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EU far-right parties set to gather in St. Petersburg for Russian forum


Apr 8, 2014
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20:33 Mar. 20, 2015
EU far-right parties set to gather in St. Petersburg for Russian forum - read on - uatoday.tv

The Kremlin courts EU far-right, neo-Nazi movements, despite ‘anti-fascist' rhetoric over Ukraine

European far-right and Neo-Nazi movements have openly supported President Vladimir Putin's fight to combat the so-called ‘fascist regime' in Ukraine. And on March 22, the Russian leaders' extremist allies from eleven European nations will descend on the city of St. Petersburg for the ‘International Russian Conservative Forum'. The event aims to unite EU far-right parties in efforts to spread the Kremlin's influence through the 28-nation-bloc.

Among the parties to be represented include Greece's notorious Golden Dawn and Austria's Freedom Party. However, the leader of France's National Front Marine Le Pen has refused to attend over fears her reputation among voters could be damaged, according to Russia's Kommersant newspaper.

The Kremlin's befriending of European far-right parties has hampered unity in Brussels over political and economic sanctions against Russia for its actions in Ukraine.

Pro-Russian parties currently hold 76 of 751 seats in the European Parliament, sparking concerns that any united front against Moscow could be derailed further.

Ahead of this weekend's far-right gathering in St Petersburg, opposition politician Boris Vishnevsky noted that the event is being held less than two months before Russians mark the 70th anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two.

European far-right leaders sympathetic to the so-called breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk supposedly observed the internationally unrecognized elections on whether to secede from Ukraine last November.

UKIP are not pro Russian. They have no love for Putin, they just don't believe conflict with Russia is in Britain's interests.
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If Russia were funding UKIP the media would certainly let us know about it.

Nigel Farage, the leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party, a group zealously opposed to the European Union and a critic of American foreign policy, is already engaged in a bitter feud with Ms. Le Pen.

But Mr. Farage and Ms. Le Pen have at least found some common ground on Russia. The British politician recently named Mr. Putin as the world leader he most admired “as an operator but not as a human being,” he told a British magazine.

Ms. Le Pen has also expressed admiration for Mr. Putin and called for a strategic alliance with the Kremlin, proposing a “pan-European union” that would include Russia.

Pan European union would result in invasion of Eastern European countries.
A Neo Nazi convention in the country that says it fights Nazis today.You couldn't make this stuff up.:lol:
A Neo Nazi convention in the country that says it fights Nazis today.You couldn't make this stuff up.:lol:

Never understood who are real Neo Nazis , those who not let people from other nations to live in Eastern Europe but want to live in other nations ?
Never understood who are real Neo Nazis , those who not let people from other nations to live in Eastern Europe but want to live in other nations ?

Pls rephrase as i didn't understood.

If you meant why are East Europeans more intolerant while going to live in Western Europe,well,here's my take:

1.First of all,they're not used to diversity.

2.Very important,they go for economic reasons.

3.They still see Western Europeans culturally similar to them,Christian heritage,common history,whites,most adapt to Western Europe pretty easily.

4.EEuropeans are no more intolerant than WEuropeans.You're more likely to take a beating as a non white in Dresden than in Bucharest or Sofia.

5.Despite the wise crack i made earlier this article is flawed as most of the parties listed in the OP are right wing parties not neo nazis,that's just scare mongering .

6.Why do you list the problem as "a right for other people to live in foreign countries?"Since when are the nations of Europe obliged to loose their identity to accomodate others ? I'm sry for being blunt in here but did ypour grandfather died killed by the Russians in WW2 defending Romania ? Did your great grandfather sit for 1,6 years in trenches against the Austro-Hungarians for Romania ? Did your great great grandfather lost a leg against the Turks at Plevna during our Independence War ? NO -this example goes for all European countries.So where does this right come from that you think that you're entitled cause i don't see it practiced by other non majority white/Judeo-Christian heritage countries.I mean look at India today-you're turning at minorities because you feel threathened,and those minorities are natives to India,not immigrant new comers.Why should we dissapear in our lands,create a diversity ? So we don't get called racists ? ....Call us racists.

7.Truth be told most Western Europeans don't have a problem against East Europeans because generally they integrate.The recent problems arised mainly due to economical failures and the criminal activity which moved westward,it's not a cultural clash.

