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EU Parliament to review Pakistan’s GSP+ status and put trade embargo (blasphemy laws

No! the likes of you are never mistaken for anything beyond a certified chutia, deen forsh, corrupt to their core spreading wide open for the highest bidder.

What can i say to your usual vomiting in month of Ramadan.
beggars can't be choosers. The world doesn't work this way, you will always remain at the mercy of the West if you are not ready to fix your own house. I'd say a good decision.

Beggars can be choosers, as long as they accept the consequences of thier choices.

Look next door. Afghanistan defeated two superpowers. They sacrificed peace, prosperity, for 3 generations as the price.

If you are willing to pay the price - you can do anything.
What a humiliation for the ruling clergy of Pakistan, who came to power with mission to raise a global alliance against Arab states, where the gang failed miserably, and ironically over the course of their illegal rule, their only respite has been the very same Arabs... now you will see Pakistan's ruling clergy running back to Arabs for more aid and support, but of course their black hearts will remain black, as per verses of Quran.
Beggars can be choosers, as long as they accept the consequences of thier choices.

Look next door. Afghanistan defeated two superpowers. They sacrificed peace, prosperity, for 3 generations as the price.

If you are willing to pay the price - you can do anything.

The question is at what cost? If you are willing to live in the stone age then go ahead. You may say they defeated two superpowers but would you want your family and yourself to live in Afghanistan?
Beggars can be choosers, as long as they accept the consequences of thier choices.

Look next door. Afghanistan defeated two superpowers. They sacrificed peace, prosperity, for 3 generations as the price.

If you are willing to pay the price - you can do anything.

Begging should help, if the funds are spent fairly.

Unfortunately, it's the wastage of resources and lately indoctrination of masses into religious fanaticism in the name of riyasat medina.
Um, how did France get humiliated exactly? Last time i checked Pakistan was the only country where people killed each other to stop blasmephy in France? In the end Imran's words got used against him not Macron, it got deflected onto him.
No the French in Pak do not hate Pakistan, maybe if you met some of them you would understand, a lot of the French living here have put their trust in Pakistanis and did not even heed their own governments call to leave as their Pakistani friends swore to protect them. This baffles you because you are out of touch with the reality of the situation and don't understand a single thing about diplomatic norms.

You seem to have a well and grand solution right? Kick out the French Ambassador and that's it, we've saved Islam. No game plan, no preparation just kick them out and see what happens next. You have this false sense of security that Pakistan can get through anything and that nothing can effect Pakistan for some reason, i dont understand why. You let your nationalistic pride blind you from acting pragmatically and more realistically.

I vividly remember how people like you used to argue that Pakistan would die within a day if it stopped receiving US aid. Pakistan won't be able to survive without Western help for a minute. How Pakistan had to accept US drone strikes and not whine about sovereignty. Your age old excuses are broken records now. Give it up.

Also stop twisting the real issue. Pakistan is in its full right to condemn French racist and Islamophobic policies towards Muslims. Are you going to deny French racism and Islamophobia? France has a history of hatred toward minorities and Islam. The EU which always boasts itself as a champion of religious freedom and human rights is obviously turning a blind eye to French Islamophobia. Macron openly insults Muslims by praising derogatory drawings of the prophet PBUH. This joke is on the EU and the right wing fanatics among its ranks who stand in the parliament and spread fanaticism.

Whether TLP protests turned deadly doesn't take away the fact that we should speak out against French Islamophobic policies. You are deliberately confusing the real issue because your problem is also with Islam. In reality most critics of Imran Khan's handling of French Islamophobia are anti-Islam.
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it is because of Afghanistan they dont need us anymore, so not unexpected

They are free to leave Pakistan.
The question is at what cost? If you are willing to live in the stone age then go ahead. You may say they defeated two superpowers but would you want your family and yourself to live in Afghanistan?

You tell us the cost. What is the EU and France going to do? Strip away the GSP status? They can shove it up their rear.

