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Erasing Pakistan’s Kashmir smear

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And do you know what are the conditions for the plebiscite ??????

I would kindly request you to read post of your fellow country man who said that it's not about land. Its all about kashmiri people. So i give him simple advice.

You decide. You were the one that promised it

My sincere advice don't engage random useless creatures here, spend sometime reading the members here. Know what they think, what they support and you wouldn't waste your time talking to deluded. Welcome to the forum.

Thank you brother. It's fine. We are people. We all have faults and misunderstandings
I guess you have never even touched upon the history of the UN, have you? The UN promises each and every nationality of their tight to choose their future, just like their predecessor The League of Nations( I highly doubt you know what that is). The basis of this right was made by the US President Woodrow Wilson himself. Quote""National aspirations must be respected; people may now be dominated and governed only by their own consent. Self determination is not a mere phrase; it is an imperative principle of action". If the superpower herself had made self determination a choice, then who the fudge are you to deny it to the people who want it?

For your own knowledge, here is the Article:
"All peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development."

Take it or leave it. It is your will.
Note: It isn't very nice to call new members zombies. Leaves a very ugly impression
There was not personal grudges against you, but has the new member, tried to google the UN resolution on Kashmir before commenting a rehotric here? Have you ever tried to read what are the steps to achieve self-determination? Have you tried to research on what are the various articles under which UN resolution was passed? I suggest you to do it before having a considerable discussion.

For your own knowledge, here is the Article:
"All peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development."

Are you suggesting anyone from any place can use this and claim for their political status? Is this true for Baluchistan as well? or KPK? Would Pakistan allow this? Would your PA be happy to have this kind of resistance? You claim you have terrorist cleaning operations being conducted by PA, what was that for? Those people killed (you call them terrorist) are also demanding for political power (good or bad is different topic), why have you not given them the same?

On other hand, if Pakistan is battling these home grown terrorists then you need to ask yourself, who created them in the first place? Why Pakistan become a hot bed for all the major terrorists activities around the world? Do an honest introspection and then you will realize the main reason for this.

Well. When you talk about land and water, we would not have much problem if you indians had stick to the Indus Water Peace treaty by not building dams which stopped all flow of water into the Punjab

I am really not surprised by your short sighted knowledge on these topics as your source is same what many pakistanis have..That is mullah and many army dictated education and news channels of Pakistan. Since you have an access to Internet, I would suggest you to read articles about the treaty, international court rulings, etc on IWT regarding various dams built by India on them else I would not be wrong calling you zombie.

And where do you suppose we settle them? We barely have enough resources to handle a million refugees from Afghanistan. And no, the present fight is not about land. Maybe water. But not land. We only want a plebiscite to decide if Kashmiris want to be independent, or a part of india or pakistan. This promise was made by your prime minister Nehru. It was, however, never fulfilled.

Plebiscite was promised under conditions. Check the UN ruling. Pakistan need to vacate the lands it occupied and hand it over to its rightful owner, i.e India first..If you dont take the first step, then forget about reaching the stars.
There was not personal grudges against you, but has the new member, tried to google the UN resolution on Kashmir before commenting a rehotric here? Have you ever tried to read what are the steps to achieve self-determination? Have you tried to research on what are the various articles under which UN resolution was passed? I suggest you to do it before having a considerable discussion.

Are you suggesting anyone from any place can use this and claim for their political status? Is this true for Baluchistan as well? or KPK? Would Pakistan allow this? Would your PA be happy to have this kind of resistance? You claim you have terrorist cleaning operations being conducted by PA, what was that for? Those people killed (you call them terrorist) are also demanding for political power (good or bad is different topic), why have you not given them the same?

On other hand, if Pakistan is battling these home grown terrorists then you need to ask yourself, who created them in the first place? Why Pakistan become a hot bed for all the major terrorists activities around the world? Do an honest introspection and then you will realize the main reason for this.

I am really not surprised by your short sighted knowledge on these topics as your source is same what many pakistanis have..That is mullah and many army dictated education and news channels of Pakistan. Since you have an access to Internet, I would suggest you to read articles about the treaty, international court rulings, etc on IWT regarding various dams built by India on them else I would not be wrong calling you zombie.

Plebiscite was promised under conditions. Check the UN ruling. Pakistan need to vacate the lands it occupied and hand it over to its rightful owner, i.e India first..If you dont take the first step, then forget about reaching the stars.

