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First Photo of India’s AEW&C Jet Refuelling Mid-Air


Oct 2, 2015
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source- livefist


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Great capability..

Hopefully, PAF develops this capability as well. It'll be a great asset to have air-to-air refueling capability for our AWACS assets flying across our airspace guiding our air forces and fighter jets about enemy movements, locations, and threat levels across borders.

Element of surprise is all but gone for the enemy!
Great capability..

Hopefully, PAF develops this capability as well. It'll be a great asset to have air-to-air refueling capability for our AWACS assets flying across our airspace guiding our air forces and fighter jets about enemy movements, locations, and threat levels across borders.

Element of surprise is all but gone for the enemy!

Which means no war since we would know what you'd be doing and vice-versa!!Win - Win for both sides, ehh?? ;)
Which means no war since we would know what you'd be doing and vice-versa!!Win - Win for both sides, ehh?? ;)

Exactly!! :)

Unless one force develops an overwhelming conventional superiority ( something like 1 to 5 ratio in terms of comparable weapons, trained officers/soldiers, and extreme difference in quality of weapons deployed--something like 100's of Stealth bombers/fighters vs non-stealth fighter jets etc)---there is no way anybody can invade the other side and come out alive himself..)

Status-quo remains!!

This will give us a chance consolidate our infrastructure, develop our energy resources, take our literacy rates to 80%-90% range by educating our masses, and strengthen the Islamic civilization, culture, and presence in our homeland for which our ancestors struggled and gave their lives.

The civilizational spread and consolidation of Islam has been remarkable after the establishment of Islamic Republic in Western lands of Indian subcontinent (these lands were historically sparsely populated compared to the 'core' of Indian subcontinent which forms modern India. This was because of the rigid geography, continuous invasions, mountainous terrain, lack of interconnectivity, and so on. All of this made the existence of an sprawling civilization exceedingly hard in these parts. But this has now been changed thanks to the hardwork of Muslim Pakistanis who have developed this land and brought it on par with resourceful inner core of Indian subcontinent in terms of sustaining huge populations).

At the time of independence,

1951, For every ~9.6 Indian Hindus, there was 1 (West) Pakistani Muslim

Give us 35 more years or so, where there's no major interruption (no mass invasions etc) in the established life of our lands....and by 2050, for every 4.75 Hindus, there would be 1 Pakistani Muslim (Inshallah).

That would be a great achievement in terms of establishing vast civilization in lands where it wasn't possible before--and cutting the difference with "core" established population in resourceful heartlands by more than half!-----all of that while increasing our incomes and improving our standards of living all at the same time.

Pakistan military's capability to discourage foreign invasions and avoid extreme internal security fallouts (something like Syria today!) have played an absolutely key role in giving us the chance to rise to our potential and succeed is establishing a thriving national-Islamic civilisation and culture in such harsh and challenging environments (something everybody thought was not possible post independence...when we did not have enough resources to provide paper clips to our government officers working in bureaucracy).

With CPEC's projects---such as extensive multiple lanes' road networks across all our provinces, huge industrial zones, construction of $35 billion worth of energy projects---going on full throttle, and newly drafted political reforms seeking to make FATA (Tribal regions) part of our KPK province---Pakistan is well on its path to completely integrate and mainstream even it's farthest, most restive pockets of populations--and emerge as a powerful and united Islamic nation-state with 200 million population, Islamic identity,culture and constitution, and 750,000 men standing military armed to teeth backed by nuclear command forces capable of unleashing unimaginable destruction thousands of kilometers away, if need be.

Mashallah to all of that..

This status quo is possesses huge benfits for Hindus as well...

While Pakistan's founding father defined Pakistan not by it's indic culture, but by it's Islamic core.Effectively, Pakistan became a part of the global Islamic Civilization (as discussed above)...

