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EU far-right parties set to gather in St. Petersburg for Russian forum

Dude...I'm not of the opinion "kick the non whites out".I'm just saying there's limit,we can have diversity but me,personally,i want it in the 5,7,10% margin,maximum.Now,i speak for me,not for a country,not for Westerners.They can speak for themselves.And yes,it's condemnable,illegal and utterly wrong to pick at people who are in here legally,not to mention that they're integrated and minding their own business.Loonatics doing that should be,and for most parts are,severily punished.

Justice should be done and its not enough to say that we will not repeat it nor we will play again. Compensation should be given , if not then i think EU will lost the battle of hearts and minds and this will create problems for the NATO alliance for the whole. Survelliance on legal immigrants its violation of privacy laws and here its about human life.
Immigration means money and immigrants do pay thier taxes etc.

EU is coming to India and Middle East and thousands of Eu nationals and companies are working there . So how you think that gates would be shut down ? So do you think that citizens of those countries will be silent who have been tortured and harassed ? We are living in 21st century and when democratic countries are indulge in such activities then what kind of free world we are trying to make ?

I wont let those nations who insult my people and my nation and come to my country and talk about human rights. India is not colony that anyone can come and wont let us to have normal lifes.

What do you mean tortured and can't close the gates ?-Why are you hysterical,since when is Europe a modern day Dachau?Are people forced to acomodate you ? And since when it's about India ? If a few thousands Europeans come to work in India ,we can have a few thousands immigrants coming here legally per year.The problem is Europe is taking more,much more considering the illegals to.To much more.
Dude...I'm not of the opinion "kick the non whites out".I'm just saying there's limit,we can have diversity but me,personally,i want it in the 5,7,10% margin,maximum.Now,i speak for me,not for a country,not for Westerners.They can speak for themselves.And yes,it's condemnable,illegal and utterly wrong to pick at people who are in here legally,not to mention that they're integrated and minding their own business.Loonatics doing that should be,and for most parts are,severily punished.
That's entirely your decision. Actually even I am in the opinion that immigration should stop otherwise it is only making even more problems both for the locals and immigrants.
Justice should be done and its not enough to say that we will not repeat it nor we will play again. Compensation should be given , if not then i think EU will lost the battle of hearts and minds and this will create problems for the NATO alliance for the whole. Survelliance on legal immigrants its violation of privacy laws and here its about human life.

Compensation for what ? LOL If a random idiot skinhead punches you in the street he gets arested.Now you want state money for it ? What do you think this is ?
What do you mean tortured and can't close the gates ?-Why are you hysterical,since when is Europe a modern day Dachau?Are people forced to acomodate you ? And since when it's about India ? If a few thousands Europeans come to work in India ,we can have a few thousands immigrants coming here legally per year.The problem is Europe is taking more,much more considering the illegals to.To much more.

When immigrants comes legally then why the citizens of Eu doesnt understand it that they should not interfere in others life and When Survelliance is being placed it should be for security reasons but for some sort of games which are done systemically.

Legal immigrants doesnt comes under the catergory of illegal immigrants. How would be things when Indians will start playing with legal immigrants from EU in systematic way ?
When immigrants comes legally then why the citizens of Eu doesnt understand it that they should not interfere in others life and When Survelliance is being placed it should be for security reasons but for some sort of games which are done systemically.

Legal immigrants doesnt comes under the catergory of illegal immigrants. How would be things when Indians will start playing with legal immigrants from EU in systematic way ?

Don't know what you're talking about,nobody plays games with legal immigrants.
The "far rights"? :-) Do not make me laugh.
True far rights burns people alive and making video. European "far rights" are just patriots-traditionalists they have nothing common with true neo-Nazis, such as Banderovites.
20:33 Mar. 20, 2015
EU far-right parties set to gather in St. Petersburg for Russian forum - read on - uatoday.tv

The Kremlin courts EU far-right, neo-Nazi movements, despite ‘anti-fascist' rhetoric over Ukraine

European far-right and Neo-Nazi movements have openly supported President Vladimir Putin's fight to combat the so-called ‘fascist regime' in Ukraine. And on March 22, the Russian leaders' extremist allies from eleven European nations will descend on the city of St. Petersburg for the ‘International Russian Conservative Forum'. The event aims to unite EU far-right parties in efforts to spread the Kremlin's influence through the 28-nation-bloc.

Among the parties to be represented include Greece's notorious Golden Dawn and Austria's Freedom Party. However, the leader of France's National Front Marine Le Pen has refused to attend over fears her reputation among voters could be damaged, according to Russia's Kommersant newspaper.

The Kremlin's befriending of European far-right parties has hampered unity in Brussels over political and economic sanctions against Russia for its actions in Ukraine.

Pro-Russian parties currently hold 76 of 751 seats in the European Parliament, sparking concerns that any united front against Moscow could be derailed further.

Ahead of this weekend's far-right gathering in St Petersburg, opposition politician Boris Vishnevsky noted that the event is being held less than two months before Russians mark the 70th anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two.

European far-right leaders sympathetic to the so-called breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk supposedly observed the internationally unrecognized elections on whether to secede from Ukraine last November.

