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Fake News CNN: US nearing a formal agreement to use Pakistan's airspace to carry out military operations in Afghanistan

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ISIk present a grave threat to Pakistan and Taliban and it was expected that Pakistan and Afghanistan would reach a joint mechanism to tackle this issue. Biden govt has been lambasted for leaving Afghanistan into a mess hence the need to maintain some sort of COIN in Afghanistan, remained.

This effectively helps Pakistan and Afghanistan in dealing with ISIk without spending resources.

There are way better ways to deal with this than allowing drone strikes, this much should be evident after US accidentally targeted 10 Afghans on its way out. And now it also makes Pakistan a target for ISIS which was not true before. This move will have major consequences.
This is CNN we are talking about, they don't publish big foreign policy news like this by accident. CNN probably got go ahead to publish this article from Pentagon itself.

The truth is I don't think we got any concessions from this since you have to start with very hard bargaining position like Iran to get anything from US. Iranians are really good at playing this game and I have been saying for years we need to learn from them. Hence we could not even get concession of removal from FATF because of extreme incompetence when US had no other option but to use Pakistan airspace. We could have named a price and they would have to pay it.

If Pakistan had good negotiators, we would do a hard bargain, make US wait a few months and shoot one of their drones illegally trying to enter our airspace, when US comes back to the table, then talk.

Spineless leadership strikes again, the nightmare never ends.
CNN is not Gods Gospel that we start following and accepting it without verifying.
It maybe true, it may not be. Without knowing complete facts its pure illogical to start bashing government just because CNN said so.
so is it safe to say the DALLA word now???? i mean for a right price the dalaaals do the same thing. they sell their ghairat isn't it??
Though I feel for IK but he is diplomatically quite stubborn. You can never say absolutely not to US. Now he must he seeing his limitations when your own generals are advising him otherwise. Imran khan strict stance against American interference has left his govt with little space to negotiate. Outgoing US ambassador to Pakistan met with main opposition leaders and than with Army chief but she never met with any high ranking Pakistani govt official. This was yet another sign of serious differences in between Pakistani and American govt.
Though I feel for IK but he is diplomatically quite stubborn. You can never say absolutely not to US. Now he must he seeing his limitations when your own generals are advising him otherwise. Imran khan strict stance against American interference has left his govt with little space to negotiate. Outgoing US ambassador to Pakistan met with main opposition leaders and than with Army chief but she never met with any high ranking Pakistani govt official. This was yet another sign of serious differences in between Pakistani and American govt.

Yeah this really explains so many things, ISI fiasco, Pak ambassador fired and replaced, etc.

Wasn't Lebanon in a similar situation some time back where US officials started interfering in their domestic affairs until a Lebanese court slapped an order that banned US officials from speaking publicly with Lebanese gov't officials? Maybe Pakistan should do something similar.
nothing has been done yet just souce said bla bla and people going left right in the thread.

The news article itself is already admitting that no deal has been reached. Of course the Americans are trying hard to secure a miltary base and air space to reach Afghanistan in the least amount of time.
The news article itself is already admitting that no deal has been reached. Of course the Americans are trying hard to secure a miltary base and air space to reach Afghanistan in the least amount of time.

Best case: If IK has any brain, he will cancel this deal and use public backlash as an excuse to gain more leverage and extract some real concessions like F16 upgrades.

Worst case: Rising ISIS insurgency in Pakistan and surge in TTP attacks. Taliban get very angry and radicals in Pakistan take up arms against the state.
If IK has any brain, he will cancel this deal and use public backlash as an excuse to gain more leverage and extract some real concessions like F16 upgrades.

Public backlash won't convince the Americans. The Americans don't care about public backlash in Pakistan.

Any deal if at all won't be possible without regional actors and the Afghan Taliban. Pakistan would be foolish to repeat mistakes of the past.
Public backlash won't convince the Americans. The Americans don't care about public backlash in Pakistan.

Any deal if at all won't be possible without regional actors and the Afghan Taliban. Pakistan would be foolish to repeat mistakes of the past.

Americans don't care about backlash, but they will care if we cancel the deal. Hard bargain is the only way to negotiate with Americans, they always make insane threats of violence as their opening position, you have to see through it and play hardball with them to get anything. Smack them down to reality and make them have some humility, then smack them again, then talk. Learn from the Iranians. We used to have really shrewd negotiators like Musharraf who understood the Americans really well and knew how to play the hardball game, he got us F-16's and wiped debt clean. Americans were desperate for blood after 9/11 and Musharraf knew it. We may never have a negotiator as good as Musharraf again. Sadly those days are gone.
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(CNN) The Biden administration has told lawmakers that the US is nearing a formalized agreement with Pakistan for use of its airspace to conduct military and intelligence operations in Afghanistan, according to three sources familiar with the details of a classified briefing with members of Congress that took place on Friday morning.
Pakistan has expressed a desire to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in exchange for assistance with its own counterterrorism efforts and help in managing the relationship with India, one of the sources said. But the negotiations are ongoing, another source said, and the terms of the agreement, which has not been finalized, could still change.
The briefing comes as the White House is still trying to ensure that it can carry out counterterrorism operations against ISIS-K and other adversaries in Afghanistan now that there is no longer a US presence on the ground for the first time in two decades after the NATO withdrawal from the country.

