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Emergence of Afghanistan?

First , the puppet Govt in Kabul must extend its control beyond presidential palace before even dreaming of establishing its writ all over Afghanistan ...
You forget: the people you are addressing are all from Stockholm.

Nope...just from Peshawar ! If Abdali, Ghauri and Ghaznawi are Pashtoon Heroes...then we've got 30 million of their posterity right here in our midst.

Come to think of it I do have a vivid recollection of reading an article written by a civil servant once (I hope I can dig it up from somewhere !) mentioning how this patronage given to Pashtoon Heroes was Bhutto's brain child along with patronizing parts of Pashtoon, Balochi and Sindhi culture along with giving exponentially more air-time to their artists with their folk songs, to reduce the perceived dominance of Punjab. It appears that Zia didn't tinker with this policy and let it continue on if not, regrettably, take it to the next level....a wonderful opportunity wasted.
Maybe we should put them in concentration camps like the Iranians do. But, ehsan farmosh qoum is still Muslim, so I am against this.
Admirable sentiments .I hope you have same sentiments for the muslims of kashgar or is it that believe in doing taqqiya on Md.Iqbal's ideology.

Aik Hon Muslim Haram Ki Pasbani Ke Liye
Neel Ke Sahil Se Le Kar Ta Bakhak-e-Kashghar

May the Muslims unite in watching over the Shrine,
From the banks of the Nile to the deserts of Kashghar.
Way to go Afghanistan.....

But I would love if they also start teaching you guys real history and not cherry pick..... Then people like Loy Afghanistan will know the truth..... Selective study of history from 80s is the biggest problem of Afghanistan.

May love and peace prevail.... And may continuous aggression and hate from Afghanistan not bring another long crisis in this regions
Maybe we should put them in concentration camps like the Iranians do. But, ehsan farmosh qoum is still Muslim, so I am against this.

Extracting billions from the West, reached the peak of GDP growth using Afghanistan, now abusing same Afghans. Sounds like British plunder our country and again abusing us as poor people.
Admirable sentiments .I hope you have same sentiments for the muslims of kashgar or is it that believe in doing taqqiya on Md.Iqbal's ideology.

Aik Hon Muslim Haram Ki Pasbani Ke Liye
Neel Ke Sahil Se Le Kar Ta Bakhak-e-Kashghar

May the Muslims unite in watching over the Shrine,
From the banks of the Nile to the deserts of Kashghar.

Iqbal was perhaps the Greatest Muslim Poet-Philosopher that the Indian Subcontinent has ever seen but I can bet that if he knew the realities of todays...he'd say - To hell with all of that - Subbb seh pehle Pakistan !
The "civil war" you speak of was between the Soviet backed Communists and the anti-Communist majoriy, irrespective of ethnicity. What followed post-Communism was gang-land chaos fuelled by our regional enemies....hardly a "civil war".

...Looks like we've little option but to support the liberation of our Baluchi brothers...

Really ? What is your definition of a "civil war" ? :azn: ... A fighting fuelled by regional countries , agreed however fought by whom ? Even if I take into account the confusion between being communist or not , it cant do nothing to change the fact you guys have been fighting with each other for the last 200 years ... What a mess !

You can barely sustain your economy , your ANA is nothing but another rag tag militia with a uniform and gifted weapons with zero morale , poor training and inhumane nature and and yet you dream of something beyond your capacity ... Do you remember that your country tried something in Bajaur some time ago ? :azn: Need you be reminded how the hell did we bomb the crap outta intruders ?

P.S The day your country liberates Baluchistan is the day the first Afghan lands on the moon smoking Cannabis as he looks around and notifies Kabul that opium cant be grown there :rofl:

Extracting billions from the West, reached the peak of GDP growth using Afghanistan, now abusing same Afghans. Sounds like British plunder our country and again abusing us as poor people.

Dig some underground tunnel into Afghanistan and provide them with basic necessities of life and then talk about Afghan rights here ...
Iqbal was perhaps the Greatest Muslim Poet-Philosopher that the Indian Subcontinent has ever seen but I can bet that if he knew the realities of todays...he'd say - To hell with all of that - Subbb seh pehle Pakistan !

Pakistan is a country for all Muslims. A country where their rights should be protected as long as they follow the law of the land.
Iqbal was perhaps the Greatest Muslim Poet-Philosopher that the Indian Subcontinent has ever seen but I can bet that if he knew the realities of todays...he'd say - To hell with all of that - Subbb seh pehle Pakistan !
its very difficult for people to understand his philosophy.That why we find ourselves where we are today.
Little boy, what you see on this video is heaven compared what was over a decade ago...as for "drugs", the word "Assassin" was derived from "Hashisheen", who were elite Persian assassination squads based in the Hindu Kush, high in Hashish. As for "bacha baazi", if only the ***** of your ancestors could talk....

Kiddo , if you call this a heaven then I do not know if you can distinguish your country from hell if you make it there :lol: ...
Pakistan is a country for all Muslims. A country where their rights should be protected as long as they follow the law of the land.
how much pakistani themselves follow the law of the land????
Pakistan is a country for all Muslims. A country where their rights should be protected as long as they follow the law of the land.

Its never one-sided by friend...! Tell 'all the Muslims'...heck even the 'regional Muslims' to reciprocate that I'd follow you otherwise another peep out of you about such 'fatal idealism' and I'd shave your head off ! :P
Dig some underground tunnel into Afghanistan and provide them with basic necessities of life and then talk about Afghan rights here ...

Chabahar Port, Delaram-Zarang Highway, no tunnel needed for us. Pakistan also sponsored terror attacks on Engineers and laborers during highway construction because deep down every one of you desire that Afghanistan should always be dependent on Pakistan instead of alternatives like Iran or Central Asian Republics.
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