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Fair Solution to IOK: Continuation of International border trajectory

India has a secular constitution, a sizeable minority in Muslims, Christians and Sikhs. 14% of our Indians are Muslims forming 140m population (2/3 the size of Pakistan) and the Muslim population in India has doubled over the last 50 years - quite unlike Pakistan where Hindus are pretty much kicked out (now don't troll saying Gujarat happened etc - those are one off incidences and doesn't reflect how integrated Muslims are in India). 90% of Nagaland are Christians. This representation rules out the two nation theory held by Pakistanis that Hindus form India and Muslims form Pakistan - and hence the logic of Kashmir belonging to Pakistan on the basis of religion is ruled out.

We know your ''secular'' credentials. The World has seen them in Kashmir, Orissa, Gujrat, Assam and this is not just targeting Muslims, but Christians as well. So I suggest you tell that your Government to practice what it says in the ''Constitution''.

They recently waved ISIS flags too - so India should accede to ISIS? They were selling Hitler ice creams in UP, so Uttar Pradesh should become a part of Nazi Germany? :undecided:

The ISIS are your assets. Go and read up on khawrij? They kill the Muslims and leave the Mushrikoon. The Pakistani flag was waived in defiance in face of danger. Our brethren are facing unprecedented crimes against humanity, and yet they raise their head in defiance.

Kashmir discussion must be stopped.. kuch hona toh hai nai

You are right., but I will NEVER stop talking about their oppression. They have endured 70 years of oppression and the least they expect is fellow Muslims to listen.
You are right., but I will NEVER stop talking about their oppression. They have endured 70 years of oppression and the least they expect is fellow Muslims to listen.

arre yaar wahan ke log sab samajhte hai. Dono taraf ki khana chahte hai that's the case.
Pakistan has not provided to India any evidence to India regarding the samjotha express train blast.
Everyone knows that the entire Pakistan establishment including its army and government are terrorist organizations.. The rest are just non state actors.

we dont have to provide any evidence its your own judical system point a finger..
how long you guys gonna be in position of denial? same day when it happend you media was pointing fingers towards Pakistan that they did it to make it look india bad.. but hey what! you can run but cant hide from truth..
thats what happend to you indians.
its proven fact that your entire military is terrorist..
how they kill inncent sikhs in golden temple..
what they have been doing in Assam killing and raping women there.
there is huge report on Kashmir over 700 thousands army alone sitting in Kashmir.
your stablishment treating minorities like christians, muslims and sikhs..
shame on this brutal democrasy!

Just solve your own border dispute with Afganistan, Iran and India first, this one act will be a huge favor to the humanity of world. If you still find some time, please live, eat and pray peacefully and dont look to others, that will also help your ZAAHIL PADOSIs

i dont really get what you trying to say... either you dont like peace or maybe peace with Pakistan.. i understand that you will lose area if you peacefully talk with Pakistan unless you want bloodshed..
i think its better for to follow the advise you giving me .. we have been following it from last 15 years and it was biggest mistake to leave india on its own.. cuz you guys and dogs tail never gets straighten.. have been bitting Pakistan on every possible place you cud...
its a time to pay back disco~

@sheik Rauf - frankly it is you that either do not get it or more likely, do not WANT to admit it. I will elaborate a bit.

1) the whole idea that Pakistan was created was Muslims has been proven to be a dismal failure. More muslims from the sub-continent live OUTSIDE of Pakistan than inside. So what is going to take for you guys to admit that the founding reason was invalid?

2) even within the portion of muslims that are in Pakistan, the soo called Islamic country is a living hell for them. This is substantiated by the fact that more muslims are killed and violated for religious reasons in so called Islamic Pakistan than anywhere else in the sub-continent. So when will you realize that Pakistan is actually anti-muslim?

3) Gandhi was killed for being kind to muslims. This has been admitted by his killer. So when are you people going to express your gratitude towards Gandhi?

4) Parts of your post are impossible to understand - for example "Pakistan is islamic state its name constitution and when a Pakistani is telling them its Islamic.." ...can you please fix the language so I can see what you are trying to say?

Ghaznavi, Ghauri et al were nothing but barbaric robbers ...we don't expect ant civilized thought from them or admirers and followers and fans of these under-evolved people. Leave that aside as you say, but we do have to worry about getting some civilized behavior into followers and fans of these barbarians.

re Modi - you say that but your gen.Raheed and ministers seem to have their skirts in fire over simple statement by Modi, so it is clear Modi is prosecuting you guys! enjoy

in your post you admitted that Gandhi died cuz he wanted peace with Pakistan so you saying HINDU didnt accept Pakistan from begning and if someone will they will be killed just like Gandhi...since when Pakistan has been living in peace we didnt only survive but hold indian with in its borders even tho the size of population resource and army you have..
Seems like you have been only following negative news from Pakistan. i suggest you to follow your local news channels maybe it will open your eyes that how many people getting killed not to mention army they have been dealing insuregency in East and Kashmir media dont put it in news if its less than 20 army men.
Blunder your army have been making since this government..
first the Boat they blew up in indian ocean
second 5 muslim men killed in Mekkah masjid labled ISI on them later find out another story.
Burma incidence...
2 nation theory if you ever heard of .. our heroes are your enemy i wonder why..
question about civilized i have only one question who give you divorce system to be civilized.. you guys were living in cast system untouchable were not even humans in your system.. Islam help you to think straight and taught how important women in society,, you guys used to kill wife with dead husband,

Mody is nothing but jugler ruining your repo... its a favour that you chose mody, just waiting for his new joke..
No interest in this solution. Entire Kashmir belongs to India. We are fine waiting to act for it.