Snapshot of global Islamic Civilization today

Famous international historians, such as Bernard Lewis, have stated the fact that there have been thousands of cultures, peoples, civilizations in recorded human history--- but only two peoples/cultures have established a global civilization:

1- Islamic Civilization established by Muslims
2-Christian-Western Civilization established by Christianized Europeans

In modern times, Western civilization lost it's "christian" zeal and has become completely secular/post-christian.Not a single nation-state in Western World has its constitution explicitly based on Christianity. Legal codes and public lives are not based on Christianity or Christian expectations. Sexual morality, dressing, and even institutions like marriage, divorce, child-bearing etc. have become completely independent of Christianity and any Christian influence in public life has faded in Western World.

However, Islamic Civilization remained ardently "Islamic" and maintained it's global Islamic identity. Islam maintained the central role in global Islamic Civilization. Whereever Islam exists, it exerts huge influence. Its part of constitutions of various Muslim nations, Islamic law directly inspires law-codes of various nation-states and even forms the basis of global inter-governmental institutions like OIC (which is the second largest international institution of the world after UN). Furthermore, Islam continues to shape the daily lives (personal and public) of literally billions of people across Islamic World. Islam plays central role in societies, politics, and cultures various countries/societies of global Islamic Civilization. It shapes the behaviors of billions of people across the world when it comes to sexuality, dress-codes, public behavior, social tastes, gender-relations, worldview, and even personal cleanliness.

So while Pakistani Muslims are a part of a global civilization with global cultural, political, economic, and social presence ranging across continents!---Hindus have only one home in this entire universe--and that's India.

And for the first time in history, Hindus possess complete control of their destiny in their homeland, have the mightiest of the military machine they ever built, and are making an effort to stand amongst the top nations on global level! The status preserving peace in India, and discouraging any foreign invasion of India from historically what has been the "Western frontier"---Hindus today stands the best chance to fullfil their collective desire of establishing a thriving culture (elbeit in a secular environment) in their historical homeland with peace and no fear of outside invasion by more powerful forces of global civilizations (Islamic and Christian/European).

With every JF-17 rolling out of kamra, with every new BVR missile being deployed by PAF, with every Brahmos integrated on Su-30s, with every new Al Khalid tank rolling out of HiT, and every new missile being tested by Indian Army units---the status-quo is only becoming harder and harder to breach in terms of classical military warfare.

And as you said, that is a win-win situation for India, especially Islamic Pakistan, and the wider region as well...

Exactly!! :)

Unless one force develops an overwhelming conventional superiority ( something like 1 to 5 ratio in terms of comparable weapons, trained officers/soldiers, and extreme difference in quality of weapons deployed--something like 100's of Stealth bombers/fighters vs non-stealth fighter jets etc)---there is no way anybody can invade the other side and come out alive himself..)

Status-quo remains!!

This will give us a chance consolidate our infrastructure, develop our energy resources, take our literacy rates to 80%-90% range by educating our masses, and strengthen the Islamic civilization, culture, and presence in our homeland for which our ancestors struggled and gave their lives.

The civilizational spread and consolidation of Islam has been remarkable after the establishment of Islamic Republic in Western lands of Indian subcontinent (these lands were historically sparsely populated compared to the 'core' of Indian subcontinent which forms modern India. This was because of the rigid geography, continuous invasions, mountainous terrain, lack of interconnectivity, and so on. All of this made the existence of an sprawling civilization exceedingly hard in these parts. But this has now been changed thanks to the hardwork of Muslim Pakistanis who have developed this land and brought it on par with resourceful inner core of Indian subcontinent in terms of sustaining huge populations).

At the time of independence,

1951, For every ~9.6 Indian Hindus, there was 1 (West) Pakistani Muslim

Give us 35 more years or so, where there's no major interruption (no mass invasions etc) in the established life of our lands....and by 2050, for every 4.75 Hindus, there would be 1 Pakistani Muslim (Inshallah).

That would be a great achievement in terms of establishing vast civilization in lands where it wasn't possible before--and cutting the difference with "core" established population in resourceful heartlands by more than half!-----all of that while increasing our incomes and improving our standards of living all at the same time.

