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Erasing Pakistan’s Kashmir smear

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Dec 6, 2012
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Erasing Pakistan’s Kashmir smear: Internationally, the Kashmir separatist movement is doomed by association with Pakistan

Kashmir Valley is boiling again, a sorry teardrop on the proud face of the Indian Union. About the size of Kuwait or Swaziland, it is home to a small but noxious school of separatists who have made “azadi” a life calling, sometimes turning it into a business proposition, going by how well some of the leaders are thriving while serving up their followers as cannon fodder. Happens with a lot of “liberation movements”.

But with each passing year, their movement finds less traction in the world, even as it remains the self-proclaimed core of Pakistan’s existence, expressed in the slogan “Kashmir banega Pakistan”. Why doesn’t the world care, they wonder, as do their Pakistani patrons. Loose figures such as “1,00,000 killed” in two decades of insurgency (which would break down into some 400 people killed every month, or 14 every day) are bandied about in the hope that it somehow catches world attention.

Not happening. Even the periodic, egregious and acknowledged excesses of Indian armed forces, which shouldn’t be entrusted with policing duties in the first place, barely elicit a flicker of concern in human rights circles. Of course, that is hardly a reason for the Indian state to feel smug. If anything, it should alert New Delhi to the window of opportunity to quickly resolve the issue.

India’s growing strategic, diplomatic and economic heft, the ability this gives New Delhi to fashion the narrative, and its capacity to both absorb insurgencies and successfully integrate them into the Indian Union, is just one reason why the world is largely cool to the Kashmir issue.

The other reason is there are more than 100 separatist movements across the globe, including a dozen major ones, and there is little appetite or bandwidth in world capitals to entertain another one from a much-admired democracy, warts and all. Compared to civil wars in the Middle East and Africa, Kashmir is a walk in the park, its tragic individual dimension apart.

But by far the biggest advantage India has on world stage is Pakistan’s association with Kashmir – a kiss of death for the separatist movement. Kashmiris may have legitimate grievances, as do people without adequate voice and opportunities anywhere in the world, whether it is blacks and Native Americans in the US, Baloch and Hindus in Pakistan, Adivasis and Muslims elsewhere in India.

However, to believe their salvation lies in sustenance from a state whose public record of grooming terrorists groups and hosting them, and of disenfranchising and exterminating minorities – even Muslim minorities – discredits their “azadi movement” like nothing else. Doomed by association, you could call it.

Irredentist and separatist Kashmiris, and for that matter Pakistanis themselves, have no idea how badly off Pakistan is in the international arena. The latest edition of G20, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi implicitly raised the issue of Pakistani sponsorship of terrorism, offers a pretty stark idea of Pakistan’s marginalisation. Modi’s assertion brooked no challenge or response because Pakistan, the world’s sixth most populous country, does not make the G20 cut, and the nearly score of countries there, including Pakistan’s self-proclaimed allies such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and China, did not find it worth defending.

In fact, Pakistan does not even make observer status at G20 (Kazakhstan, Egypt and Chad were invitees this time; Nigeria and Azerbaijan have attended previous G20s). The reason for this is fairly simple. Pakistan has nothing to offer to the world except trouble – usually in the form of terrorism and mostly in the form of belligerent expansionism.

It has smeared the Kashmir movement and its own reputation with its toxic sponsorship of terrorism not just in India, but also across the region in pursuit of “strategic depth”. It stands condemned across the world on account of a mindset created by its official and constitutional slide into extremism. It is a state in terminal decline. Soon Maharashtra will have a larger economy.

Small wonder hoots of laughter followed reports that Islamabad is dispatching 22 of its parliamentarians to world capitals to lobby on the Kashmir issue, after television interviews showed some of its lawmakers hadn’t the foggiest idea of the subject, not even the falsified UN Resolution that Islamabad cites so often.

Pakistan has never told its people – and nor has India told the world – the truth: that the UN Resolution was not only non-binding to begin with, but it has been rendered infructuous since because Pakistan never fulfilled its obligation to vacate its occupation of Kashmir as it was called upon to. It also compounded the violation by parcelling off a large part of the state to China. End of resolution.