How about you stop relying on the EU and the USA as your primary master and look closer to home. How about expanding trade relations around the world with South American, African, Middle Eastern and Asian nations? How about expanding trade relations closer to home with Iran and China? You don't want to do the hardwork. You want free lunch. EU and US aid money. Money that comes with strings attached and has always been detrimental to Pakistan's national interests. It won't work this way. Now they are using GSP as a blackmail tool. Pakistan survived long before GSP status was granted.

Pakistan has to choose now. Is it going to appease Western colonisers or is it going to take a firm stance on principles. We claim to be Muslims and hold Islam dear. At least many do. Yet some of us tremble with fear when the white man spread lies and intimidation.
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What a humiliation for the ruling clergy of Pakistan, who came to power with mission to raise a global alliance against Arab states, where the gang failed miserably, and ironically over the course of their illegal rule, their only respite has been the very same Arabs... now you will see Pakistan's ruling clergy running back to Arabs for more aid and support, but of course their black hearts will remain black, as per verses of Quran.

Your Arab brothers are nowhere to be found or heard when it comes to Islamophobia in the West. Give it a rest.

When Imran Khan speaks up against Islamophobia in the West all you noonies get your knickers in a twist.

Should have really condemned EU hypocrisy in the staunchest manner. PTI government shouldn't be blackmailed by the libtard and anti-religion brigade in Pakistan. They are a handful.

Stand firm on your principles. Even when the whole world is on one side. The French Islamophobic policies are dead wrong. Period. Pakistan shouldn't be intimidated nor blackmailed by those that have a history of colonising and committing genocides against natives.
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Why don't you work hard and earn those things? We don't stop you. If the whole of Pakistan took its head out of its collective *** and stopped daydreaming about cushy salkari naukri you'd have the higher living standards you want. It seems some Pakistani want the state to provide everything but religion.

If it was up to these Islam haters Pakistan wouldn't have been a nuclear power today. They would have passed the opportunity because daddy West would apply sanctions and Pakistan would crumble.

This segment of the Pakistani society is a big problem. They are not here for Pakistan. They are opportunists. If they had a chance they would backstab Pakistan in a heartbeat. Many in fact have and begged for asylum in Islam hating nations like France. They sit on Twitter all day long hating Pakistan, Islam and eastern culture.
I vividly remember how people like you used to argue that Pakistan would die within a day if it stopped receiving US aid. Pakistan won't be able to survive without Western help for a minute. How Pakistan had to accept US drone strikes and not whine about sovereignty. Your age old excuses are broken records now. Give it up.

Also stop twisting the real issue. Pakistan is in its full right to condemn French racist and Islamophobic policies towards Muslims. Are you going to deny French racism and Islamophobia? France has a history of hatred toward minorities and Islam. The EU which always boasts itself as a champion of religious freedom and human rights is obviously turning a blind eye to French Islamophobia. Macron openly insults Muslims by praising derogatory drawings of the prophet PBUH. This joke is on the EU and the right wing fanatics among its ranks who stand in the parliament and spread fanaticism.

Whether TLP protests turned deadly doesn't take away the fact that we should speak out against French Islamophobic policies. You are deliberately confusing the real issue because your problem is also with Islam. In reality most critics of Imran Khan's handling of French Islamophobia are anti-Islam.
How about you quote directly what you are referring to instead of putting me into a generalized category based on something entirely different because as far as i know i have never said anything like that. It seems you're the only one giving excuses to justify ill thought out actions.

Pakistan can absolutely do that and it did just like every other Muslim nation did at the time, but now Pakistan is dragging it on for months while the whole world has forgotten it and are addressing more pressing matters like recovering from Covid or preparing against a new wave.

TLP protests happened and have stained us, there is no running away from that, everyone saw what happened and so did the EU. We are already speaking out, Pakistan has been the most vocal out of all Muslim majority nations one could argue, i'm not sure why you don't understand this. You keep ranting on about expelling the Ambassador which clearly you have avoided mentioning for some reason, i am still waiting for a solution instead of rants.

Also in your later post you are trying to equate this to attaining Nuclear weapons? I mean talk about a false equivalence...
How about you quote directly what you are referring to instead of putting me into a generalized category based on something entirely different because as far as i know i have never said anything like that. It seems you're the only one giving excuses to justify ill thought out actions.