Well you do present a good analysis. I'll say that for sure. However, you cannot apply the situation of Kashmir to that of KPK or Balochistan. Firstly, the people of KPK amd balochistan are firmly sided with Pakistan
( personal experiences). Secondly, the situation in Kashmir has changed since these last years. With the BJP in power, how are we supposed to just give Kashmir to you when your government itself is advocating the idea of Akhand Bharat? About the UN resolution on Kashmir, the security council itself denied the fact that Kashmir belonges to India. In the 1948 and 49 resolutions, the security council called for a plebiscite in Kashmir which we have supported unlike you. The resolution has never said to give the territory of Kashmir back to India. About the quotes which I used previously, So what? Yeah, I found them from the internet. Any problem?
Well you do present a good analysis. I'll say that for sure. However, you cannot apply the situation of Kashmir to that of KPK or Balochistan. Firstly, the people of KPK amd balochistan are firmly sided with Pakistan
( personal experiences). Secondly, the situation in Kashmir has changed since these last years. With the BJP in power, how are we supposed to just give Kashmir to you when your government itself is advocating the idea of Akhand Bharat? About the UN resolution on Kashmir, the security council itself denied the fact that Kashmir belonges to India. In the 1948 and 49 resolutions, the security council called for a plebiscite in Kashmir which we have supported unlike you. The resolution has never said to give the territory of Kashmir back to India. About the quotes which I used previously, So what? Yeah, I found them from the internet. Any problem?
Come up with more analysis. Till then you can stop quoting me as your personal experiences do not count when talking about countries in international forums.
Have you read the UN resolution on UN website?
Internet also says Pakistan is big migraine, some says Pakistan is a shit hole...Do you believe that? So anything coming from internet is not true...Apply your brain...anyways enough from me untill you bring up with something new.

Let me break it down for you, what I meant is post something apart from your usual rona dhona Pakistan this Pakistan that, otherwise whatever is written in op is street level thinking and usual indian lies, nothing new.
ab Pakistan defence main pakistan nahin to kya SUN ko discuss karenge? if you have problem, you can ask Admin for name change of the forum..
ab Pakistan defence main pakistan nahin to kya SUN ko discuss karenge? if you have problem, you can ask Admin for name change of the forum..

kon say school say parahai ki hay? Aqal say paidal ho mahraj, gor say parho kya likha hay may nay.
kon say school say parahai ki hay? Aqal say paidal ho mahraj, gor say parho kya likha hay may nay.
Padai jaise important cheez tum se argue karne ke liye thodi caahiye... I will use that side of brain when there is that kind of opponent to discuss.
Come up with more analysis. Till then you can stop quoting me as your personal experiences do not count when talking about countries in international forums.
Have you read the UN resolution on UN website?
Internet also says Pakistan is big migraine, some says Pakistan is a shit hole...Do you believe that? So anything coming from internet is not true...Apply your brain...anyways enough from me untill you bring up with something new.

ab Pakistan defence main pakistan nahin to kya SUN ko discuss karenge? if you have problem, you can ask Admin for name change of the forum..

Don't act like a kid you insecure ignorant Indian. If you cannot talk in a civilized manner than don't bother calling yourself human. You deserve to be called a chimpanzee. Look at your country first and then comment

Padai jaise important cheez tum se argue karne ke liye thodi caahiye... I will use that side of brain when there is that kind of opponent to discuss.

Then go and talk to @Horus if you want a real fight

I ain't even gonna waste my time on you. Get a appointment from a therapist if you have the time and money. Peace
Erasing Pakistan’s Kashmir smear: Internationally, the Kashmir separatist movement is doomed by association with Pakistan

Kashmir Valley is boiling again, a sorry teardrop on the proud face
Let's be civil in this thread.

It show true wothless face of india in this artical.. why india is still not shining cuz of this unbrainless images which is puerly produced by unhealthy brain and we all know india is 70% stunt growth country so its nothing new...
A small area with indeginious people getting bullets in their heds but not stopping to spitting on indian armys face... 700 thousands army u are putting their to sell airtell sims...
Its a serious business.. how about any indian sell their kids life for some amount...i wanna see how many indian would like to do business or make money to sell their kids life..
The suffer they going thru wont stop there. It will spread in india
Padai jaise important cheez tum se argue karne ke liye thodi caahiye... I will use that side of brain when there is that kind of opponent to discuss.

Whatever, I am not the one who tried quoting you or addressing you first. But a shameless vermin like you would never understand because he lacks all or any sorts of self respect.

Chootiyo kay sar pay seengh hotay na to modi aur uss kay chailo kay sar balo say nahi seengho say dhakay hotay.
a article written in timesofindia shows how credible it is .
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