The US military currently uses Pakistan's airspace to reach Afghanistan as part of ongoing intelligence-gathering efforts, but there is no formal agreement in place to ensure continued access to a critical piece of airspace necessary for the US to reach Afghanistan. The air corridor through Pakistan to Afghanistan may become even more critical if and when the US resumes flights into Kabul to fly out American citizens and others who remain in the country. The third source said that an agreement was discussed when US officials visited Pakistan, but it's not yet clear what Pakistan wants or how much the US would be willing to give in return.

With no formal agreement currently in place, the US runs the risk of Pakistan refusing entry to US military aircraft and drones en route to Afghanistan.
A Pentagon spokesman said the Defense Department does not comment on closed briefings due to security classifications. CNN has reached out to the National Security Council, State Department and Pakistan embassy in Washington for comment.

Uzbekistan and Tajikistan 'long shot' options for over-the-horizon operations

At the same time, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan are emerging as the top options for possible locations to establish a US military presence to conduct so-called over-the-horizon operations in Afghanistan, the sources said, but both would run into severe opposition from Russian President Vladimir Putin and some local politicians. "Both are long shots," one source said, calling them "likely pipe dreams due to needing Putin's blessing."
Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman visited Uzbekistan earlier this month where she discussed "the way forward in Afghanistan" with President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, according to a readout of the meeting.

Currently, the US conducts its over-the-horizon operations from bases in the Middle East, forcing drones to fly from distant bases, such as those in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, around Iran and through Pakistani air space before reaching Afghanistan. The lengthy flight limits the time drones can loiter over Afghanistan gathering intelligence, and the Biden administration has been looking for closer, more effective options.
The commander of US Central Command, Gen. Frank McKenzie, told lawmakers last month that he still has "the ability to look into Afghanistan," but it is "limited." McKenzie also said he was not confident in the US' ability to prevent ISIS and al Qaeda from using Afghanistan as a launchpad for terrorist activity in the future.
"The US maintains ongoing ISR (intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) capabilities as needed to support the over-the-horizon and counter-terrorism mission requirements," a defense official told CNN. That includes not only drones, but also signals intelligence and cyber capabilities to monitor the situation in Afghanistan.

Biden promised US would maintain counterterrorism capability

President Joe Biden said in July, weeks before the evacuation from Afghanistan and the fall of Kabul to the Taliban, that the US would maintain its ability to operate in the country, even if US troops were no longer on the ground.
"We are developing a counterterrorism over-the-horizon capability that will allow us to keep our eyes firmly fixed on any direct threats to the United States in the region, and act quickly and decisively if needed," he said on July 8.

But lawmakers have questioned the White House's ability to fulfil that promise. The Pentagon has repeatedly said the US can continue to fight terrorism in the region through over-the-horizon capabilities, but the Defense Department has not said where those capabilities will be headquartered in the region.
"They're building the plane as they fly it," one Senate aide told CNN of what Pentagon officials have shared about over-the-horizon plans.
On Thursday, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the US is "in a worse place to understand and track the terrorist threats coming from Afghanistan," following a classified briefing on Afghanistan. The briefing included a discussion of over-the-horizon capabilities, according to a Senate Armed Services Committee aide.
Inhofe said in a statement that the briefing "confirmed" that the US "is now less safe than before Biden's disastrous decision to unconditionally and entirely withdraw from Afghanistan."

This doesn't make any sense. The americans can conduct military and intelligence operations in Afghanistan without using Pakistani airspace. Why do they need to use our airspace now?
Statements from.your prime Minster.and NSA we want equal treatment and this is s new pakistan ... not the one used for 74 years .....are hallow statements now

I have always said.despite your bravado we have China and Turkey with out usa you really are nothing..

You cannot deny usa airspace simple
and those,expecting shinny new f16 block 70 or stand off weapons that can be used war will not be offered

they will.offer spares for your f16 mlu and counter insurgency stuff and some minor economic support...

it really is back to.square one
If true, this will make Pakistani establishment the biggest and (most expensive) ***** in the world.
Statements from.your prime Minster.and NSA we want equal treatment and this is s new pakistan ... not the one used for 74 years .....are hallow statements now

I have always said.despite your bravado we have China and Turkey with out usa you really are nothing..

You cannot deny usa airspace simple
and those,expecting shinny new f16 block 70 or stand off weapons that can be used war will not be offered

they will.offer spares for your f16 mlu and counter insurgency stuff and some minor economic support...

it really is back to.square one

So says the person from a nation where 4 million people died from covid-19 and over 732 million people defecating in the open......... :azn::

Sorry, but indias are too low and inferior to comment on matters related to or on Pakistan.
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Think of it as a face saver. US would inform Pakistan and use that airspace regardless of whether Pakistan accepts it or not and Pakistan (or any non-pariah country) wouldn't dare to shoot down the aircraft. By this deal they can get something in return from the Americans.
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