Pakistan military's capability to discourage foreign invasions and avoid extreme internal security fallouts (something like Syria today!) have played an absolutely key role in giving us the chance to rise to our potential and succeed is establishing a thriving national-Islamic civilisation and culture in such harsh and challenging environments (something everybody thought was not possible post independence...when we did not have enough resources to provide paper clips to our government officers working in bureaucracy).

With CPEC's projects---such as extensive multiple lanes' road networks across all our provinces, huge industrial zones, construction of $35 billion worth of energy projects---going on full throttle, and newly drafted political reforms seeking to make FATA (Tribal regions) part of our KPK province---Pakistan is well on its path to completely integrate and mainstream even it's farthest, most restive pockets of populations--and emerge as a powerful and united Islamic nation-state with 200 million population, Islamic identity,culture and constitution, and 750,000 men standing military armed to teeth backed by nuclear command forces capable of unleashing unimaginable destruction thousands of kilometers away, if need be.

Mashallah to all of that..

This status quo is possesses huge benfits for Hindus as well...

While Pakistan's founding father defined Pakistan not by it's indic culture, but by it's Islamic core.Effectively, Pakistan became a part of the global Islamic Civilization (as discussed above)...

Snapshot of global Islamic Civilization today

Famous international historians, such as Bernard Lewis, have stated the fact that there have been thousands of cultures, peoples, civilizations in recorded human history--- but only two peoples/cultures have established a global civilization:

1- Islamic Civilization established by Muslims
2-Christian-Western Civilization established by Christianized Europeans

In modern times, Western civilization lost it's "christian" zeal and has become completely secular/post-christian.Not a single nation-state in Western World has its constitution explicitly based on Christianity. Legal codes and public lives are not based on Christianity or Christian expectations. Sexual morality, dressing, and even institutions like marriage, divorce, child-bearing etc. have become completely independent of Christianity and any Christian influence in public life has faded in Western World.

However, Islamic Civilization remained ardently "Islamic" and maintained it's global Islamic identity. Islam maintained the central role in global Islamic Civilization. Whereever Islam exists, it exerts huge influence. Its part of constitutions of various Muslim nations, Islamic law directly inspires law-codes of various nation-states and even forms the basis of global inter-governmental institutions like OIC (which is the second largest international institution of the world after UN). Furthermore, Islam continues to shape the daily lives (personal and public) of literally billions of people across Islamic World. Islam plays central role in societies, politics, and cultures various countries/societies of global Islamic Civilization. It shapes the behaviors of billions of people across the world when it comes to sexuality, dress-codes, public behavior, social tastes, gender-relations, worldview, and even personal cleanliness.

So while Pakistani Muslims are a part of a global civilization with global cultural, political, economic, and social presence ranging across continents!---Hindus have only one home in this entire universe--and that's India.

And for the first time in history, Hindus possess complete control of their destiny in their homeland, have the mightiest of the military machine they ever built, and are making an effort to stand amongst the top nations on global level! The status preserving peace in India, and discouraging any foreign invasion of India from historically what has been the "Western frontier"---Hindus today stands the best chance to fullfil their collective desire of establishing a thriving culture (elbeit in a secular environment) in their historical homeland with peace and no fear of outside invasion by more powerful forces of global civilizations (Islamic and Christian/European).

With every JF-17 rolling out of kamra, with every new BVR missile being deployed by PAF, with every Brahmos integrated on Su-30s, with every new Al Khalid tank rolling out of HiT, and every new missile being tested by Indian Army units---the status-quo is only becoming harder and harder to breach in terms of classical military warfare.

And as you said, that is a win-win situation for India, especially Islamic Pakistan, and the wider region as well...


TL;DR - Status Quo until we grow stronger and then war.
Don't know why,but these AEW&Cs are doing a lot of flying in Bangaluru's sky.I live near HAL Airport.I generally see these once in a few days.
Exactly!! :)

Unless one force develops an overwhelming conventional superiority ( something like 1 to 5 ratio in terms of comparable weapons, trained officers/soldiers, and extreme difference in quality of weapons deployed--something like 100's of Stealth bombers/fighters vs non-stealth fighter jets etc)---there is no way anybody can invade the other side and come out alive himself..)