Many Pakistanis believe, under state tutelage, that it has endured India’s depredation; that the four wars it fought with India were inflicted by New Delhi. No word about Indian magnanimity in sustaining it with not just water but engaging it on equal terms because New Delhi believed – correctly – that we are people of common ancestry.

That forbearance may now be drawing to an end. Developments over the last few weeks suggest New Delhi will adopt a more robust diplomatic approach on Kashmir, including of naming and shaming Pakistan in international fora where Islamabad has no credibility or clout because of its embrace of terror groups and its faltering economy. Isolating Pakistan and relieving Kashmiris of the odium of any association with a withering state may provide a different route to resolution of the issue.


Let's be civil in this thread.
Pakistan has nothing to offer but trouble? Is that the only thing which comes out of this author's mouth? Let me start by saying that Pakistan is one of the only nations which has (somewhat) succeeded in eleminating most of the terrorist havens in Pakistan. This battle of ours was fought against an enemy which used guerrilla tactics to fight against us. But you know what, this war has been a success. Many people had lost their lives to ensure that these ignorant extremists do not become a threat for Pakistan ever again. This is something America or the West cold not achieve, as proved by their failure in Vietnam, Afghanistan and in Syria.

With that cleared, let us talk about Kashmir. 4 major wars have been fought over this state with little success to either side. Kashmir has always been a priority for Pakistan and it will not back down from this fight, even if we stand alone. Our fight for Kashmir is no more about land, it's only and solely for the wellbeing for the people of Kashmir. The author also states that that the separatists and that their cause is being given less attention. While the latter might be true, the separatists are not dying, nor is their cause. After the death of Buhran Wani, thousands have only joined this cause. In my humble view however, this solution can only be solved peacefully and without bloodshed. That should be the priority of both governments. The UN has already provided people with the rights of self determination. If india refuses to accept this law, then in violates the Charter of the UN
The era of Indian politicians who have pre-independence connection with the other side of the border is fast depleting. Apart from couple of politicians , most are dead. The current era of leadership in Indian politics are post-independence hence they have no emotional connect with the land or people on other side. They see it is from objective purpose and I will see more assertive response from India in coming days.

You post a shit article full of ordinary indian propaganda and want us to remain civil. Do you have any shame?
Same old habbit of beating the messenger....Come on, come up with something new.

With that cleared, let us talk about Kashmir. 4 major wars have been fought over this state with little success to either side. Kashmir has always been a priority for Pakistan and it will not back down from this fight, even if we stand alone. Our fight for Kashmir is no more about land, it's only and solely for the wellbeing for the people of Kashmir.
No matter how hard you try, well being of kashmiris is only a gimick. The whole fight is because of land and water. Nothing else.

The UN has already provided people with the rights of self determination. If india refuses to accept this law, then in violates the Charter of the UN
Have you read the UN non-binding ruling on Kashmir ever? Or you are just parroting what every other pakistani is saying like a zombie without actually analyzing the contents of the resolution?
Now we are supposed to discuss street level politics? If you want something new post something new.
PDF has more than 50% of its total post count dedicated on Kashmir and you term it a Kashmir level politics.
You have fought four wars with us on Kashmir issue and you saying it is street level politics.
or are you saying your 22 parliamentarians dispatched to the world is street level politics..Which I agree as nothing Pakistan gonna achieve through this but bad image.
PDF has more than 50% of its total post count dedicated on Kashmir and you term it a Kashmir level politics.
You have fought four wars with us on Kashmir issue and you saying it is street level politics.
or are you saying your 22 parliamentarians dispatched to the world is street level politics..Which I agree as nothing Pakistan gonna achieve through this but bad image.

Now we are supposed to discuss street level politics? If you want something new post something new.

Let me break it down for you, what I meant is post something apart from your usual rona dhona Pakistan this Pakistan that, otherwise whatever is written in op is street level thinking and usual indian lies, nothing new.
The era of Indian politicians who have pre-independence connection with the other side of the border is fast depleting. Apart from couple of politicians , most are dead. The current era of leadership in Indian politics are post-independence hence they have no emotional connect with the land or people on other side. They see it is from objective purpose and I will see more assertive response from India in coming days.

Same old habbit of beating the messenger....Come on, come up with something new.