Pakistan can absolutely do that and it did just like every other Muslim nation did at the time, but now Pakistan is dragging it on for months while the whole world has forgotten it and are addressing more pressing matters like recovering from Covid or preparing against a new wave.

TLP protests happened and have stained us, there is no running away from that, everyone saw what happened and so did the EU. We are already speaking out, Pakistan has been the most vocal out of all Muslim majority nations one could argue, i'm not sure why you don't understand this. You keep ranting on about expelling the Ambassador which clearly you have avoided mentioning for some reason, i am still waiting for a solution instead of rants.

Also in your later post you are trying to equate this to attaining Nuclear weapons? I mean talk about a false equivalence...

You have zero solutions. It is the usual yada yada from the libtard section. In your world Pakistan should just sail along and remain a punching bag. Keep taking Western aid and loans and let the generations repay them eternally. Shackled in Western slavery.

Pakistan never dragged it for months. Stop lying. France and the right wing European racists are butthurt ever since Imran Khan along with Erdogan put France in the spotlight. Get your facts corrected.

LOL you are constantly putting so much emphasis on TLP when this group is really insignificant. Riots happen in Pakistan like any other nation in the world. In Pakistan all riots are magnified. Especially by our libtard brigade and the Western world for various malicious reasons. LOL at damage has been done. What damage are you referring to? The EU sanctioning Pakistan and discussing the GSP status? A bunch of European right wing extremist have been after Pak GSP status for years. This is nothing new. Perhaps you don't read the news. As US NATO leave Afghanistan their willingness to assist Pakistan economically will end anyway. I don't know what world you are living in, but this is the reality. GSP was a carrot given by NATO countries to Pakistan. Now they intend to take away the carrot. Nothing unusual considering the temporary and transactional nature of our relationship.

The EU nations have short-term thinking. Pakistan isn't Timbuktu. Pakistan is an important nation with 200+ million people and the potential of being a geopolitical hub. Pak future lies with China and other regional nations anyway. Let these Europeans bow down to right wing extremists among their ranks. It might hurt Pakistan intially, but once we recalibrate our economy and alliance within the region, Western economic assistance won't make any difference. Let the US NATO move out of Afghanistan. Pakistan and the region are going to transform and benefit from trade. US NATO were a nuisance to progress. Propping up India to destabalize the region and create an imbalance. Today they are butthurt because their never-ending war is coming to an end.

Now let me again for the nth time raise the real issue which you are intentionally ignoring. Why does the EU avoid condemning French Islamophobic policies? France is radicalizing and fanning anti-Muslim rhetoric ever since Macron came to power. French people are hostile towards Islam because their political leadership is intentionally scapegoating Muslims. In France people are more angry at a woman wearing a headscarf as compared to a paedophile hurting children. France has been spearheading anti-Islam rhetoric for years in Europe. French history is filled with genocide and rape of Muslims. I find it hilarious that Pakistani libtards are so afraid of tackling the real issue. Perhaps you don't even want to shed light on the real issue because your hate for Islam is very similar to Macron.

LOL look at the reasoning. Pakistan is the most vocal country in the Islamic world. Yes, it is and it should be. Why should we look at other Islamic nations that are mostly poodles of the West anyway. France has literally occupied and butchered many of these silent Islamic nations. LOL what have these Islamic nations achieved by bowing down to Western nations? The best they could do is offer beaches and cocktails.

Time has come for decision making. Is Pakistan going to remain undecided and let Western nations exploit and blackmail it economically? As long as Pakistan remains dependent on US/European aid and trade links there is always the possibility of sanctions and blackmail. That is the simple truth. By continuously appeasing the West Pakistan or any country for that matter won't progress. We will always have to abide by their dictation. Let's not fool ourselves. We have a laundry list of issues with the West. French Islamophobia is just one tiny issue that recently came to the forefront. Our conflicts and disagreements with Western nations are very lengthy and real. Pakistan has to decide today or tomorrow that enough is enough. Pakistan cannot drag on like this.