Status-quo remains!!

This will give us a chance consolidate our infrastructure, develop our energy resources, take our literacy rates to 80%-90% range by educating our masses, and strengthen the Islamic civilization, culture, and presence in our homeland for which our ancestors struggled and gave their lives.

The civilizational spread and consolidation of Islam has been remarkable after the establishment of Islamic Republic in Western lands of Indian subcontinent (these lands were historically sparsely populated compared to the 'core' of Indian subcontinent which forms modern India. This was because of the rigid geography, continuous invasions, mountainous terrain, lack of interconnectivity, and so on. All of this made the existence of an sprawling civilization exceedingly hard in these parts. But this has now been changed thanks to the hardwork of Muslim Pakistanis who have developed this land and brought it on par with resourceful inner core of Indian subcontinent in terms of sustaining huge populations).

At the time of independence,

1951, For every ~9.6 Indian Hindus, there was 1 (West) Pakistani Muslim

Give us 35 more years or so, where there's no major interruption (no mass invasions etc) in the established life of our lands....and by 2050, for every 4.75 Hindus, there would be 1 Pakistani Muslim (Inshallah).

That would be a great achievement in terms of establishing vast civilization in lands where it wasn't possible before--and cutting the difference with "core" established population in resourceful heartlands by more than half!-----all of that while increasing our incomes and improving our standards of living all at the same time.

Pakistan military's capability to discourage foreign invasions and avoid extreme internal security fallouts (something like Syria today!) have played an absolutely key role in giving us the chance to rise to our potential and succeed is establishing a thriving national-Islamic civilisation and culture in such harsh and challenging environments (something everybody thought was not possible post independence...when we did not have enough resources to provide paper clips to our government officers working in bureaucracy).

With CPEC's projects---such as extensive multiple lanes' road networks across all our provinces, huge industrial zones, construction of $35 billion worth of energy projects---going on full throttle, and newly drafted political reforms seeking to make FATA (Tribal regions) part of our KPK province---Pakistan is well on its path to completely integrate and mainstream even it's farthest, most restive pockets of populations--and emerge as a powerful and united Islamic nation-state with 200 million population, Islamic identity,culture and constitution, and 750,000 men standing military armed to teeth backed by nuclear command forces capable of unleashing unimaginable destruction thousands of kilometers away, if need be.

Mashallah to all of that..

This status quo is possesses huge benfits for Hindus as well...

While Pakistan's founding father defined Pakistan not by it's indic culture, but by it's Islamic core.Effectively, Pakistan became a part of the global Islamic Civilization (as discussed above)...

Snapshot of global Islamic Civilization today

Famous international historians, such as Bernard Lewis, have stated the fact that there have been thousands of cultures, peoples, civilizations in recorded human history--- but only two peoples/cultures have established a global civilization:

1- Islamic Civilization established by Muslims
2-Christian-Western Civilization established by Christianized Europeans

In modern times, Western civilization lost it's "christian" zeal and has become completely secular/post-christian.Not a single nation-state in Western World has its constitution explicitly based on Christianity. Legal codes and public lives are not based on Christianity or Christian expectations. Sexual morality, dressing, and even institutions like marriage, divorce, child-bearing etc. have become completely independent of Christianity and any Christian influence in public life has faded in Western World.

However, Islamic Civilization remained ardently "Islamic" and maintained it's global Islamic identity. Islam maintained the central role in global Islamic Civilization. Whereever Islam exists, it exerts huge influence. Its part of constitutions of various Muslim nations, Islamic law directly inspires law-codes of various nation-states and even forms the basis of global inter-governmental institutions like OIC (which is the second largest international institution of the world after UN). Furthermore, Islam continues to shape the daily lives (personal and public) of literally billions of people across Islamic World. Islam plays central role in societies, politics, and cultures various countries/societies of global Islamic Civilization. It shapes the behaviors of billions of people across the world when it comes to sexuality, dress-codes, public behavior, social tastes, gender-relations, worldview, and even personal cleanliness.

