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Former ISI Khalid Khwaja found dead in Waziristan

I disagree - I think it is clear that all these groups are interlinked, and the 'spokesman' who contacted the media refers to the meetings of these individuals with the TTP leadership and their efforts to bring about a negotiated peace.

Following are excerpts from a recent article by Saleem Shehzad of AT, in which he extensively quotes a Taliban spokesperson and it appears clear from the comments that the TTP had a hand in the kidnapping and subsequent death.

Lets assume you are right. I just have one question:

Why did TTP not use its name and claim responsibility as they normally do?
He was Pro-Afghan Taliban but he was not pro-TTP .... as far as I know.

But who are asian tigers?? and what is there agenda??..... if they are ttp why don't they use word ttp?? there are many questions still not not known about them.......

Afghan Taliban have clearly said that they have no relation with ttp :..... then what is TTP????:confused::hitwall::hitwall: stil unsolved

LOL - you are dazed and confused. TTP has no links with Afghan Taliban?

Read the Asian Times article again - who do you think 'Khalifa' sahib is - its Sirajjudin Haqqani, the son of Jalaluddin Haqqani who happens to be leading one of the key factions fighting under the Afghan Taliban umbrella! Hope this helps..:)

The nexus between AT and TTP is there for all to see if people choose to rely on their common sense.
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"We don't believe in killing innocent people, but we would certainly like
to send you into the Stone Age the same way you have sent us into the
Stone Age...a slave normally hates his master" - Khalid Khawaja Shaheed (Stewart Bell in "The Martyr's Oath", 2005)
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Inaalilah e wa inailey hay rajeoon.

I saw a programe about this issue.
A few points i would like to raise.
1)Col.Imam was one of the founders of mujahdeen to fight soviets.And was respected alot by Afghan talibs.
2)These guys openly accused TTP as foriegn elements.
3)They asked TTP people to meet the.
4)TTP hasnt taken any responsiablity while they regularly take credit of even the bloodiest attrocoties and wouldnt have any issues reguarding accepting it cpz they are already hunted down.
5)Some claim they went there for peace talks backed by CIA.
6)asian tigers?never heard of these bastards?
Do they want to spoil peace talks?
Are there more factions then just TTP?
Wats there motive in doing such a deed?
Coz these people were very religious and were respected by everybody..........
I think The capture of Mullah baradar hasnt brought any good for Pakistan..I guess the Peace Dialogue with the AT will surely get hampered.!!!
thats only a one dead body we don't knw k woh kitne agent mar chuke hai
An observation that all seem to have missed -- The GoP, Pak Army, Civil Armed Forces are fighting a " War" and those who are colluding with the enemy, openly sympathetic to their cause, and providing logistics and finances are not being picked and being tried for treason!!!!

We are in a state of WAR! Some of the politicians, the so called Afghan Specialist and some "Jihadi Journalists" are openly siding with terrorist while our Armed Forces are bleeding and the civilians are being killed by the dozens, every day.

It is high time that the GoP enact “State of War Laws" and try these idiots for treason. Enough debate has happened - even from Western Democracy standards!!! These shadowy characters are a serious thorn in the side of effective operations against the TTP and have inroads into the intelligence community and the Army -- we need to put an end to this period!!!!!!

Agreed - people like Khalid Khawaja and Shah Abdul Aziz(whose house KK stayed at before heading to NW) have been supporting the TTP scum for a long time. Its not their ideological views but their proactive pro-TTP antics that should be treated as acts of treason.

Khalid Khawaja was actively involved with the Lal Masjid terrorists and a big supporter of the two clerics, Ghazi and Abdul Aziz. In 2009, Shah Abdul Aziz(ex-MNA) was arrested with a TTP Swat terrorist while driving out of the Lal masjid thug cleric's Maulana Aziz's house in Islamabad!

Shah Abdul Aziz has already been implicated in the polish engineer murder and is out on bail. As the AT reports, he was asking the TTP scum about what arms they would like to procure.

Clearly this gang has been aiding and abetting the TTP terrorists for a while.So you'll have to excuse me if I don't view scumbags like Khalid Khawaja and Shaha Abdul Aziz as armchair intellectuals waging a simple ideologically driven intellectual exercise.