8.I would want a return of many of my countrymen from Western countries,we're facing a labour shortage very soon,the brain drain is allready felt,we're down to 20 millon from 23 in 1990 and some 2,5 millons coming back won't be a catastrophy.The catastrophy would be the import of African/Asian work force that i see being touted lately.
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Pls rephrase as i didn't understood.

Talking about the attitude of the people,who thinks that they can travel and live in Middle East, Turkey and India etc but dont let people of those countries to live even when they enter legally.

Such attitude do spoil relations and the whole concept of International law on legal immigration.
Talking about the attitude of the people,who thinks that they can travel and live in Middle East, Turkey and India etc but dont let people of those countries to live even when they enter legally.

Such attitude do spoil relations and the whole concept of International law on legal immigration.

Show me Europeans coming to immigrate in droves outside Europe/European inhabited/built/countries,in numbers that change the ethnic balance and culture .In modern times i mean,don't give me..."you killed native americans" standard BS.
Show me Europeans coming to immigrate in droves outside Europe/European inhabited/built/countries,in numbers that change the ethnic balance and culture .In modern times i mean,don't give me..."you killed native americans" standard BS.

Internal immigration is too much high within EU and thats why EU member states are placing a mechanism to stop the internal immigration by placing border check points etc but in all this the most who are effected are the legal immigrants who from outside of EU basically Indians, Middle eastern citizens.

Even after being intregrated they are being targetted and survelliance are being placed on them which violates privacy laws and even problems are being created for them in employment and even they personal life is being destroyed and games are being played etc. Just dont understand why people dont understand that the citizens of these countries even live in other countries from where those immigrants come.
Internal immigration is too much high within EU and thats why EU member states are placing a mechanism to stop the internal immigration by placing border check points etc but in all this the most who are effected are the legal immigrants who from outside of EU basically Indians, Middle eastern citizens.

Even after being intregrated they are being targetted and survelliance are being placed on them which violates privacy laws and even problems are being created for them in employment and even they personal life is being destroyed and games are being played etc. Just dont understand why people dont understand that the citizens of these countries even live in other countries from where those immigrants come.

How much non European immigration you think it's needed?.I personally think that numbers shouldn't go past 5-7% and with those numbers people should be thoroughly integrated.We're kind of at those numbers so,logically, the gates must be shut.
How much non European immigration you think it's needed?.I personally think that numbers shouldn't go past 5-7% and with those numbers people should be thoroughly integrated.We're kind of at those numbers so,logically, the gates must be shut.
The issue is that the borders are open for legal immigrants to come but once they are there some groups use them as punching bags to score their own political points. Now if the borders are closed, I wouldn't have a problem either. If I am an individual who is looking to move somewhere then if the European countries are not seen as a viable option, I would choose somewhere else. However, I don't wish to legally move to some country and then used as a punching bag since it's not my fault that the borders are not closed and immigration is such a big problem. Hope you understand.
How much non European immigration you think it's needed?.I personally think that numbers shouldn't go past 5-7% and with those numbers people should be thoroughly integrated.We're kind of at those numbers so,logically, the gates must be shut.

Immigration means money and immigrants do pay thier taxes etc.

EU is coming to India and Middle East and thousands of Eu nationals and companies are working there . So how you think that gates would be shut down ? So do you think that citizens of those countries will be silent who have been tortured and harassed ? We are living in 21st century and when democratic countries are indulge in such activities then what kind of free world we are trying to make ?

I wont let those nations who insult my people and my nation and come to my country and talk about human rights. India is not colony that anyone can come and wont let us to have normal lifes.
The issue is that the borders are open for legal immigrants to come but once they are there some groups use them as punching bags to score their own political points. Now if the borders are closed, I wouldn't have a problem either. If I am an individual who is looking to move somewhere then if the European countries are not seen as a viable option, I would choose somewhere else. However, I don't wish to legally move to some country and then used as a punching bag since it's not my fault that the borders are not closed and immigration is such a big problem. Hope you understand.

Dude...I'm not of the opinion "kick the non whites out".I'm just saying there's limit,we can have diversity but me,personally,i want it in the 5,7,10% margin,maximum.Now,i speak for me,not for a country,not for Westerners.They can speak for themselves.And yes,it's condemnable,illegal and utterly wrong to pick at people who are in here legally,not to mention that they're integrated and minding their own business.Loonatics doing that should be,and for most parts are,severily punished.
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