So while Pakistani Muslims are a part of a global civilization with global cultural, political, economic, and social presence ranging across continents!---Hindus have only one home in this entire universe--and that's India.

And for the first time in history, Hindus possess complete control of their destiny in their homeland, have the mightiest of the military machine they ever built, and are making an effort to stand amongst the top nations on global level! The status preserving peace in India, and discouraging any foreign invasion of India from historically what has been the "Western frontier"---Hindus today stands the best chance to fullfil their collective desire of establishing a thriving culture (elbeit in a secular environment) in their historical homeland with peace and no fear of outside invasion by more powerful forces of global civilizations (Islamic and Christian/European).

With every JF-17 rolling out of kamra, with every new BVR missile being deployed by PAF, with every Brahmos integrated on Su-30s, with every new Al Khalid tank rolling out of HiT, and every new missile being tested by Indian Army units---the status-quo is only becoming harder and harder to breach in terms of classical military warfare.

And as you said, that is a win-win situation for India, especially Islamic Pakistan, and the wider region as well...


Islamic or Hindu, it's a win-win for the masses of both nations and that's what counts, as for the religious preservation, couldn't have cared any lesser to be honest, but that's just me. :)
Exactly!! :)

Unless one force develops an overwhelming conventional superiority ( something like 1 to 5 ratio in terms of comparable weapons, trained officers/soldiers, and extreme difference in quality of weapons deployed--something like 100's of Stealth bombers/fighters vs non-stealth fighter jets etc)---there is no way anybody can invade the other side and come out alive himself..)

Status-quo remains!!

This will give us a chance consolidate our infrastructure, develop our energy resources, take our literacy rates to 80%-90% range by educating our masses, and strengthen the Islamic civilization, culture, and presence in our homeland for which our ancestors struggled and gave their lives.

The civilizational spread and consolidation of Islam has been remarkable after the establishment of Islamic Republic in Western lands of Indian subcontinent (these lands were historically sparsely populated compared to the 'core' of Indian subcontinent which forms modern India. This was because of the rigid geography, continuous invasions, mountainous terrain, lack of interconnectivity, and so on. All of this made the existence of an sprawling civilization exceedingly hard in these parts. But this has now been changed thanks to the hardwork of Muslim Pakistanis who have developed this land and brought it on par with resourceful inner core of Indian subcontinent in terms of sustaining huge populations).

At the time of independence,

1951, For every ~9.6 Indian Hindus, there was 1 (West) Pakistani Muslim

Give us 35 more years or so, where there's no major interruption (no mass invasions etc) in the established life of our lands....and by 2050, for every 4.75 Hindus, there would be 1 Pakistani Muslim (Inshallah).

That would be a great achievement in terms of establishing vast civilization in lands where it wasn't possible before--and cutting the difference with "core" established population in resourceful heartlands by more than half!-----all of that while increasing our incomes and improving our standards of living all at the same time.

Pakistan military's capability to discourage foreign invasions and avoid extreme internal security fallouts (something like Syria today!) have played an absolutely key role in giving us the chance to rise to our potential and succeed is establishing a thriving national-Islamic civilisation and culture in such harsh and challenging environments (something everybody thought was not possible post independence...when we did not have enough resources to provide paper clips to our government officers working in bureaucracy).

With CPEC's projects---such as extensive multiple lanes' road networks across all our provinces, huge industrial zones, construction of $35 billion worth of energy projects---going on full throttle, and newly drafted political reforms seeking to make FATA (Tribal regions) part of our KPK province---Pakistan is well on its path to completely integrate and mainstream even it's farthest, most restive pockets of populations--and emerge as a powerful and united Islamic nation-state with 200 million population, Islamic identity,culture and constitution, and 750,000 men standing military armed to teeth backed by nuclear command forces capable of unleashing unimaginable destruction thousands of kilometers away, if need be.

Mashallah to all of that..

This status quo is possesses huge benfits for Hindus as well...