China has given Pakistan a tremendous opportunity to redeem itself. The region is itching for trade and development. We cannot let this boat sail. Like I said, Pakistan must now let go of the idea that US and European nations are godfathers. The world has changed drastically. Diversify and make new allies around the world. Expand trade and economic alliances. Don't just sit still and destroy Pakistan by sucking up to Western nations. Pakistan is not going to trade its values for Western life style. No matter how much the libtard brigade cries foul.
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If it was up to these Islam haters Pakistan wouldn't have been a nuclear power today. They would have passed the opportunity because daddy West would apply sanctions and Pakistan would crumble.

This segment of the Pakistani society is a big problem. They are not here for Pakistan. They are opportunists. If they had a chance they would backstab Pakistan in a heartbeat. Many in fact have and begged for asylum in Islam hating nations like France. They sit on Twitter all day long hating Pakistan, Islam and eastern culture.
agreed, they have got nothing to do with Islam, they openly mock it, and they openly mock the concept of implementing Allah's Law and blatantly misinterpret Quran. All the while sitting outside in the West, where they ran away to the first chance they got. I would blame the problem of a bad economy on not so Islamic zardari and nawaz sharif, or the not so Islamic generals, judges and bureaucrats.
  1. Bas kardo nahi chaye religion. All i want is social justice, economic security and a better standard of life. Religion is a personal matter. How i decide to practise it is my decision and it's between me and allah.
since what you said is against the constitution of Pakistan, I will b reporting you to the competent authorities.

Also, Islam is not a personal religion. It is very much public and congregational one. If you werent such a jahil you would have known that social justice etc. all fall under Maqasid e Shariah. and if you werent such a jahil, you would have known that all the things you mentioned in your post are because of secularist and liberal like you who are actually in power, whether in civil service, govt, military, judiciary, business or media.

all leading business groups of Pakistan are extremely liberal, one wonders why that liberalism hasnt inspired them to export more? most of the civil servants are highly anti-religion, one wonders why hasnt that inspired them to work harder and not receive bribes and not abuse their authority? same goes for the media (especially the media), and military and judiciary.
  1. People are already dying with hunger.
  2. Inflation is hitting the roof.
  3. Our purchasing power is crunching. Value of our properties and assets halved
  4. Higher education is not affordable.
  5. Getting justice in the country is only a dream
  6. Widespread rape and harassment of opposite gender
  7. Shortage of gas and electricity
  8. Fragile economy and limited exports
  9. Fuckin religious extremism peaking. Maulvis becoming more confident and threatening the state. Just look how much votes a banned organisation got in NA224 elections
  10. There is so much wrong with our present shit but we're still high on religoius cocktail and shamelessly defending our religious persecution and outdated barbaric blasphemy laws.
  11. These fuckin foreign pakistani on this forum should shut the **** up. Theyre enjoying both economic and social freedom in the west and trying their best to make pakistan a religious shithole. Uncles ki wet dreams hi khatan ho rahain.
  12. Bas kardo nahi chaye religion. All i want is social justice, economic security and a better standard of life. Religion is a personal matter. How i decide to practise it is my decision and it's between me and allah.
1. Incompetence of govt, nothing to do with Islam
2. see above
3. see above
4. again, reduction of funding by HEC, none of the Ulema asked them to do this
5. Islam asks to enforce and implement justice, since our penal code and laws are inspired by british indian laws, Islam is not to blame but incompetent govts.
6. Punish the rapists according to Islam
7. Mishandling of the situation by incompetent govts, deciding to use CNG for vehicles by a very much liberal musharraf caused gas shortages, failure of liberal musharraf to build dams and power plants caused this situation. failure of liberal zardari to setup plants caused this situation.
8. Again govt is responsible for that, excessive loans, no policies to improve exports, and liberal groups like habib group etc. are responsible for not exporting anything, just milking domestic market for substandard products.
9. So if a Maulvi does it, its wrong. but if ethnic groups demand to secede, if political parties openly speak against state institutions and even hold violent protests, that is all right. you, sir, are a hypocrite.
10. Careful. Islam is neither outdated nor barbaric. All of that is wrong is not because of religion but because of absence of it in the govt.
11. foreign pakistanis are more liberal than others.
12. already answered in previous reply.
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