) grants every Jew, wherever he may be, the right to come to Israel as an oleh (a Jew immigrating to Israel) and become an Israeli citizen.

Spare us of your crap taken from Zion elder protocols. You showed nothing except ignorance and racism here.

Will Israel's own Proclamation of Independence do?


The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people.
Accordingly we, members of the People's Council, representatives of the Jewish Community of Eretz-Israel and of the Zionist Movement [...] hereby declare the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-Israel, to be known as the State of Israel.

Where from u got the idea that Jewish migrants to British Palestine used Western taxpayers millions???

I am talking about Jewish migrants to Israel.

https://pelorous.totallyplc.com/public/cms/83/183/96/118/WJR Annual Report 2012-13 Online.pdf?realName=KLBXGf.pdf

4 million GBP of tax free donations in 2012-13, meaning money which would go to UK taxes went to this organization.

I can find similar info for Jewish organizations in other Western countries...
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Nice try.

Most of the Arabs have been ethnically cleansed from their homes in Israel to the adjoining areas. They are not allowed to return because it would destroy the Jewish nature of Israel.

ethnic cleansing -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Ethnic cleansing, the attempt to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic groups.
I repeat once again: the Arab population of Palestine grew 14 times. What ethnic cleansing are you talking about? Still cant see ur answer.

These are private lands.

The Law of Return (1950) grants every Jew, wherever he may be, the right to come to Israel as an oleh (a Jew immigrating to Israel) and become an Israeli citizen.
So? Germany and Greece allow German and Greek migrants free but dont allow u free. You can now cry whine and complain.

I am talking about Jewish migrants to Israel.

https://pelorous.totallyplc.com/public/cms/83/183/96/118/WJR Annual Report 2012-13 Online.pdf?realName=KLBXGf.pdf

4 million GBP of tax free donations in 2012-13, meaning money which would go to UK taxes went to this organization.

I can find similar info for Jewish organizations in other Western countries...
Some Jewish NGO received 4 million in 2 years? You dont have any shame. Palestinian groups receive hundreds of millions of free tax donations each year.

And plz provide us a source what they received before the creation of Israel. Thats what I asked for.

* You live on stolen land of genocided people.
* I live on legally bought lands.
I repeat once again: the Arab population of Palestine grew 14 times. What ethnic cleansing are you talking about? Still cant see ur answer.

These are private lands.

So? Germany and Greece allow German and Greek migrants free but dont allow u free. You can now cry whine and complain.

Some Jewish NGO received 4 million in 2 years? You dont have any shame. Palestinian groups receive hundreds of millions of free tax donations each year.

And plz provide us a source what they received before the creation of Israel. Thats what I asked for.

* You live on stolen land of genocided people.
* I live on legally bought lands.

How will israel cope up with this rising population of arabs?It will be a huge challenge in coming decades i think.
How will israel cope up with this rising population of arabs?It will be a huge challenge in coming decades i think.
Recently the grows of Jewish and Arab populations became almost equal.

By the way, Arabs in Israel growing much faster than Arabs in neighboring countries, mainly thanks to Israeli welfare.
Recently the grows of Jewish and Arab populations became almost equal.

By the way, Arabs in Israel growing much faster than Arabs in neighboring countries, mainly thanks to Israeli welfare.

Yes i am not disputing that.
Where do these arabs study?Do they have separate schools with different books or a common syllabus like other israelis?
That is the point.

Population growth of non Israeli Arabs do not matter.But if Israeli Arabs grow at a faster rate than Jews, it could endanger Jewish character of Israel.
Current percent of Jewish births in Israel is about 76% of total which is similar to current percent of Jews in population. So should not be big demographic changes in any near future.

Yes i am not disputing that.
Where do these arabs study?Do they have separate schools with different books or a common syllabus like other israelis?
Both Hebrew and Arabic are official languages in Israel. Therefore parents can decide where to send their kids: Hebrew or Arabic school. The overwhelming majority of Arabs prefer Arabic schools.

Arabic schools are financed by Israeli government same as Jewish.

BTW I found the fertility numbers:

Muslims in Israel - 3.35
Jews in Israel - 3.05
Palestinian territories - 4.1
Jordan - 3.3
Syria - 3.0
Egypt - 2.8
Lebanon - 1.5
By 2035, Jewish population in Israel/Palestine is projected at 46 percent – Mondoweiss

Except that the birth rate is not the only factor which contributes to population growth

Also included is average age of marriage and how quickly young couples have their children after marriage
Where muslims/arabs beat jews on all accounts

Currently the jews also covet lands where millions of Palestinians already live

The birth rate of the Palestinians in the west bank and gazs is even higher than the ones in israel

Considering atleast 1 million registered israelis don't even live in israel

Palestinians already form the majority population across the 3 areas

This will only get worse for Israel

Even 1/3 of israel being arab/muslim is catastrophic for the jew state and this isnt far off

This doesn't even count the millions of Palestinian refugees
Recently the grows of Jewish and Arab populations became almost equal.

By the way, Arabs in Israel growing much faster than Arabs in neighboring countries, mainly thanks to Israeli welfare.
Israel must have given them fertility drug and viagra by mistake. Since the only treatment they get with a healthy dose is this....
That's a good suggestion, I'll definitely do that when I get the time...The Palestinians are their 'tormenters'? That's absurd -
There's nothing difficult or brave about what you're doing because you're not serious about justice, about discerning right from wrong. You are serious about endorsing death-to-Jews - "choosing that which is easy rather than that which is right" as J. F. Rollings puts it. It's plain anti-Jewish bigotry of the Islamist sort:

"If the Jews left Palestine to us, would we start loving them? Of course not. The Jews are infidels not because I say so but because Allah does... They aren't our enemies because they occupy Palestine; they would be our enemies even if they had not occupied anything." — Muhammad Hussein Ya'qub, Egyptian cleric. link
You are serious about endorsing death-to-Jews
And there you go, here comes the accusing and antagonizing. Keep telling me that I am evil, I want to murder Jews. Keep lying. Go ahead. Just because you blab some garbage about me doesn't mean anything.

I have no desire to kill Jews and no respect for random extremist clerics who blame their pathetic bickering on Allah. Your argument, thus, is worthless and a logical fallacy. Instead of addressing my argument, you went straight for my religion and my nationality.

Proves how right I am.
And there you go, here comes the accusing and antagonizing. Keep telling me that I am evil, I want to murder Jews. Keep lying. Go ahead. Just because you blab some garbage about me doesn't mean anything.

I have no desire to kill Jews and no respect for random extremist clerics who blame their pathetic bickering on Allah. Your argument, thus, is worthless and a logical fallacy. Instead of addressing my argument, you went straight for my religion and my nationality.

Proves how right I am.
I'll give Pakistanis a day or so to respond to us, then post my own reply.
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