While Pakistan's founding father defined Pakistan not by it's indic culture, but by it's Islamic core.Effectively, Pakistan became a part of the global Islamic Civilization (as discussed above)...

Snapshot of global Islamic Civilization today

Famous international historians, such as Bernard Lewis, have stated the fact that there have been thousands of cultures, peoples, civilizations in recorded human history--- but only two peoples/cultures have established a global civilization:

1- Islamic Civilization established by Muslims
2-Christian-Western Civilization established by Christianized Europeans

In modern times, Western civilization lost it's "christian" zeal and has become completely secular/post-christian.Not a single nation-state in Western World has its constitution explicitly based on Christianity. Legal codes and public lives are not based on Christianity or Christian expectations. Sexual morality, dressing, and even institutions like marriage, divorce, child-bearing etc. have become completely independent of Christianity and any Christian influence in public life has faded in Western World.

However, Islamic Civilization remained ardently "Islamic" and maintained it's global Islamic identity. Islam maintained the central role in global Islamic Civilization. Whereever Islam exists, it exerts huge influence. Its part of constitutions of various Muslim nations, Islamic law directly inspires law-codes of various nation-states and even forms the basis of global inter-governmental institutions like OIC (which is the second largest international institution of the world after UN). Furthermore, Islam continues to shape the daily lives (personal and public) of literally billions of people across Islamic World. Islam plays central role in societies, politics, and cultures various countries/societies of global Islamic Civilization. It shapes the behaviors of billions of people across the world when it comes to sexuality, dress-codes, public behavior, social tastes, gender-relations, worldview, and even personal cleanliness.

So while Pakistani Muslims are a part of a global civilization with global cultural, political, economic, and social presence ranging across continents!---Hindus have only one home in this entire universe--and that's India.

And for the first time in history, Hindus possess complete control of their destiny in their homeland, have the mightiest of the military machine they ever built, and are making an effort to stand amongst the top nations on global level! The status preserving peace in India, and discouraging any foreign invasion of India from historically what has been the "Western frontier"---Hindus today stands the best chance to fullfil their collective desire of establishing a thriving culture (elbeit in a secular environment) in their historical homeland with peace and no fear of outside invasion by more powerful forces of global civilizations (Islamic and Christian/European).

With every JF-17 rolling out of kamra, with every new BVR missile being deployed by PAF, with every Brahmos integrated on Su-30s, with every new Al Khalid tank rolling out of HiT, and every new missile being tested by Indian Army units---the status-quo is only becoming harder and harder to breach in terms of classical military warfare.

And as you said, that is a win-win situation for India, especially Islamic Pakistan, and the wider region as well...

get well soon !
Exactly!! :)

Unless one force develops an overwhelming conventional superiority ( something like 1 to 5 ratio in terms of comparable weapons, trained officers/soldiers, and extreme difference in quality of weapons deployed--something like 100's of Stealth bombers/fighters vs non-stealth fighter jets etc)---there is no way anybody can invade the other side and come out alive himself..)

Status-quo remains!!

This will give us a chance consolidate our infrastructure, develop our energy resources, take our literacy rates to 80%-90% range by educating our masses, and strengthen the Islamic civilization, culture, and presence in our homeland for which our ancestors struggled and gave their lives.

The civilizational spread and consolidation of Islam has been remarkable after the establishment of Islamic Republic in Western lands of Indian subcontinent (these lands were historically sparsely populated compared to the 'core' of Indian subcontinent which forms modern India. This was because of the rigid geography, continuous invasions, mountainous terrain, lack of interconnectivity, and so on. All of this made the existence of an sprawling civilization exceedingly hard in these parts. But this has now been changed thanks to the hardwork of Muslim Pakistanis who have developed this land and brought it on par with resourceful inner core of Indian subcontinent in terms of sustaining huge populations).

At the time of independence,

1951, For every ~9.6 Indian Hindus, there was 1 (West) Pakistani Muslim

Give us 35 more years or so, where there's no major interruption (no mass invasions etc) in the established life of our lands....and by 2050, for every 4.75 Hindus, there would be 1 Pakistani Muslim (Inshallah).