Actually Bihar has improved dramatically under Nitish Kumar...So no.. no more Bihar.. They can take only Lalu..

That was when BJP was in the ruling alliance. Sushil Modi did a lot of work. Now that Nitish and Lalu are tied up in a desperate unholy alliance to keep BJP out, neither will be missed.
we dont have to provide any evidence its your own judical system point a finger..
how long you guys gonna be in position of denial? same day when it happend you media was pointing fingers towards Pakistan that they did it to make it look india bad.. but hey what! you can run but cant hide from truth..
thats what happend to you indians.
its proven fact that your entire military is terrorist..
how they kill inncent sikhs in golden temple..
what they have been doing in Assam killing and raping women there.
there is huge report on Kashmir over 700 thousands army alone sitting in Kashmir.
your stablishment treating minorities like christians, muslims and sikhs..
shame on this brutal democrasy!

i dont really get what you trying to say... either you dont like peace or maybe peace with Pakistan.. i understand that you will lose area if you peacefully talk with Pakistan unless you want bloodshed..
i think its better for to follow the advise you giving me .. we have been following it from last 15 years and it was biggest mistake to leave india on its own.. cuz you guys and dogs tail never gets straighten.. have been bitting Pakistan on every possible place you cud...
its a time to pay back disco~

in your post you admitted that Gandhi died cuz he wanted peace with Pakistan so you saying HINDU didnt accept Pakistan from begning and if someone will they will be killed just like Gandhi...since when Pakistan has been living in peace we didnt only survive but hold indian with in its borders even tho the size of population resource and army you have..
Seems like you have been only following negative news from Pakistan. i suggest you to follow your local news channels maybe it will open your eyes that how many people getting killed not to mention army they have been dealing insuregency in East and Kashmir media dont put it in news if its less than 20 army men.
Blunder your army have been making since this government..
first the Boat they blew up in indian ocean
second 5 muslim men killed in Mekkah masjid labled ISI on them later find out another story.
Burma incidence...
2 nation theory if you ever heard of .. our heroes are your enemy i wonder why..
question about civilized i have only one question who give you divorce system to be civilized.. you guys were living in cast system untouchable were not even humans in your system.. Islam help you to think straight and taught how important women in society,, you guys used to kill wife with dead husband,

Mody is nothing but jugler ruining your repo... its a favour that you chose mody, just waiting for his new joke..

Your definition of PEACE is just opposite from the rest of the world. So dont bother thinking too much of it. just eat ,drink and chill.
PS- wo lal maszid waale maulana sahab ko mera salaam bolna.
in your post you admitted that Gandhi died cuz he wanted peace with Pakistan so you saying HINDU didnt accept Pakistan from begning and if someone will they will be killed just like Gandhi...since when Pakistan has been living in peace we didnt only survive but hold indian with in its borders even tho the size of population resource and army you have..
Seems like you have been only following negative news from Pakistan. i suggest you to follow your local news channels maybe it will open your eyes that how many people getting killed not to mention army they have been dealing insuregency in East and Kashmir media dont put it in news if its less than 20 army men.
Blunder your army have been making since this government..
first the Boat they blew up in indian ocean
second 5 muslim men killed in Mekkah masjid labled ISI on them later find out another story.
Burma incidence...
2 nation theory if you ever heard of .. our heroes are your enemy i wonder why..
question about civilized i have only one question who give you divorce system to be civilized.. you guys were living in cast system untouchable were not even humans in your system.. Islam help you to think straight and taught how important women in society,, you guys used to kill wife with dead husband,

Mody is nothing but jugler ruining your repo... its a favour that you chose mody, just waiting for his new joke..

@sheik Rauf - obviously you need some additional help in comprehending what I wrote, so here it is.

1) you seem incapable of separating Pakistan and Muslims in your mind. Read this slowly - Pakistan is the WORST thing that happened to muslims. Jinnah & Co's wishes (at least the way posed it to the outside world) were completely dashed when more muslims were left outside Pakistan than inside. Gandhi was simply trying to ensure the muslim brotheren in their new nation of Pakistan got some help. However, while he was willing to overlook the dastard atrocities that were committed by muslims on Hindus, a group led by Savarkar was not. Gandhi preached 'forgive the muslims' Savarkar preached 'avenge'. Frankly, the way Pakistan has misbehaved, if Gandhi was alive today even he would not forgive you guys.

