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Evolution of Threat Perception and Ways of Countering Them in Paksitan

Raja Porus

Aug 11, 2020
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Encouraged by this brilliant post by @Bilal Khan (Quwa),
Post in thread 'PAA Bell 412 Heli gunner raining down hell from above' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/paa-...ing-down-hell-from-above.735823/post-13569334

I decided to create a thread on how Pakistan can manage its security by dividing the threats into Conventional and Sub-conventional and establishing two Parallel organizations to counter them.

Below is a brief sketch of these organizations:
1) Pakdef (Pakistan Defence) concerned with external threats.
2) Paksec(Pakistan Security) concerned with internal threats.

Includes FC, Constabulary, CTD, ANF, ASF, Rangers, IB, and having a small, dedicated UAV command for surveillance/support.
Will report directly to Ministry of Defence (Federal govt); with HQs in all provinces.

-Objectives of Pak-Sec:
1) Monitoring and management of
western borders.

2) undertaking COIN ops on a limited scale.

3) Internal Intelligence under IB with assistance from ISI.

4) Conducting IBOs.

5) Monitoring monetary trails to curtail funding to terrorist grps in conjunction with FIA.

6) Future Security of CPEC( apart from maritime).

7) Demographic information and management.

I've not included Police as they'll remain under the provincial governments, performing regular law and order duties.

- Pak-def:
Includes PA, PAF, PN, SPD under JSHQs which will report to Ministry of Defence (Federal govt).

-ISI will also be a part of it under a serving three star and will continue its current role under the constitution.

-Objectives of Pak-Def:

1) All external security threats.

2) Aerial/land/ maritime defence of both Eastern and Western borders.

3) Cooperation with foreign militaries for geo-strategic needs.

4) Nuclear weapons.

5) Assistance to Pak-sec.

6) Role in Foreign policy.

7) Security of CPEC (initial phases). Maritime security will remain in hands
of PN.

8) Foreign Int, C4I, proxies, sabotage etc.

Creation of a Joint Command of Both Pakdef and Paksec under the Ministry of Defence for close cooperation.

1) Budgetary constraints. However this can be overcome since most of the infrastructure is already there.

2) Setting up of academies to train officers of paksec on the same lines as in military.
3) Increasing efficiency of paksec and
eliminating the sarkari naukri mindset.

4) resistance from military.

5) efficient Ministry of Defence. As we all know what is the condition of our MoD and its ministers, this will be the major bottleneck; appointing truly professional ministers and govt officials in MoD who trained and professional enough to handle such complicated matters and are more knowledgeable than military itself.

6) Shielding of MoD from politicization.

7) Making MoD into somewhat permanent body instead of being handled by PM and changing of ministers regularly either prematurely or even after five years.

8) MoD will have a very important say in foreign affairs. Although under pakdef military will no longer be able to influence foreign policy, however it can't also be left to the politicians who have no idea of REALPOLITIK and have shortsighted ideals limited only to being selected for the next termand is highly probable that they'll not want to rock the boat if it threatens their power.

This will provide a solution for more than half of our problems. From military meddling in politics to our inherent inability to fight LICs( till the logical end) because our main threat is India(conventional) and we have to equip our troops for that.
By separating Internal and external threats we can focus on them individually without compromise in any other sector. It'll also provide a solid basis for democracy and will setre priorities straight.

@PanzerKiel @SQ8 @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @The Eagle @waz @Signalian @HRK @Inception-06 @CriticalThought
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Encouraged by this brilliant post by @Bilal Khan (Quwa),
Post in thread 'PAA Bell 412 Heli gunner raining down hell from above' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/paa-...ing-down-hell-from-above.735823/post-13569334

I decided to create a thread on how Pakistan can manage its security by dividing the threats into Conventional and Sub-conventional and establishing two Parallel organizations to counter them.

Below is a brief sketch of these organizations:
1) Pakdef (Pakistan Defence) concerned with external threats.
2) Paksec(Pakistan Security) concerned with internal threats.

Includes FC, Constabulary, CTD, ANF, ASF, Rangers, IB, and having a small, dedicated UAV command for surveillance/support.
Will report directly to Ministry of Defence (Federal govt); with HQs in all provinces.

