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LONDON: (CNB-Conspiracy News Bureau)--Col. Purohit, a darling of conspiracy theorists, has reportedly signed an agreement with United Artists, a London-based film production house for their next multi-million dollar feature film in the iconic James Bond series. The spokesperson for UA films, Mr. Zion Hind, stated that they were extremely pleased to have Col. Purohit onboard the next james bond flick in a lead role. He further stated that Col. Purohit will play lead role as iconic James Bond, a secret service agent for british intelligence agency, who saves the world from "bad guys".

The film will be shot extensively on strategic locations in israel, afghanistan, Kashmir, New York, and South China Sea.

Col. Purohit in his short speech in "Sanskrit", which nobody present could understand, said he was grateful to the conspiracy theorists for giving him constant publicity through blogs, newspapers, forums, etc., which helped him grab this once-in-a lifetime opportunity.

Later, he exploded a small coconut filled with RDX to celebrate the event.

LONDON: (CNB-Conspiracy News Bureau)--Col. Purohit, a darling of conspiracy theorists, has reportedly signed an agreement with United Artists, a London-based film production house for their next multi-million dollar feature film in the iconic James Bond series. The spokesperson for UA films, Mr. Zion Hind, stated that they were extremely pleased to have Col. Purohit onboard the next james bond flick in a lead role. He further stated that Col. Purohit will play lead role as iconic James Bond, a secret service agent for british intelligence agency, who saves the world from "bad guys".

The film will be shot extensively on strategic locations in israel, afghanistan, Kashmir, New York, and South China Sea.

Col. Purohit in his short speech in "Sanskrit", which nobody present could understand, said he was grateful to the conspiracy theorists for giving him constant publicity through blogs, newspapers, forums, etc., which helped him grab this once-in-a lifetime opportunity.

Later, he exploded a small coconut filled with RDX to celebrate the event.

Too Good..:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::lol::rofl::rofl:
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