Khalid Khawaja and others like him represent the ex establishment-rooted dirty underbelly of the Pakistani Taliban. If thats not enough, another scumbag Javed Paracha openly admits waging legal battles on behalf of arrested Punjabi Taliban charged with conducting murderous attacks in Lahore and Pindi.

If thats not aiding enemies of the state, I don't know what is!
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"We don't believe in killing innocent people, but we would certainly like
to send you into the Stone Age the same way you have sent us into the
Stone Age...a slave normally hates his master" - Khalid Khawaja Shaheed (Stewart Bell in "The Martyr's Oath", 2005)

How is he Shaheed? He was murdered by the very people he was supporting...
Ina Lillah e wa ina eleh e rajeun.

TechLahore...Its is not for you to decide that he is not a shaheed, Leave it to Allah. Such men are called Shaheed..

whatever he thought and did he was wrong. Still as a during his days he served PakArmy give him some respect.
i am very saddened by the news.

May Allah grant him Jannah.. Ameen

Let the Army kill those terrorists Asian Tigers were demanding for his release.
An eye for an eye..
Surely asian tiger will not risk killing another hostage (col imam or the reporter) for the sake of their own leaders.. what you say guys ?
MIRANSHAH: Former intelligence officer Squadron Leader Khalid Khwaja (retd) was found dead in Karam Kot area of Mir Ali, Geo News reported.

Bullet riddled body of Khalid Khwaja was found today with a pamphlet saying Asian Tigers killed Khwaja.

The self-styled militant organisation, Asian Tigers, which has been holding hostage two former Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) officers and a journalist, came up with new demands Wednesday, April 28, 2010, for the release of the kidnapped men.

It had approached former Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz parliamentarian from Kohat, Javed Ibrahim Paracha, and sought his role in negotiations between the government and their group for the release of the two retired military officers.

The three men had gone to the volatile North Waziristan tribal region on March 26 to work on a documentary about Taliban. They went missing and an unknown organisation, Asian Tigers, believed to be run by a banned militant organisation of the Punjabi Taliban claimed responsibility for their kidnapping.

The purported militant group released video statements of the two former intelligence officers, Ameer Sultan alias Col Imam (retd) and Squadron Leader Khalid Khwaja (retd) and journalist, Asad Qureshi.

In the video, released on April 19, 2010, Col Imam first introduced himself and then claimed that he had come to Waziristan on the advice of former army chief, Gen Mirza Aslam Baig (retd). He said he had served the Army for 18 years and worked in intelligence branch for 11 years.

Khalid Khwaja, who is now a lawyer and chairman of the Defence for Human Rights, said he served Pakistan Air Force for 18 years and the intelligence unit for two years. He said he had come to Waziristan on the advice of former intelligence chief Lt-Gen Hameed Gul, Gen Aslam Beg (retd) and Col Sajjad of the intelligence unit. It seemed he was reading a written statement handed to him by his kidnappers as at some point he appeared looking down to a piece of paper to read the name of Col Sajjad.

The third person in the video was journalist Assad Qureshi.

He said: "My name is Asad Qureshi. I am a British citizen. Please help and set me free. I am being detained by Asian Tigers." In an email to media, the spokesman for this previously unheard militant organisation admitted that Khalid Khwaja and Col Imam were in Taliban custody.

"We demand the release of all Taliban leaders and others Mujahideen, including Mulla Biradar, Mansoor Dadullah and Maulvi Kabir. We will send a list of other Mujahideen we want to free within few days," the spokesman added. He said they had set 10-day deadline for the government to release 'Mujahideen' or else they would kill the officers or take any other decision.
Kidnapped ex-ISI officer found dead - GEO.tv[/quote]

This is what happens ..if you play with guns and gullibles... anyways..RIP and hopefully God will teach him to respect the HUMANITY in his next journey.. if he is warranted..
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What would he have thought during the last moments of his life about the taliban and groups like that? he might have regretted having sympathy for them.

It was bound to happen sooner or later to all those who play with the fire.. ultimately they end up burning their own hands.. and we have the history to learn from.. no body can get away from these acts no matter how big the country is or how powerful or intelligent the person is...
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