-Objectives of Pak-Sec:
1) Monitoring and management of
western borders.

2) undertaking COIN ops on a limited scale.

3) Internal Intelligence under IB with assistance from ISI.

4) Conducting IBOs.

5) Monitoring monetary trails to curtail funding to terrorist grps in conjunction with FIA.

6) Future Security of CPEC( apart from maritime).

7) Demographic information and management.

I've not included Police as they'll remain under the provincial governments, performing regular law and order duties.

- Pak-def:
Includes PA, PAF, PN, SPD under JSHQs which will report to Ministry of Defence (Federal govt).

-ISI will also be a part of it under a serving three star and will continue its current role under the constitution.

-Objectives of Pak-Def:

1) All external security threats.

2) Aerial/land/ maritime defence of both Eastern and Western borders.

3) Cooperation with foreign militaries for geo-strategic needs.

4) Nuclear weapons.

5) Assistance to Pak-sec.

6) Role in Foreign policy.

7) Security of CPEC (initial phases). Maritime security will remain in hands
of PN.

8) Foreign Int, C4I, proxies, sabotage etc.

Creation of a Joint Command of Both Pakdef and Paksec under the Ministry of Defence for close cooperation.

1) Budgetary constraints. However this can be overcome since most of the infrastructure is already there.

2) Setting up of academies to train officers of paksec on the same lines as in military.
3) Increasing efficiency of paksec and
eliminating the sarkari naukri mindset.

4) resistance from military.

5) efficient Ministry of Defence. As we all know what is the condition of our MoD and its ministers, this will be the major bottleneck; appointing truly professional ministers and govt officials in MoD who trained and professional enough to handle such complicated matters and are more knowledgeable than military itself.

6) Shielding of MoD from politicization.

7) Making MoD into somewhat permanent body instead of being handled by PM and changing of ministers regularly either prematurely or even after five years.

8) MoD will have a very important say in foreign affairs. Although under pakdef military will no longer be able to influence foreign policy, however it can't also be left to the politicians who have no idea of REALPOLITIK and have shortsighted ideals limited only to being selected for the next termand is highly probable that they'll not want to rock the boat if it threatens their power.

This will provide a solution for more than half of our problems. From military meddling in politics to our inherent inability to fight LICs( till the logical end) because our main threat is India(conventional) and we have to equip our troops for that.
By separating Internal and external threats we can focus on them individually without compromise in any other sector. It'll also provide a solid basis for democracy and will setre priorities straight.

@PanzerKiel @SQ8 @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @The Eagle @waz @Signalian @HRK @Inception-06 @CriticalThought

Excellent written, another part which plays also a vital role, is public awareness of declared enemies like TTP, BLA etc. Media and public education regarding the ongoing war and threats must be shown and implemented in the format on the level as the western media do it, on every channel and every media platform! The war must bee declared officially by the Pakistani state, every citizen must pay his tribute, ever citizen must know who are the enemies of his state, which are enemies we are fighting and why, the war sirens must be in everyone’s mind, the state then must be transformed in a state of war.

But Pakistan still believes in negotiations since 20 years. So we could write books how good to fight a war, when the public and state is not in the form and will to fight it. I am not writing about the exzellent military machine it’s soldiers. To fight or speak about a war, the war must be first declared officially by the Prime minister and President of Pakistan every month on Friday after the Jumma Prayers, every clerics Cristian or Muslim must remember the citizen’s about the ongoing war, a jihaad, against TTP and BLA against any state actor needs to be declared. So every citizen and organisation of the Pakistani state can take part in war, through the mind and physically ! Both is not given in our case. We aren’t ready to fight the war. Or where are the millions of Demonstarations agains BLA and TTP attacks, where is the million solidarity march for our troops and shaheeds. You need totally public back up like in western countries or public control like China, Russia , North Korea.Pakistan can’t even control Border crossings, so what to control inside the country.

If we Talk about India, then the story is different every mechanical part and everything of the Pakistani state like a clockwork is prepared perfectly to fight India any time ! But such a readyness and Motivation is not given against the TTP for example. But what do expect from a state which let happens TLP Dharnas and mob attacks, a state which can’t protect his citizen equally from mob lynchings, that state can’t. Win and fight a war as we wish. It can only survive on its best as we can seen. Writ of state is the first stone then you can build on it the your written part.