That would be a great achievement in terms of establishing vast civilization in lands where it wasn't possible before--and cutting the difference with "core" established population in resourceful heartlands by more than half!-----all of that while increasing our incomes and improving our standards of living all at the same time.

Pakistan military's capability to discourage foreign invasions and avoid extreme internal security fallouts (something like Syria today!) have played an absolutely key role in giving us the chance to rise to our potential and succeed is establishing a thriving national-Islamic civilisation and culture in such harsh and challenging environments (something everybody thought was not possible post independence...when we did not have enough resources to provide paper clips to our government officers working in bureaucracy).

With CPEC's projects---such as extensive multiple lanes' road networks across all our provinces, huge industrial zones, construction of $35 billion worth of energy projects---going on full throttle, and newly drafted political reforms seeking to make FATA (Tribal regions) part of our KPK province---Pakistan is well on its path to completely integrate and mainstream even it's farthest, most restive pockets of populations--and emerge as a powerful and united Islamic nation-state with 200 million population, Islamic identity,culture and constitution, and 750,000 men standing military armed to teeth backed by nuclear command forces capable of unleashing unimaginable destruction thousands of kilometers away, if need be.

Mashallah to all of that..

This status quo is possesses huge benfits for Hindus as well...

While Pakistan's founding father defined Pakistan not by it's indic culture, but by it's Islamic core.Effectively, Pakistan became a part of the global Islamic Civilization (as discussed above)...

Snapshot of global Islamic Civilization today

Famous international historians, such as Bernard Lewis, have stated the fact that there have been thousands of cultures, peoples, civilizations in recorded human history--- but only two peoples/cultures have established a global civilization:

1- Islamic Civilization established by Muslims
2-Christian-Western Civilization established by Christianized Europeans

In modern times, Western civilization lost it's "christian" zeal and has become completely secular/post-christian.Not a single nation-state in Western World has its constitution explicitly based on Christianity. Legal codes and public lives are not based on Christianity or Christian expectations. Sexual morality, dressing, and even institutions like marriage, divorce, child-bearing etc. have become completely independent of Christianity and any Christian influence in public life has faded in Western World.

However, Islamic Civilization remained ardently "Islamic" and maintained it's global Islamic identity. Islam maintained the central role in global Islamic Civilization. Whereever Islam exists, it exerts huge influence. Its part of constitutions of various Muslim nations, Islamic law directly inspires law-codes of various nation-states and even forms the basis of global inter-governmental institutions like OIC (which is the second largest international institution of the world after UN). Furthermore, Islam continues to shape the daily lives (personal and public) of literally billions of people across Islamic World. Islam plays central role in societies, politics, and cultures various countries/societies of global Islamic Civilization. It shapes the behaviors of billions of people across the world when it comes to sexuality, dress-codes, public behavior, social tastes, gender-relations, worldview, and even personal cleanliness.

So while Pakistani Muslims are a part of a global civilization with global cultural, political, economic, and social presence ranging across continents!---Hindus have only one home in this entire universe--and that's India.

And for the first time in history, Hindus possess complete control of their destiny in their homeland, have the mightiest of the military machine they ever built, and are making an effort to stand amongst the top nations on global level! The status preserving peace in India, and discouraging any foreign invasion of India from historically what has been the "Western frontier"---Hindus today stands the best chance to fullfil their collective desire of establishing a thriving culture (elbeit in a secular environment) in their historical homeland with peace and no fear of outside invasion by more powerful forces of global civilizations (Islamic and Christian/European).

With every JF-17 rolling out of kamra, with every new BVR missile being deployed by PAF, with every Brahmos integrated on Su-30s, with every new Al Khalid tank rolling out of HiT, and every new missile being tested by Indian Army units---the status-quo is only becoming harder and harder to breach in terms of classical military warfare.

And as you said, that is a win-win situation for India, especially Islamic Pakistan, and the wider region as well...


Could you Repeat the Question Please ????

get well soon !

@AUz Get well Soon Mamoo !!!

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