2) I made a simple observation and you are attempting to obfuscate it probably because that truth hurts you too much. But I will repeat it since it is very important you guys admit it and deal with it for your own sake. MORE MUSLIMS HAVE BEEN KILLED IN PAKISTAN, the so called Islaamic state, by muslims, than anywhere else. Clear proof that along with that country's failure so far, your founders' conceptualization was invalid
Your definition of PEACE is just opposite from the rest of the world. So dont bother thinking too much of it. just eat ,drink and chill.
PS- wo lal maszid waale maulana sahab ko mera salaam bolna.

There are some people who are color blind they see things differently, They think their way of seeing things are perfect till they find out that they have illness of color blindness its can be transfer genetically too but you cant force someone to be color blind..
1-It’s a girl, a film being released this year, documents the practice of killing unwanted baby girls in South Asia. The trailer’s most chilling scene is one with an Indian woman who, unable to contain her laughter, confesses to having killed eight infant daughters. 200 million infant female babies being killed in india since 80's.
  • Gender imbalance
  • Dangerous country for women
  • No toilets for population
  • Income inequality
  • Environmental degradation
  • Dependence on fossil fuels
  • Export-dependent, low consumption economy
  • Water shortages
  • Corruption
  • Lack of participatory channels
  • Inability to continue to meet rising expectations
  • Inadequate social safety net
  • Hot money
  • Unemployed students
  • Limited natural resources
  • An education system that making students radical
  • Eroding trust in government leadership
i can count many many more. no matter how much makeup you put on your Bharat mata i tell you that you cant hide its horrible face... poverty and gender imbalance only makes you look your nation horrible..
we all remember how much bad your dear india were doing till Pak stop letting any mujhadeen to go to india.. we are dealing with our problems and in every inch we have found RA&W's foot print imagin if thats start happening in india like tit for tat kind of reaction we all know how loud your media can scream and their voice will be pressed under blasts. so your Radicalization and extremisim shows how much peace you guys want...

Have you ever notice.. Assam Kashmir and Punjab wants to seprate why
cuz they are not Hindu majority
yes, india have horrible history with minorities... plus the division between hindusim dang.

Pakistan was the best solution for Muslims and those who left deserve another country to be settled cuz india stablishment declaired that India is not for minorities...
Quaid e Azam was visionary he knew hindu will dominate and it was your Nehru's decision to let muslims have seprate country so he can be in ruling elite and his generation will be leaders of india...
Muslims cant let any non muslims to rule them... thats what happend..

i know you dont understand a thing cuz your way of thinking just as color blind see's things differently...we are two seprate nations.. Quaid e Azam knew Hindu doesnt know muslims even tho we ruled hindustan and lived beside them over century but they dont understand Muslims.. simply Two Nation Theory played vital role.
There are some people who are color blind they see things differently, They think their way of seeing things are perfect till they find out that they have illness of color blindness its can be transfer genetically too but you cant force someone to be color blind..
1-It’s a girl, a film being released this year, documents the practice of killing unwanted baby girls in South Asia. The trailer’s most chilling scene is one with an Indian woman who, unable to contain her laughter, confesses to having killed eight infant daughters. 200 million infant female babies being killed in india since 80's.
  • Gender imbalance
  • Dangerous country for women
  • No toilets for population
  • Income inequality
  • Environmental degradation
  • Dependence on fossil fuels
  • Export-dependent, low consumption economy
  • Water shortages
  • Corruption
  • Lack of participatory channels
  • Inability to continue to meet rising expectations
  • Inadequate social safety net
  • Hot money
  • Unemployed students
  • Limited natural resources
  • An education system that making students radical
  • Eroding trust in government leadership
i can count many many more. no matter how much makeup you put on your Bharat mata i tell you that you cant hide its horrible face... poverty and gender imbalance only makes you look your nation horrible..
we all remember how much bad your dear india were doing till Pak stop letting any mujhadeen to go to india.. we are dealing with our problems and in every inch we have found RA&W's foot print imagin if thats start happening in india like tit for tat kind of reaction we all know how loud your media can scream and their voice will be pressed under blasts. so your Radicalization and extremisim shows how much peace you guys want...

Have you ever notice.. Assam Kashmir and Punjab wants to seprate why
cuz they are not Hindu majority
yes, india have horrible history with minorities... plus the division between hindusim dang.

Pakistan was the best solution for Muslims and those who left deserve another country to be settled cuz india stablishment declaired that India is not for minorities...
Quaid e Azam was visionary he knew hindu will dominate and it was your Nehru's decision to let muslims have seprate country so he can be in ruling elite and his generation will be leaders of india...
Muslims cant let any non muslims to rule them... thats what happend..

i know you dont understand a thing cuz your way of thinking just as color blind see's things differently...we are two seprate nations.. Quaid e Azam knew Hindu doesnt know muslims even tho we ruled hindustan and lived beside them over century but they dont understand Muslims.. simply Two Nation Theory played vital role.

I can respond to every word of off topic filth you just blabbered, but encouraging off topic posts is against the forum rules. You are not competent enough to differentiate between good and bad as per international understanding, so leave it to other people. You just eat, drink, pray, and chill; as I said before.:coffee:

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