This criticism is not against the Pakistani military or the actual government, it’s just describes, why we aren’t successful where we wish to be win since a long time. While smashed the Indian forces in any conflict, we aren’t seeing the same dynamics and efforts in the actual ongoing war.
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Internal Intelligence under IB with assistance from ISI.
this was its actual purpose but the organization has been destroyed by hiring political cronies, excessive deputations from police, use of IB as a political b team of ruling party etc. its role has been severely relegated, and a lot of stuff that it was supposed to do has been handed over to FIA, which was to be nothing more than secret police, meant for investigation.

1) Budgetary constraints. However this can be overcome since most of the infrastructure is already there.

2) Setting up of academies to train officers of paksec on the same lines as in military.
3) Increasing efficiency of paksec and
eliminating the sarkari naukri mindset.

4) resistance from military.

5) efficient Ministry of Defence. As we all know what is the condition of our MoD and its ministers, this will be the major bottleneck; appointing truly professional ministers and govt officials in MoD who trained and professional enough to handle such complicated matters and are more knowledgeable than military itself.

6) Shielding of MoD from politicization.

7) Making MoD into somewhat permanent body instead of being handled by PM and changing of ministers regularly either prematurely or even after five years.

8) MoD will have a very important say in foreign affairs. Although under pakdef military will no longer be able to influence foreign policy, however it can't also be left to the politicians who have no idea of REALPOLITIK and have shortsighted ideals limited only to being selected for the next termand is highly probable that they'll not want to rock the boat if it threatens their power.
first step would be to appoint a non-army guy as chairman joint chiefs of staff committee. second step would be to empower him. then MoD's strengthening will come into play. also, any chief of military should only be able to meet with the Minister for Defense. Only the Chairman and the Minister should be able to approach the PM and other ministers.
A very nice write up but this will find a great deal of resistance from military establishment.

So a solution is to leave external intelligence operations to ISI while internally either make something like the russian FSB which also commands special as well as border troops and reports directly to the President or create another desk within ISI and make it some what like FSB.
When you have knowledge and you have to put it into words by producing a topic, then format it in the best possible way you can. Try taking help from senior members to expand on your ideas, nobody will steal your ideas, don't worry. You could have expanded a lot on this topic by explaining the one liner points. Use photos, infographics, edited maps etc to divulge information easily. Reader's eyes catch colourful images at first glance and tend to concentrate on pictorial information. The written sentences then consolidate your points further. It shows that you have solidly strong grasp of the topic you want to convey. Put in some effort to stand out from the average member. There's no competition here but you have sound knowledge and information, so convey it in best manner possible.

Same suggestion for you @iLION12345_1
When you have knowledge and you have to put it into words by producing a topic, then format it in the best possible way you can. Try taking help from senior members to expand on your ideas, nobody will steal your ideas, don't worry. You could have expanded a lot on this topic by explaining the one liner points. Use photos, infographics, edited maps etc to divulge information easily. Reader's eyes catch colourful images at first glance and tend to concentrate on pictorial information. The written sentences then consolidate your points further. It shows that you have solidly strong grasp of the topic you want to convey. Put in some effort to stand out from the average member. There's no competition here but you have sound knowledge and information, so convey it in best manner possible.

Same suggestion for you @iLION12345_1
Noted. Will try to improve on the aspects as highlighted.
When you have knowledge and you have to put it into words by producing a topic, then format it in the best possible way you can. Try taking help from senior members to expand on your ideas, nobody will steal your ideas, don't worry. You could have expanded a lot on this topic by explaining the one liner points. Use photos, infographics, edited maps etc to divulge information easily. Reader's eyes catch colourful images at first glance and tend to concentrate on pictorial information. The written sentences then consolidate your points further. It shows that you have solidly strong grasp of the topic you want to convey. Put in some effort to stand out from the average member. There's no competition here but you have sound knowledge and information, so convey it in best manner possible.

Same suggestion for you @iLION12345_1
Noted, thank you :)
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