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Emergence of Afghanistan?

Reality is Pakistan had been extracting billions of dollars from United States in the name of Afghanistan. Pakistan's economy boomed in 1980s and 2000s because of Afghanistan. Few days ago Pakistan received $1.18 Billion aid from United States for its ailing economy in the name of Afghanistan.

in the name of afghanistan?? and we are also recieving dead bodies in the name of afghanistan through drone attacks?
in the name of afghanistan?? and we are also recieving dead bodies in the name of afghanistan through drone attacks?
Because US thinks the terrorists are hiding in Pakistan as they can freely move through the porous border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. I am not saying there attack is justified or not, just saying even PA is doing operation against these terrorists and others.
how can somebody even a fool or a crazy guy think that india and US are afghanistan's friends, i mean we all know whats the US for, isnt US same country which has destroyed whats left for afghanistan and started poppy production which for one decade was nominal

and we all know why is india in afghanistan also, if india is so friendly for afghanistan my question to indians is will they be willing to take all our share of afghan refugees too after embrasing and sharing their loving words for bengladeshi immigrants??

i dont think india will so whats all this good will drama for, sidelining pakistan which has done so much and self lessly for afghanistan??

We have given fed closely 10 million refugees during the Bangladeshi war of Independence.
You guys are pissed off because attaining strategic depth in the name of taliban is never going to realize. India is doing humanitarian assistance which is well accepted by Afganistan and well acknowledged.
We have given fed closely 10 million refugees during the Bangladeshi war of Independence.
You guys are pissed off because attaining strategic depth in the name of taliban is never going to realize. India is doing humanitarian assistance which is well accepted by Afganistan and well acknowledged.
Its just not humanitarian assistance buddy...its more than what meets the eyes. Its a strategic move. But the thing is this move is beneficial for Afghanistan that's why only Pakstan is objecting India's presence there.
We have given fed closely 10 million refugees during the Bangladeshi war of Independence.
You guys are pissed off because attaining strategic depth in the name of taliban is never going to realize. India is doing humanitarian assistance which is well accepted by Afganistan and well acknowledged.

yes and once the purpose is over you now despise the illegal immigrants of bangladesh you made bangladesh now you are responsible for the feeding mouths
Really ? Please remind me when the English were in Afghanistan prior to 9/11.

I must have totally missed that part of Afghan history.

Stop using that herion stuff, it is deep frying your brain.

Do you expect me to dignify your evident ignorance with a response?
Do you expect me to dignify your evident ignorance with a response?

nobody is dignifying your stay here, please rant in some afghani forum, not here

Because US thinks the terrorists are hiding in Pakistan as they can freely move through the porous border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. I am not saying there attack is justified or not, just saying even PA is doing operation against these terrorists and others.

terrorists who hide in afghanistan seek refuge and attack in 100s of numbers 200 to be exact and you are saying that we are failing against the terrorists

drone attaks are killing innocents you cant and shouldnt be biased beause of indianism because the innocents are dying and even UN has acknowledged that
nobody is dignifying your stay here, please rant in some afghani forum, not here

terrorists who hide in afghanistan seek refuge and attack in 100s of numbers 200 to be exact and you are saying that we are failing against the terrorists

drone attaks are killing innocents you cant and shouldnt be biased beause of indianism because the innocents are dying and even UN has acknowledged that
Where did I say what they are doing is right ? Its collateral damage which US never cared about and won't even do now. As long as they kill suspected terrorists, their drones will be roaming and killing even innocent people in between.

For them life of 3000 Americans is worth more than tens of thousands killed in WoT as collateral damage.

They are doing right by killing Al qaeda and Taliban, but they really don't care about innocent lives.
Dude stop recycling same news article over and over again makes you looks desperate.

Dude, If you go through the thread, Pakistani posters are desperate and are trying to put Afghanistan down by giving one or other excuses.

and as Sher said, you are annoyed by success of Afghanistan whether it is small or big.

Look at what Afghanistan has turned in to. A drug infested country where bacha baazi and corruption is rampant.

Little boy, what you see on this video is heaven compared what was over a decade ago...as for "drugs", the word "Assassin" was derived from "Hashisheen", who were elite Persian assassination squads based in the Hindu Kush, high in Hashish. As for "bacha baazi", if only the ***** of your ancestors could talk....
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Little boy, what you see on this video is heaven compared what was over a decade ago...as for "drugs", the word "Assassin" was derived from "Hashisheen", who were elite Persian assassination squads based in the Hindu Kush, high in Hashish. As for "bacha baazi", if only the ***** of your ancestors could talk....

We are not talking about Hashish, but Heroin. Looks like you are angry. Are you fasting?

I'm not sure where you got the assassins thing from, but I'm fairly sure they were based in Alamut which is in Northern Iran.
Do you expect me to dignify your evident ignorance with a response?
Ahsan Faramosh qoum. i wish gen. Zia was alive today and we pakistanis kick him with his islamic afghans brother out of pakistan. now that india is their great friend i think it would be justified to kick these afghans and send them all to india. After all indians are their great saviours. these afghans don't deserve any sympathy or mercy. Pakistan should heavily mine the border and fence it.
Ahsan Faramosh qoum. i wish gen. Zia was alive today and we pakistanis kick him with his islamic afghans brother out of pakistan. now that india is their great friend i think it would be justified to kick these afghans and send them all to india. After all indians are their great saviours. these afghans don't deserve any sympathy or mercy. Pakistan should heavily mine the border and fence it.

Maybe we should put them in concentration camps like the Iranians do. But, ehsan farmosh qoum is still Muslim, so I am against this.

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