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FIA Director, who was leading the case against Shahbaz Sharif, is neutralized.

I had heard about “innocent until proven guilty” but this new logic of “guilty until proven innocent” is beyond my comprehension.

People die of natural causes and I am not surprised if an old man had a heart attack leading to his death
I agree with you about innocent until proven guilty, but who will investigate this without bias? We all know how our institutes are. Heck even ordinarily, Pakistanis can't get justice let alone in such high profile cases where there is likely vested interest involved. People are fed up and are jumping to conclusions because the institutes have failed in their duty across the board, there is no trust between the public and these clowns. Even the Pakistani army has become a joke thanks to certain generals.
Basically yes. You should read his book it's called in the line of fire.

The former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan Abdul Salam Zaeef, wrote about how he was stripped and beaten in front of Pakistani soldiers and Generals by US forces as he was handed over to them by the Pakistani armed forces.

On the morning of January 2, 2002, three officials of a secret agency arrived at Zaeef’s house in Islamabad with this message: “Your Excellency, you are no more excellency.” One of them said, no one can resist American power, or words to that effect. “America wants to question you. We are going to hand you over to the Americans so that their purpose is served and Pakistan is saved from a big danger.”

Zaeef could have been forgiven for feeling stunned. From the “guardians of Islam” this was the last thing that he expected, that for the sake of a few “coins” (his words) he would be delivered as a “gift” to the Americans.

Under heavy escort he was taken to Peshawar, kept there for a few days and then pushed into his nightmare. Blindfolded and handcuffed, he was driven to a place where a helicopter was waiting, its engines running. Someone said, “Khuda hafiz” (God preserve you).

There were some people speaking in English. “Suddenly I was pounced upon and flung on the ground, kicked and pummelled from all sides. So sudden was the attack that I was dumbfounded... My blindfold slipping, I saw a line of Pakistani soldiers to one side and some vehicles including one with a flag...My clothes were stripped from my body and I was naked but ‘my former friends’ kept watching the spectacle. The locks on their lips I can never forget... The (Pakistani) officers present there could at least have said he is our guest, in our presence don’t treat him like this. Even in my grave I will not be able to forget that scene.”

Disgraceful. We should've fought them head on. Our people would've fought bravely and would've won the war.
Disgraceful. We should've fought them head on. Our people would've fought bravely and would've won the war.

We didn't have to fight a war against a superpower, but we also didn't have to drop our pants and bend over like Musharraf did. They could have at least tried to have some dignity.

I remember reading American officials express surprise at just how easily Pakistan fell in line. We offered no resistance - asked for next to nothing in return, barely imposed conditions.

We failed to take advantage of the situation for 20 years.
Without any proof you guys are making an accusation that it’s clear he’s been killed?

People do die naturally.. I can assure you that.
Yeah everything happens naturally. Wao. Good. Now go eat khota karahi and drink big glass of flies filled lassi. And watch indian soaps or films and continue to live in your lala land
Yeah everything happens naturally. Wao. Good. Now go eat khota karahi and drink big glass of flies filled lassi. And watch indian soaps or films and continue to live in your lala land
You know so much about khota karahi I wonder why?

Your post is just an example of how low we Pakistanis have become… can’t tolerate any civilised post and will turn to uncivilised language as soon as they dislike something
For those implying this was done in a Putin-esque form of poisoning please consider that it requires a very good understanding of biochemistry and poisons to produce and use these. Pakistan has NONE of it.
This may be just stress which for the environment was naturally extremely high.
People died of heart attacks when Pakistan broke up in 71.
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