It's like the roles have changed. Today its America and her allies who are pushing for internationalism (what they call "globalism") while Russia is standing for traditionalism. Thus, one can see why conservative and nationalist parties from across Europe are aligning with Russia to counter the influence of Americanism.
Compensation for what ? LOL If a random idiot skinhead punches you in the street he gets arested.Now you want state money for it ? What do you think this is ?

compensation for violating privacy laws and misusing the technology and interferance in personal life.
The "far rights"? :-) Do not make me laugh.
True far rights burns people alive and making video. European "far rights" are just patriots-traditionalists they have nothing common with true neo-Nazis, such as Banderovites.


When patriots defend their country against Russia they become Nazis.

When patriots defend their country against Russia they become Nazis.

Its understandable why United states and Canada have not voted in UN when the Nazism bill was forwarded by Russian Federation.
European far-right groups back Putin at Russia forum | Zee News
Last Updated: Monday, March 23, 2015 - 03:18

Saint Petersburg: Representatives of about a dozen far-right groups from across Europe gathered in Russia Sunday for a pro-Kremlin conference as concern grows over Moscow`s alleged attempts to court extremists on the continent.

About 150 members of Russian nationalist and right-wing European parties -- including Greece`s Golden Dawn and Germany`s National Democratic Party -- met in Russia`s second city Saint Petersburg to berate the West for its stance on the Ukraine conflict and to promote "traditional values".

Far-rights groups across Europe have become vocal supporters of Russian President Vladimir Putin over his handling of the Ukraine crisis, prompting allegations they have reached a Faustian pact to help burnish the Kremlin`s battered image.

The growing ties come despite Moscow`s claims it is aiming to counter what it sees as "fascism" in Ukraine, where pro-Western protesters swept a Kremlin-backed president from power last year.

"We do not support the sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine conflict," Udo Voigt, a member of the European Parliament from Germany`s National Democratic Party, told the conference.

"It is incredible what patience Russia and President Putin have shown in the face of NATO`s aggressive policies."

But the Russian federation of Jewish communities said it was extremely worried about such a meeting in "one of the cities that suffered most from the Nazis", saying it was "particularly cynical" given Russia would celebrate the 70th anniversary of its victory over Adolf Hitler`s Germany in May.

Organisers said the forum was intended to strengthen links with right-wing groups across Europe and help shape a common agenda.

"This meeting is the first foundation stone towards constructing the new world that we are obliged to build," said Fyodor Birukov, from the pro-Kremlin Rodina party that organised the event.

"I see this forum as a way pushing the fight back against liberalism and what we call modernism, the destruction of traditional values including Christianity throughout the modern world," said Nick Griffin, former head of the British National Party. "Russia is about tradition and Christianity and it`s very important that traditionalists from Russia, Europe and America get together to present our ideas more effectively to the general public."

Sunday`s meeting also sparked condemnation from Russia`s liberal opposition, with several demonstrators outside the hotel venue holding placards reading "No to Nazis".

Putin opponent Alexei Navalny, who was jailed last month for two weeks, wrote on Twitter: "The fascists have strangely and very quickly turned into Russia`s friends."

"It is scandalous for Russia to welcome the heirs of Mussolini and Hitler," one of the protesters outside the meeting, Natalia Gerasimova, 57, told AFP.

Fringe far-right groups from around Europe have sent observers to monitor votes by pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine that sought to legitimise their rule despite widespread condemnation from Kiev and the West.

France`s National Front did not attend the meeting but its leader Marine Le Pen appeared on Russian state television on Saturday to condemn EU sanctions against Moscow and anti-Russian "propaganda", which she claimed is being done "under orders from the US".

Compensation for what ? LOL If a random idiot skinhead punches you in the street he gets arested.Now you want state money for it ? What do you think this is ?

Friend, the point is to control these skinheads.

They p*ssy out and run away like cowards when they see a gang of radical jihadis preaching hate on the streets of their countriy, but become 'warriors' when they see a decent immigrant family (who is legally living in their country following all rules as set by their own elected government) and attack them.

Skinheads are nothing but p*ssies and cowards who are jobless hatemongers.

However, the reason why they exist to target is because there are state mechanisms promoting them.

Either those countries should ban immigration or at least educate their locals to differentiate the good from the bad.

This can prevent an already-avoidable clash.
Friend, the point is to control these skinheads.

They p*ssy out and run away like cowards when they see a gang of radical jihadis preaching hate on the streets of their countriy, but become 'warriors' when they see a decent immigrant family (who is legally living in their country following all rules as set by their own elected government) and attack them.

Skinheads are nothing but p*ssies and cowards who are jobless hatemongers.

However, the reason why they exist to target is because there are state mechanisms promoting them.

Either those countries should ban immigration or at least educate their locals to differentiate the good from the bad.

This can prevent an already-avoidable clash.

Here only State Mechanism or the part within the state mechanism make the establishment to compensate legal immigrants who have never done anything against the state nor ever talk against the soveriginity of the country where they are living.

They dont want to ban immigration because it would close doors for them in all the other non eu countries. They want to go to all the countries as its thier baap ki jagir and get benefits from the markets of other countries. Still waiting for the justice to be done.
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