No matter how hard you try, well being of kashmiris is only a gimick. The whole fight is because of land and water. Nothing else.

Have you read the UN non-binding ruling on Kashmir ever? Or you are just parroting what every other pakistani is saying like a zombie without actually analyzing the contents of the resolution?

I guess you have never even touched upon the history of the UN, have you? The UN promises each and every nationality of their tight to choose their future, just like their predecessor The League of Nations( I highly doubt you know what that is). The basis of this right was made by the US President Woodrow Wilson himself. Quote""National aspirations must be respected; people may now be dominated and governed only by their own consent. Self determination is not a mere phrase; it is an imperative principle of action". If the superpower herself had made self determination a choice, then who the fudge are you to deny it to the people who want it?

For your own knowledge, here is the Article:
"All peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development."

Take it or leave it. It is your will.
Note: It isn't very nice to call new members zombies. Leaves a very ugly impression
Well. When you talk about land and water, we would not have much problem if you indians had stick to the Indus Water Peace treaty by not building dams which stopped all flow of water into the Punjab
Pakistan has nothing to offer but trouble? Is that the only thing which comes out of this author's mouth? Let me start by saying that Pakistan is one of the only nations which has (somewhat) succeeded in eleminating most of the terrorist havens in Pakistan. This battle of ours was fought against an enemy which used guerrilla tactics to fight against us. But you know what, this war has been a success. Many people had lost their lives to ensure that these ignorant extremists do not become a threat for Pakistan ever again. This is something America or the West cold not achieve, as proved by their failure in Vietnam, Afghanistan and in Syria.

With that cleared, let us talk about Kashmir. 4 major wars have been fought over this state with little success to either side. Kashmir has always been a priority for Pakistan and it will not back down from this fight, even if we stand alone. Our fight for Kashmir is no more about land, it's only and solely for the wellbeing for the people of Kashmir. The author also states that that the separatists and that their cause is being given less attention. While the latter might be true, the separatists are not dying, nor is their cause. After the death of Buhran Wani, thousands have only joined this cause. In my humble view however, this solution can only be solved peacefully and without bloodshed. That should be the priority of both governments. The UN has already provided people with the rights of self determination. If india refuses to accept this law, then in violates the Charter of the UN
You are welcome to take your Kashmir people to Pakistan any time. And we keep the land. Problem solved. Friend it was never about kashmiri people, it is land which Pakistani are interested of.
You are welcome to take your Kashmir people to Pakistan any time. And we keep the land. Problem solved. Friend it was never about kashmiri people, it is land which Pakistani are interested of.

Its like saying Indians shud get out of India and live somewhere else because land is beautiful and people are ugly and they shit everywhere. sounds ridiculous right? Kashmir only belongs to Kashmiris and they dont want to be a part of ur shit fest.
You are welcome to take your Kashmir people to Pakistan any time. And we keep the land. Problem solved. Friend it was never about kashmiri people, it is land which Pakistani are interested of.

And where do you suppose we settle them? We barely have enough resources to handle a million refugees from Afghanistan. And no, the present fight is not about land. Maybe water. But not land. We only want a plebiscite to decide if Kashmiris want to be independent, or a part of india or pakistan. This promise was made by your prime minister Nehru. It was, however, never fulfilled.
And where do you suppose we settle them? We barely have enough resources to handle a million refugees from Afghanistan. And no, the present fight is not about land. Maybe water. But not land. We only want a plebiscite to decide if Kashmiris want to be independent, or a part of india or pakistan. This promise was made by your prime minister Nehru. It was, however, never fulfilled.
And do you know what are the conditions for the plebiscite ??????

Its like saying Indians shud get out of India and live somewhere else because land is beautiful and people are ugly and they shit everywhere. sounds ridiculous right? Kashmir only belongs to Kashmiris and they dont want to be a part of ur shit fest.
I would kindly request you to read post of your fellow country man who said that it's not about land. Its all about kashmiri people. So i give him simple advice.
Note: It isn't very nice to call new members zombies. Leaves a very ugly impression

My sincere advice don't engage random useless creatures here, spend sometime reading the members here. Know what they think, what they support and you wouldn't waste your time talking to deluded. Welcome to the forum.
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